Welcome to American Samoa's Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for American Samoa is responsible for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from acts of terrorism and other threats.

Comprised of four divisions operating under three grant programs, DHS aligns its services to the needs of the Territory. This includes its people to other government support services that depend on our department for internal processes, from vital statistics (OVS Division) to background checks and services.

During emergency and natural disasters, the Territorial Emergency Management Coordinating Office (TEMCO) coordinates emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts throughout the territory. TEMCO develops and maintains emergency plans and procedures. It also conducts regular training and exercises for emergency responders and coordinates resource deployment during emergencies. The OHS (Office of Homeland Security) also works with the Office of Vital Statistics (OVS Division) to maintain accurate vital records and verify vital records with our Federal counterparts. OHS is committed to protecting American Samoa's safety and security from all threats. 

OHS and TEMCO play a critical role in protecting American Samoa's safety and security. They work together to ensure that the territory is prepared for emergencies and response efforts are coordinated and effective.

Working together, with your help, your local DHS team provides a safe environment for the people of American Samoa.