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人生如果醬, 用耐心熬煮、用真心調味~ Jam Life !心靈的即興, 享受當下也保存雋永滋味~ 這裏是Zoe 與 Ellie 心靈哲學的對話, 你隨時可以自由加入我們, 一同探索人生、讓內在的靈感啟動, 創造屬於你的果醬人生~ 誠心邀請你收聽,更希望一起成長,Jam with us! 在各社群平台追蹤我們,也別忘了按讚、訂閱、分享、留言: Facebook🔎:果醬人生 Jam Life Instagram🔎:jamlife2022 Youtube🔎:jamlife2022 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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「一棵橡樹」名稱參考藝術家Michael Craig-Martin的觀念藝術作品,作品展出於 1973 年,他把一杯水放在畫廊牆面的一個架子上,《一棵橡樹》展簽上則是對「為什麼這是一棵橡樹」的論述。 希望能透過其作品的理念,讓更多人超越物質幻象、用更多不同面向去看宇宙及開闊自己的思維。一起發掘宇宙更多面向、一起找回自己的心靈力量、一起在這個地球好好的體驗好好的玩吧❤️ / 歡迎隨喜贊助我 :) https://pay.firstory.me/user/anoaktree or 銀行代號:822 銀行名稱:中國信託 /西湖分行 銀行帳號:705540149755 / ig帳號 個人帳號:jjjjjjjam (有7個j唷) 手作帳號:an.oaktree 祝福peace n luv!💗 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Felix, Frank, Flora, Nana

大家好我們是由4個一米六組成的Rojak電台, 成員有腦袋永遠超速運轉的理性男Felix;鬼點子多到溢出來的後制歐巴Frank;甘願做歡喜受的舞台設計狂熱者阿花;會拔掉你吸管的生活白痴Nana Rojak 原意為混合物,是馬來西亞的特色小吃。 我們的電台將各種想法和人混雜在一起,配上特調Rojak Jam,讓聽覺也能品嚐到甜咸,流連忘返的滋味。 有想分享或投稿的,歡迎分享給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「迟早更新」是一档探讨科技、商业、设计和生活之间混沌关系的播客节目,也是风险基金 ONES Ventures 关于热情、趣味和好奇心的音频记录。我们希望通过这档播客,能让熟悉的事物变得新鲜,让新鲜的事物变得熟悉。
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這一集是主持人Zoe 與Ellie 個人成長背景、工作與學習經歷的簡介,新朋友互相認識的起手式,希望能有助於我們的聲音所帶給你的想像,進而拉近彼此的距離。 另外,也談到關於『果醬人生 Jam Life』的這個節目名稱的意義,算是把之前幾集還未交代的部分,做個補充囉! 願你感受到我們的用心,也誠心邀請你支持本節目,訂閱、按讚、分享與五星評分(Apple Podcast),這些對我們都是莫大的鼓勵! 📪 合作需求:[email protected] 🚩在各社群平台追蹤我們,也別忘了按讚、訂閱、分享、留言: FB:www.facebook.com/JamLife2022 IG:www.instagram.com/jamlife2022 YT:www.youtube.com/channel/…
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不知你對現在的自己感到滿意嗎?後疫情時期的你生活過得如何? 也許是比上不足、比下有餘?還是你確實感到幸福快樂,又或者是苦悶煩憂? 這些感受都出自於我們內在一種對外在反應的心靈能力,而此能力的培養,可說是我們累積幸福快樂的秘密唷! 本集節目我們一起來聊聊如何從五感的直接體驗,覺察出生活中處處是垂手可得的美好豐盛,培養擁有幸福豐盛的心靈能力,從而為我們的人生奠定滿足與幸福的根基。 願你感受到我們的用心,也誠心邀請你支持本節目,訂閱、按讚、分享與五星評分(Apple Podcast),這些對我們都是莫大的鼓勵! 📪 合作需求:[email protected] 🚩在各社群平台追蹤我們,也別忘了按讚、訂閱、分享、留言: FB:www.facebook.com/JamLife2022 IG:w…
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|背景音樂 Prithvi, Mondo Loops - Streetlights |INSTAGRAM 個人帳號:jjjjjjjam (有7個j唷) 手作帳號:an.oaktree 祝福!💗 https://open.firstory.me/story/ckw66wfbt2rgn09333gtc0ql7/platforms https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1503368318 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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每天起床後我們要面對的每一個環節,都是一個小選擇,每個小小的決定都塑造了我們的生活樣貌,而一天天的累積,成就了我們的一生。 你是如何做出這些如此重要的每個小決定呢?當面對人生重大的決定時,當下的你又是處在什麼樣的內在狀態呢? 這一集節目中,讓我們一起聊聊是人都會有的害怕恐懼,一起試著面對這個課題。同時,我們也會分享一個自我覺察的重要工具:《愛與恐懼的光譜練習》。真實地面對自我是第一步,用愛的力量去創造而不被恐懼驅使,如此才能勇敢做出真心的決定! 誠心邀請你收聽,更希望一起成長,Jam with us! Support this show: https://pay.firstory.me/user/jamlife Leave a comment and share your thoughts:…
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轉眼2022已經到了三月,新年的計畫,你已進行或完成了多少呢?時逢春分,象徵萬物更生、迎接新局,恰好也給了我們一個再檢視年度計畫的省思點。 這一集讓我們來談談關於做計畫、願景與目標的達成吧! 這也是我們設定的第一集節目,小小的第一步,對我們意義非凡。 誠心邀請你收聽,更希望一起成長,Jam with us! 📪 合作需求:[email protected] 🚩在各社群平台追蹤我們,也別忘了按讚、訂閱、分享、留言: FB:www.facebook.com/JamLife2022 IG:www.instagram.com/jamlife2022 YT:www.youtube.com/channel/UCcOUyXASGGfrzyXHJl0ivbA 小額贊助支持本節目: https://p…
