Career Development Workshops

Staff career development workshops and career coaching sessions continue to be held remotely. Registrants will be sent a link to participate online.   

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in any Grow Your Career staff programs or services, please contact Lisa Rykert at [email protected] with as much advance notice as possible, and at least 7 - 10 days in advance of a program or service offering.

Spring 2024 Workshops 

Download, print, and share the Spring 2024 Staff Career Development Flyer.

These workshops help UC Berkeley staff develop clarity and action plans to connect their interests and abilities with career opportunities. All offerings will be held virtually via Zoom. As the virtual workshop date approaches, registrants will receive a bCal invite and Zoom link.

To register, click on workshop titles below or log in to the UC Learning Center and search by title.

image of a book on a desk with a note that says storytelling on it

Cover Letter Writing Practice Lab

Wed., 1/24/24, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Presenters: Linda Lundberg (she/her), Transition Services Lead, People & Culture and Lisa Rykert (she/her), Career & Professional Development Lead, People & Culture

Here’s a common scenario: You come across an ideal job posting and you’re eager to apply. However, you feel stuck because you want to write that standout cover letter to communicate that you are the most skilled and enthusiastic candidate for the role. Yet, you are not sure how to best focus your message. In this experiential practice lab, we will review the purpose and elements of compelling cover letters. We will share examples and guide you through writing your own exceptional draft cover letter. For optimal engagement, please come to this practice lab with a selected job posting of your choice that you would like to use as the focus for your cover letter draft.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) understand the purpose and key elements of a compelling cover letter to effectively communicate their skills and enthusiasm as a standout candidate for a desired job role, 2) analyze and evaluate real-life examples of successful cover letters to gain insights into effective strategies and techniques for capturing the attention of employers, and 3) apply the knowledge gained by crafting an exceptional draft cover letter tailored to a selected job posting, with guidance and feedback provided by the facilitators, to enhance their chances of securing their dream job.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as this virtual workshop date draws near.

Resume Writing Practice Lab

Resume Writing Practice Lab

Wed., 1/31/24, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Presenters: Linda Lundberg (she/her), Transition Services Lead, People & Culture and Lisa Rykert (she/her), Career & Professional Development Lead, People & Culture

You know your skills and experience are a great match for that job you applied for, but you didn’t even get invited to an interview. It’s important to know that on average recruiters spend 7.4 seconds scanning a resume before they consider yes or no to the next step (source: Ladders, 2018). In this experiential practice lab, we will review strategies and give you time and guidance to effectively format and tailor your resume to help you stand out and get the interview. For optimal engagement, please come to this practice lab with a selected job posting of your choice that you would like to use as the focus for your resume draft.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) learn strategies and techniques to effectively format their resumes, 2) understand the importance of tailoring their resumes to match the requirements and preferences of specific job postings, and 3) optimize their resume content to capture the attention of recruiters within the limited time they spend reviewing each resume.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as this virtual workshop date draws near.

The Skills You Bring Workshop logo

The Skills You Bring

Wed., 2/7/24, 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Presenter: Kate Zuby (she/her), Career Counseling Outreach Coordinator, University Health Services

The skills you enjoy are key contributors to both professional success and personal satisfaction. Discover the power of the skills that interest you most and how those skills support your career mobility, adaptability, and overall job satisfaction.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) recognize their transferable skills – the skills they enjoy and are most interested in contributing – that can be applied across different roles and industries, 2) engage in a skills assessment exercise to align their career interests and goals, enhancing their career mobility and adaptability, and 3) gain knowledge about various career development resources and activities available to support their professional growth and enhance their career development journey.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

The sky is lit with a colorful sunrise and in the foreground we see the silhouette of a building.

Design Thinking: Tools to Build Your Career

Wed., 2/21/24, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

PresentersRebecca Andersen (she/her), Senior Director of Student & Alumni Career Development, Berkeley School of Information and Kandis Rodgers (she/her), Assistant Director, Career & Practicum Support, RISE: Berkeley Public Health Careers & Leadership Office, UC Berkeley School of Public Health

Feeling stuck? Unsure about your next career step? Curious about how to get started in a new field or role? This workshop employs design thinking to explore how you can create a sustainable life and work where you thrive. Learn tools to help you navigate your career path, get unstuck, and try out easy changes to increase your wellbeing and satisfaction at work.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) learn techniques for reframing perspectives, questioning assumptions, and redefining problems in a way that opens up new avenues for solutions, 2) ideate - generate a wide range of ideas and solutions without judgment, and 3) understand how prototyping can be a powerful tool for iterating and improving ideas and options to support career exploration.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

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Engaging Your Competencies and Values to Build Your Best Future

Thurs., 3/14/24, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Presenter: Angela L.M. Stopper (she/her), PhD, Chief Learning Officer & Director of People & Organization Development, UC Berkeley People & Culture

Our competencies, values and motivations are powerful drivers that influence our behaviors, reveal what is important to us, and support our decisions. Using the UC Systemwide Core Competency ABCs, we will begin by creating a personalized 9-box for career and professional development. We will build from this using a tool that will help you discover your personal professional values and assess your job alignment to those values, all while discussing your current and future career success.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) understand the UC’s competency model 2) identify their top competencies, 3) clarify their values, and 4) align their competencies, values and motivations to support their career aspirations.

