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volleyball player Zachary Schubert runs a cricket farm, and boxer Morelle McCane is a birthday party clown

Here's What 17 Olympic And Paralympic Athletes Do As Their Day Jobs

"Before a fight, I'm very, very aware that there is never any risk. Let's say I go out and lose, oh no, I get to go back to my nice apartment and my comfy corporate job," said Paralympic judoka Maria Liana Mutia.

Kristen Harris 3 hours ago
Chris Evans on the left smiling labeled "then," and Robert Downey Jr. on the right with a sad expression labeled "now."

"Marvel Burnout" Is So Real — These 12 Questions Will Determine Your Specific Level Of Fatigue

Marvel Burnout ( noun ) is a psychosocial condition characterized by diminished enthusiasm, emotional investment, and cognitive retention regarding the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This condition typically arises from the prolific release of content featuring numerous parallel and unresolved storylines.

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