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EP13_ 兩派針鋒相對,你是花生粉派還是酸梅粉派?但我們都愛! 續上集提到的全新企劃—幻想情景劇初次登場! 1. 買東西結帳遇到粉絲被認出你會說什麼? 2. 在家裡共用電腦發現新命名xxx的文件夾,你會怎麼辦? 要閃退還是面對,你是哪一種呢? 好想知道你們的想法,趕緊在下面留言跟我們分享! 還有,如果要Nana再創造一次黑歷史….,那就盡情留言吧(我認了…. 有更多想要告訴我們的,歡迎投稿給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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閒聊#15 事隔半年,今天終於要給大家一個交代…. 失聯半年多,Rojak Jam is back!!!! 停更的這些日子我們不約而同有了人生大轉折 經歷了屬於青年時光的tough time也有令人興奮的未來 也因為有人瀟灑不幹才終於在7個月後有了這次的近況更新 順便偷偷告訴大家, 強勢回歸的我們將在未來的日子帶入不同的企劃! 想要知道是什麼嗎? 來聽完這集你就知道了! 有更多想要告訴我們的,歡迎投稿給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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讓現象來「配合」你的信念 而不是讓現象來支配你的信念 本集內容參考:莫子-登出鍵 |背景音樂 WMD-Mountain Path |INSTAGRAM 個人帳號:jjjjjjjam (有7個j唷) 手作帳號:an.oaktree 祝福!💗 小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/anoaktree 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckwq2vwipdbor08580p3e8sdm?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting
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最平靜、內在充滿愛與喜悅的狀態 不用任何外在物質,或是需要誰來給你這樣的感動 在你完全靜下心來,給他一點空隙,其實你就會和那個感覺觸碰 真正的愛與喜悅離不開人的本然狀態,那是一個片刻的深度平安 是超越心智或是情緒的 - |背景音樂 Escaping Time |INSTAGRAM 個人帳號:jjjjjjjam (有7個j唷) 手作帳號:anoaktreeee 祝福!💗 小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/anoaktree 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckw66wfbt2rgn09333gtc0ql7?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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EP12_ 娜娜約聊小孩,生之前要想好來。 生孩子為了什麼? 養兒防老,人間常態? 還是跟著社會隨波逐流? 被出生不是自己的意願, 有些因家庭觀念卻要被逼著回報 姐姐自己想買房家人要妹妹分擔 這你怎麼看? 說到小時候 大家有沒有偷過爸媽的錢的經驗去買東西的經驗,還是像阿花一樣從小就知道用錢交朋友的重要性? 好想知道大家不能被爸媽知道的童年趣事,聽完了這集如果有勾起你的回憶,不要害羞來跟我們分享喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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閒聊#14 有色眼鏡帶你看奧運;不要讓心理測驗帶你入教 2020東京奧運會因疫情頻頻延後, 儘管很多負面聲音,但日本還是做到了! 從籌備到呈現,設施到路線, 驚艷都藏在細節裡, 這些設計思考模式和視覺效果都讓人大開眼界, 同為設計師Felix也有獨到的見解, 先來聽聽預告片吧! 對於自己的迷茫不會因奧運的精彩而消失, 做心理測驗是為了更了解自己的方向, 千萬不要像Nana一樣踏入邪教地盤, 更不要像Frank一樣因為美女就把號碼留下, 聊到最後,有人連星座都不想相信了, Why? 有更多想要和我們討論的,歡迎投稿給我們! 也不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay…
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Intro What makes a perfect summer jam? It has to be a catchy, upbeat song. It should have the feeling of a carefree, sun-filled day. It should make you want to dance. And you’ll know it’s the hit of the summer when you can’t help but hear it every time you turn on your radio. So what is this summer’s big hit? Is it “Alejandro” by Lady Gaga? Katy Pe…
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Intro Hi Friends! Labor Day happens every year on the first Monday in September. It is a holiday dedicated to the American workers who have contributed to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Many people use the three-day holiday weekend to travel and visit family and friends. It’s also a common weekend for marriages. Beth is pl…
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Intro Summer is almost here, and that means it’s time to start the agonizing process of shopping for a new bathing suit. Finding the perfect suit that covers up everything you’d rather not reveal while still showing off all the right parts is difficult, especially for the ladies. But girls aren’t the only ones who can be faced with a swimsuit dilem…
