Greetings Friends,
These are the final days of the election before Republicans win big across the country, and even here in Vermont!

It's almost a forgone conclusion that Republicans will win back the U.S. House and I believe that Republicans will win the U.S. Senate as well.  It will be a great time to celebrate for all of us.  I am almost expecting our Vermont Republicans to make a few surprise upsets in some Vermont Legislative races too. 

So I wanted to invite all of you to a Victory Party that we will host next Tuesday night starting at 6pm in Barre City at the Elks Lodge.  Feel free to stop by after the polls close and we will have some appetizers and a cash bar.

If you are even 50% thinking about coming, please RSVP just so we make sure to have enough food on hand:

Whether you win or lose next week I would love the opportunity to publicly thank you for your incredible efforts and give you the recognition you deserve.
Chairman Paul Dame
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Photo Courtesy of the Republican National Committee