This workshop is co-sponsored by Berkeley Staff Assembly (BSA)

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

My UC Career

10+ Resources to 10x Your Career Planning

Thurs., 3/21/24, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Presenters: Andrea Parthasarathy (she/her), Career & Professional Development Specialist, People & Organization Development,  People & Culture, and Lisa Rykert (she/her), People & Organization Development, Career & Professional Development Lead, People & Culture

Looking to build your skills in your current or next role? Trying to figure out what resources exist and where to start? This workshop will highlight 10+ resources to expand your results and support your career planning next steps.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will learn/relearn at least: 1) four programs to support them to advance to the next level in their role or career, 2) three tools to research job and salary data, 3) two resources to access professional development learning modules available 24/7, 4) plus, the one x-factor that will multiply their efforts.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

Work Style and your Career workshop logo

Understanding Work Styles and Your Career with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Thurs., 3/28/24, 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Presenter: Kate Zuby (she/her), Career Counseling Outreach Coordinator, University Health Services

In today's diverse and dynamic work environments, understanding your own preferences and how they align with different work roles is essential for making informed and effective choices. Join us for an enlightening workshop that utilizes the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others, empowering you to make more impactful decisions in your professional life.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) discover the unique strengths and preferences associated with their personality types, 2) gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse perspectives and approaches of others, and 3) develop greater self-awareness to leverage their natural strengths and adapt their communication and decision-making styles for more effective collaboration and success in the workplace.
PRE-WORK REQUIRED. Instructions and a link for taking the MBTI will be sent 7 days in advance of the workshop and must be completed within 3 days of the workshop in order to participate. Completing this pre-work will provide you with personalized results that will serve as the foundation for our discussions and activities during the workshop.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

LinkedIn workshop logo

LinkedIn Basics

Thurs., 4/11/24, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Presenters: Arlene Banaga, Talent Executive Search Associate, Talent Acquisition and Mason Perez, Talent Acquisition Associate, Talent Acquisition

In today's digital age, LinkedIn has become an essential tool for professionals to enhance their career prospects and connect with industry experts. This workshop addresses the basics to help you set up a complete and effective LinkedIn profile. We encourage you to log in to LinkedIn and view your profile to assess and apply what you learn during this workshop.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) learn how to set up their profile sections, including the headline, summary, skills, and experience, to showcase their professional brand effectively, 2) understand how to leverage LinkedIn to build community and connections, and 3) take steps to update their information on LinkedIn resulting in a more complete and effective profile.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

LinkedIn Basics workshop logo

LinkedIn II: Maximize Your Online Professional Presence

Thurs., 4/25/24, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Presenter: Tara Hertstein (she/her), Talent Acquisition Advisor, People & Culture

In this workshop, an experienced UC Berkeley Talent Acquisition Advisor will provide insider tips and expert guidance on how to create a standout LinkedIn profile that aligns with the expectations of recruiters. In addition to a review of the essential elements of a well-crafted headline, a compelling summary, and impactful sections that highlight your skills, experience, and achievements, our Talent Acquisition Advisor will share invaluable knowledge on what recruiters specifically seek when reviewing LinkedIn profiles. Additionally, this workshop will also delve into effective strategies for engaging with recruiters on LinkedIn. Discover how to initiate meaningful conversations, build relationships, and make a positive impression when reaching out to recruiters and other professionals on LinkedIn. We encourage you to log in to LinkedIn and view your profile to assess and apply what you learn during this workshop.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) gain a deep understanding of profile optimization, 2) enhance their engagement with recruiters, and 3) approach LinkedIn networking opportunities professionally, effectively, and successfully.

Note: This workshop is suitable for professionals at all levels of their careers and assumes a basic understanding of LinkedIn navigation.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

Interests in Life and Work Workshop logo

Interests in Life & Work with the Strong Interest Inventory 244 (SII244)

Wed., 5/15/24, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Presenters: Chris McLean (he/him), Ph.D., Assistant Director, Career and Academic Programs, University Health Services, and Magdalia Angel-Hurtado (she/her), Career and Wellness intern, University Health Services

The Strong Interest Inventory is a powerful tool that can help you make satisfying decisions about work activities, skills, and values. It classifies these elements into six themes in a customized report. The Strong report can help you assess your career focus and support your career-planning process. Please note that the Strong assessment measures interests, not skills or abilities. The results can help guide you toward rewarding careers, work activities, education and training programs, and leisure activities—all based on your interests. We will use the Strong Interest Inventory 244, an updated version of the Strong Assessment designed to be more inclusive and insightful for individuals exploring life interests and career pathways. 

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) identify career options consistent with their interests, 2) explore how interests relate to job families and opportunities on campus, and 3) choose education and training relevant to their interests.

PRE-WORK REQUIRED. Instructions and a link for taking the SII244 will be sent 7 days in advance of the workshop and must be completed within 3 days of the workshop in order to participate. Completing this pre-work will provide you with personalized results that will support the discussion and activities during the workshop.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

Two colleagues sit at a desk, smiling, as they complete their Achieve Together meeting.

Achieve Together – Preparing Yourself for the Conversation with Your Supervisor/Manager

Wed., 6/26/24, 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm (4 hrs)

Presenters: Jan Crosbie-Taylor, Assistant Director of Foundational Skills Development, People and Organization Development, People & Culture and Lisa Rykert, Career & Professional Development Lead, People and Organization Development, People & Culture

This offering for non-represented employees will provide an overview of the Achieve Together performance program. This interactive workshop will also include planning and practice activities such as creating and communicating goals, engaging in productive check-in conversations, and optimizing your coachability, to prepare you to fully engage in your own performance development process with your manager.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) gain a comprehensive understanding of the Achieve Together performance program, 2) create one clear, achievable goal aligned with their role and the organization's objectives, and 3) learn techniques for productive check-in conversations with their supervisor/manager.

Registrants will be sent a Zoom link and bCal invite as the virtual workshop date draws near.

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