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Intro When sailors went on long voyages, they would take citrus fruits like limes or oranges with them. Without them, or specifically, the vitamin C inside them, the sailors would die! These days, sailors have vitamin C pills, but that doesn’t mean that eating a grapefruit isn’t good for your health. Citrus fruits are a tasty way to stay well. One …
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Intro The mother of all Marvel superhero movies is here. Thor, Captain America, Hulk and Iron Man have all had their own successful movies. Now they are all teamed up for one giant blockbuster that tells the story of how these superheroes came to be so super. Not only is The Avengers full of colorful characters, it is directed by Joss Whedon who is…
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閒聊#13 重大消息!!是誰回來了?! 停更一個月是怎麼回事 那個風一般的男子去到哪裡就疫情爆發到哪裡 明明在同一個緯度還是有30秒的時差 他活在了我們的過去 果不其然,一通又一通的電話接起來關心的竟然不是身體狀況而是⋯ 疫情期間有誰能比從國外搭飛機回來的人更可怕? 讓他來告訴你馬來西亞的防疫破口在哪裡 關於程序、資訊和經歷, 來聽一下疫情期間跨國懶人包的預告吧! 再次呼籲大家和我們一起乖乖待在家聽RojakJam遵守SOP吧! 有更多想要告訴我們的,歡迎投稿給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam P…
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Intro For some people, the commute to and from the office is the most stressful part of the day. Driving a car, waiting for the train, or taking a bus just to start work can take up lots of time. Working from home avoids that step and sounds very relaxing. Now that technology enables many people to do their jobs outside the office, more and more pe…
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Intro We don’t choose our relatives. We’re just born with them, and we have to do our best to get along with them. In fact, we have to love them. They’re family. Sometimes, that can be a challenge. We all have relatives who just don’t seem to have anything in common with us. But most of us also have at least one relative whom we love to be around a…
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Intro Hi Friends! There are lots of ways to travel from city to city in the U.S. – including airplanes, trains, buses, and even boats. But one of Americans’ favorite ways to travel is by car. People love to drive. The freedom of the open road and the fun of seeing all the interesting things between here and there make for a great adventure. Zach re…
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Intro A few short years ago, the life of the business traveler was great. You would fly first class from city to city, drink and dine on the company tab, stay in plush hotel rooms, and milk that unrestricted corporate expense account for all it was worth. But times have changed. With increasing operating costs, companies are downsizing their staffs…
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Intro Rémy wants to be a chef, and luckily, he lives in the best culinary city in the world, Paris, France. But there’s one problem. Rémy is a rat. And rats can’t be chefs. They aren’t even allowed in kitchens! Listen to Mason tell Amanda about how Rémy the rat makes for his favorite movie of the summer, Ratatouille. Dialogue Mason: Have, uh, seen …
