Arab SDG Monitor

Arab SDG Monitor

A data-driven, dynamic, and user-friendly SDG dashboard with country and regional visualizations. The dashboard presents SDG stories from different perspectives using heat maps, scorecards, speedometers, coxcombs, and others to monitor progress towards 2030 targets.

webinars on Sustainable Development Goal indicators

ESCWA SDMX Converter for SDGs

Facilitates the timely exchange and dissemination of quality national SDG data to Arab SDG Monitor National Reporting Platforms including the use of validation tool as per SDG metadata standards.

SDG Data Portal

SDG Data Portal

An interactive database by for all the SDG indicators to browse and explore under each Goal with all available dimensions and data to tabulate, visualize as per users choice and download options.

E-Handbook on SDG Metadata

E-Handbook on SDG Metadata

Provides official SDG indicator framework, metadata for each SDG indicator, gender related indicators, as well as contact information of focal point for each indicator in addition to other resources.

Finance for Development

Financing for Development

A unique platform offering a wealth of quantitative financing diagnostics and journeys to 2030 establishing pathways to bridge the SDG-financing gap by advancing SDG-centric budgeting and Integrated National Financing Frameworks.

SDG Knowledge & Learning

SDG Knowledge & Learning

An open access platform on the 2030 Agenda and SDGs, providing access to knowledge materials, on-line learning and training, interactive visuals and a broad range of capacity building tools and resources in Arabic and English.

Evidence-Based Policies

Monitoring Application for Reporting on SDGs

Monitoring Application for Reporting on SDGs in process of being developed- it is an application to assist National Statistical Offices in supervising the data flow to national and international agencies to improve availability of timely data.

Evidence-Based Policies

SDG Data Collection Tool

Dynamic methodological guidance on recommended sources and data collection tools for each SDG indicator to facilitate production of comparable and harmonized data, and reduce data gaps.

Arab National Development Planning Portal

Arab National Development Planning Portal

The Arab National Development Planning Portal (ANDP) collects National Development Plans from ESCWA Member States to facilitate cross-country learning and identify techniques for evidence-based policymaking in the Arab region.

Arab National Development Planning Portal

Compendium of Good VNR Practices

The Compendium is a collection of good practices from Arab countries in developing their voluntary national reviews (VNRs)

SDG Events

SDG Events

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Arab Region's Events. A portal that compiles links to all SDG related news of events such as workshops, meetings and forums in the Arab region.

webinars on Sustainable Development Goal indicators

SDG Data:
Capacity Development

Interagency collaboration to improve the production and dissemination of data on Sustainable Development Goal indicators