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Hemp Plant Disease Sample Submission Guidelines

Hemp Plant Disease Sample Submission Guidelines

  1. The Mississippi Plant Diagnostic Lab will only accept hemp samples from plants grown within the state of Mississippi.
  2. All sample submissions must be accompanied by a copy of the grower’s USDA hemp license/registration document.*
  3. All sample submissions should include a copy of the MSU-ES Plant Disease Sample Submission Form which is available online at, from your county Extension office, or by contacting the Plant Diagnostic Lab Directly.
  4. Samples should be mailed via U.S. Postal Service to:

    Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab
    Box 9612
    Mississippi State, MS 39762

    Sample also can be delivered to the lab in person, but must come with a copy of the grower’s USDA hemp license.

*The Plant Diagnostic Lab reserves the right to refuse service and destroy all samples that do not come with a copy of the grower’s USDA hemp license.





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Your Extension Experts

Portrait of Ms. Clarissa J. Balbalian
Diagnostic Lab Manager
Portrait of Dr. Alan Henn
Extension Professor
Portrait of Dr. Rebecca A. Melanson
Associate Extension Professor