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*音檔部分內容從「靈魂的出生前」中擷取。 不管你相不相信前世,都是一個可以拓展大家思維的方式,可能你有不好的遭遇、遇到不對頻的人、或是有什麼傷痛的經驗,也許都是你在出生前計畫來療癒或學習的部分。 當然,也不用太拘泥於前世是什麼身份,或是因為前世的身份影響到這世的生活,該知道的時候自然就會知道。每個人也有不同,也許知道前世對某些人的這世來說有幫助的作用,有些人則可能知道了前世就沒辦法好好面對這世。所以我們只要好好的活在此刻就是最好的了。 希望透過這個故事,各位對於自己週遭的境遇會有更深一層的見解、更有同理的去看待別人,每個人會經歷的也許都是他想學習的。不管在你眼裡看起來是怎麼樣,相信都有它的原因。 |背景音樂 Sing to conley-Parallels |INSTAGRAM jjjjjj…
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Intro The lives of men have always revolved around water. There’s a reason most cities are located on a river or lake. Potable water has always been necessary and somewhat hard to find. But with increasing population and pollution, it is becoming more and more difficult to hydrate mankind. Some experts say that the next world war will be over water…
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Intro Hi Friends! When getting to know someone, it’s common to talk about where you come from. Your background has a lot to do with who you are, so you can help someone understand you better if you tell them about your hometown and your history. Also, it’s interesting to hear what someone else’s opinions are about the place where you grew up. Often…
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Intro Shortly after the final episode Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld was sitting around one day and started thinking to himself… “What is the deal with bees? Why are they so obsessed with honey? They know the beekeeper is going to come take it away, yet they continue to produce it. I think it’s time the bees did something for themselves for a change. I t…
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Intro Stuff has a way of piling up. Even if you have a lot of storage, you will run out of room eventually. Everyone has some things they could get rid of. But how? You don’t just want to throw your stuff away. That would be wasteful, and it’s got to be worth something to someone. Time for a garage sale! A garage sale, also known as a yard sale or …
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Intro Everybody loves fresh food! And it’s wonderful when you can grow this food in your own garden. However, many of us have limited space, and we can’t do a lot of gardening in our yards. But a popular new idea can help… vertical gardening! Vertical gardens grow on walls or in tall planters with different spaces for many plants. Growing food vert…
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Intro Even though we often complain about our jobs, nobody wants to get fired. If you have to lose your job, it should at least be for something crazy, like having an affair with the boss’s daughter or setting fire to your cubicle. But often, when businesses start losing money, they have no choice but to lay off a bunch of their employees. Times ar…
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Intro Put a pre-pubescent girl who wants to win a beauty contest, her angst-ridden teen-aged brother, her loving, mischievous grandfather and her gay uncle who has just tried to commit suicide together in an old VW bus with her well-meaning but stressed out parents and you’ve got the road trip for the movie Little Miss Sunshine, a poignant comedy a…
