Cornell-National Weather Service Collaborative Website

Current Office Research and Projects


The elevation-dependence of snowfall in the Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region of Northeast Pennsylvania
Severe convection in scenarios with low-predictive skill - CSTAR V
The utility of considering dual-polarization radar signatures in the tornado warning process
Ensemble variability in rainfall forecasts of Hurricane Irene (2011) - CSTAR V
Follow-up Research from the Ontario Winter Lake Effect Systems Project
Inland extent of Lake Effect Snow - a collaborative project with WFO Albany
More abstracts for the 2016 NWA meeting
Experimental: Lake Effect Check-List

Completed Office Research and Projects


Formal Publications

Conference Abstracts, Recorded Training and Other Presentations


Formal Publications

Conference Abstracts, Recorded Training and Other Presentations

Workshops/Local Research Events


NWS Binghamton On-line Local Case Studies

Cases for 2009

Questions about this page: Sent to [email protected]

Last updated: April 21, 2014