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Intro A free trip sounds like a lot of fun. But working when you’d rather be sightseeing or lounging by the pool doesn’t sound fun at all. Actually, that sounds like a business trip. Many jobs involve traveling. You might need to go to another city, state, or even a different country to attend an important meeting, visit a client, or work on a proj…
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閒聊#12 都是食慾惹的禍 #dudukrumahjagasemua 疫情大爆發的這段期間 待在家就可以幫助大家 令人憂心忡忡也給生活帶來很多不便,社會未來走向都變了。在家這麼久了還可以做什麼? 你的生活改變了什麼? 外送點了多少回?儲蓄還夠用嗎? 有些人已經在發展副業,有些人還在吃。 來聽聽我們都做了什麼 也跟我們分享你的! #DudukRumahJagaSemua #BenderaPutih Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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Intro When movies first came out, they didn’t have sound. So stars like Charlie Chaplin became famous by using their hands and eyes to act. Over the last 17 years, Rowan Atkinson has become famous with a similar technique. Although his movies have sound, his character, a child-like man named Mr. Bean, speaks very rarely. Since so many of Mr. Bean’s…
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Intro Tests don’t have to be scary. It seems like a lot can go wrong, but as long as you prepare and stay calm, you’ll be OK. And it’s no secret that being well-prepared helps you stay calm. American students lose sleep over the SAT, which determines what colleges you can get into. People who live in other countries and want to study in the US have…
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即是你很沒自信,自卑,但你的身體、你的每一個細胞、都因為你這個生命,每天很努力的在運作著,替你支撐起這個身體,讓你做你想做的事,所以光是存在著就是很有價值的一件事了。 停止比較!因為你是你,就是因為這樣才是你價值所在。 / |背景音樂 Singto conley-iced coffee |INSTAGRAM jjjjjjjam (有7個j唷) 祝福!💗 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Intro Are tests easy for you, or do exams make you freak out? Some people have no problem taking and passing tests. They are able to go to an exam without feeling nervous, and they stay calm during the test. They push through the difficult parts and excel. Sometimes, people like this don’t even need to study. They can ace their tests with very litt…
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Intro What makes you happy? American singer Pharrell Williams produced a catchy song in 2013 that took the world by storm. Williams’ song “Happy” has topped the charts in over 20 countries, proving that people all around the globe are looking for ways to genuinely celebrate and enjoy the good things in life. “Happy” was featured in the movie Despic…
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Intro Each year, spring brings an explosion of color. From blossoming trees to tulips of every shade, flowers create a sense of joy and new beginnings. Many people like to plant flowers in their gardens. Others like to fill their homes with pretty blooms, or surprise that special someone with a bouquet. But you won’t see Jason planting any rose bus…
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Intro Who should be the breadwinner in a family? The father? The mother? Or both? In the past, men were often the breadwinners. They went to work and brought home money. Women took care of the children and the house. A woman like this was called a stay-at-home mom. In our times, there has been a role reversal. Many women work, and some men are will…
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Intro Oscar season is right around the corner. Many people in the movie industry want to win an Oscar. They spend millions of dollars just to be worthy of one! Oscar-winning movies are often serious, unique, and compelling. Some producers make very serious movies to bait the Oscar judges. But what about superhero movies? Could these win a prestigio…
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閒聊#11 在國外當機場聖誕老人;買間房子來存放我們的物慾 在外打拼奮鬥的遊子,搬家的經驗肯定少不了 跨縣搬、甚至跨國搬, 我們來比一比誰最慘 大家選擇房子的先決條件是什麼? 有沒有和Felix一樣廁所最重要? 而最近獸性大發的Frank舒服的不是辛勞之後回家洗個舒服澡,而是... 還是Flora每天都被震一震最實際了 極簡和節儉傻傻分不清楚?! 讓Nana解釋給你聽 聽完告訴我們你是Felix派還是Nana派 這集還有搭飛機和住旅館能更賺的小秘訣! 有更多想要告訴我們的,歡迎投稿給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user…
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閒聊#10 生病到底要不要繼續上班?尤其在這種疫情時期 到底怎麼做才是負責任的員工? 硬扛著發燒的身體把工作處理完;還是在家休養不要傳染給同事。 相信大家不論在求學還是上班時, 都曾經面臨同樣的選擇困難。 扣全勤還是欠人情,大家會怎麼選擇? Tissue王Felix有話要說。 說好不談的COVID-19為什麼會再次爆發? 民間傳出的背後原因到底都怎麼說? 想來求證是否因為宗教而減少確診人數、還是因為社團超連結? 可以來聽聽更詳細的解釋! 最後 希望大家遵守國家的SOP,身體健康,一起挺過這艱難時刻! 有任何想要告訴我們的,歡迎投稿給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:htt…
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閒聊#9 Frank幹勁滿滿的原因不是排行第一而是OOO?! 可喜可賀! 持續將近一年的Podcast 有了點成績 但讓我們剪輯師Frank幹勁滿滿的不是排行名次而是XXXX! 遠端錄音就像是遠距離戀愛通電話的概念 12年老電腦一直閃退或是網絡卡住的時候隊友必須要大大給力 但美好的是中學時期久久未聯絡的朋友開始因此熱絡 我們的聲音帶他們回到了美好的中學時光、 分享的價值觀也希望有給聽眾Another thought 同時 我們也發現了好多優質的Malaysian Freestyle Podcaster像是我們很常在聽的播播吹水間、吃宵夜造口業、無恥少女、微醺talk等等 歡迎大家一起聆聽按讚追縱和分享! 謝謝大家一路以來的支持 這集就來聽聽看我們這段期間的趣事分享和未來計畫吧! 有想分享或投…
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這是一個以另一個方面探討疫情的主題,如果你覺得有不合理,聽了不是那麼認同或讓你感覺情緒有波動,你也可以不要相信沒關係。 而我只是用探究心靈方面的原因來解釋這次疫情的發生。 我們的地球,是一個巨大的能量場,是有意識的存在。 這一年我們被迫與病毒共處,卻多出了內觀的機會。 也許會發生這次的疫情,以心靈層次來看,就是我們「太向外看、太追求外在、太向外尋求」的集體意識的結果。 人類不明白自己不是地球中心,而是一體。 當自然界出現了一種生物,背離自己的內心而無意識的造成生態破壞的時,就會有一個平衡的力量出現,為了讓整個生態回到平衡。 我們人類看似災難的疫情,是讓大自然好好休息的時間。 大自然在回歸他原本的樣貌,而我們被迫在家,與自己共處,好好的內觀自己。反省自己與這個世界的關係。 / 附加資訊: ・冠…
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— 先拋開第一印象 別急著下標籤 刺青、男生打耳洞、大膽色系的染髮 我們從小就被教育這些就是‘壞人’行為 對他們會想要保留距離 但現在這個探討回歸本質的年代, 耳洞、染髮被解讀為藝術呈現個人風格 刺青已經成為一個有深度的創作; 不管是記載人生還是當個reminder,聆聽和尊重是被需要的, 所以 讓我們先來聽聽阿花與家人的刺青抗爭故事! 有想分享或投稿的,歡迎分享給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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閒聊#8 張鮭魚之夢、第一次就深入探討人生 鮭魚迴游之際掀起了一陣改名風潮 萬一改名次數達到上限,那就出家吧! 第一次開始聊天就聊了兩性或是性,你覺得胃口會不會太大? 如何開啟與陌生人的第一次聊天? 要怎麼單槍匹馬融入別人的團體行動? 什麼樣的話題能夠聊久一些? 和陌生人交流的程度因人而異,來聽我們的想法、也告訴我們你會怎麼做! 節目的尾聲我們有個新發現,聽完了歡迎和我們分享你的想法! 有更多想要告訴我們的,歡迎投稿給我們! 不要害羞的來我們的IG找我們喔! Instagram : @rojakjammm 合作需求請寄 : [email protected] 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/rojakjam Powered by Firstory Hos…
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这是一次在机场里的聊天,关于怀旧、想象、运气以及一些偏执的细节。 感谢若饭对本期节目的赞助。大家如果想尝试下代餐,可以关注微信公众号「若饭」,新用户享八折优惠。 Show Notes: 自信的眉毛的新浪微博 华扬联众的 OPPO R7「充电5分钟,通话2小时」整合营销案例 前线Alan、Voyager_1、路中南和 Clyde 的文章《都叫「快充」有何不同?一篇文章带你了解常见快充协议》 作者不明的文章《Walkman 回归的王者 SONY S705F 详细评测》 雲爸的文章《挑戰機皇之王、月牙息屏美學——OPPO Find 7/Find 7a(輕裝版)》 密林的文章《夏天的广东人:我这条命是凉茶给的!》 辜鹏博的文章《我是个不会拉琴的南郭先生》 阿耐的书《大江东去》 OPPO Ace2 新…
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