IAU Symposium 301

Precision Asteroseismology

Celebration of the Scientific Opus of Wojtek Dziembowski

19-23 August 2013, Wrocław, Poland



The IAUS301 symposium will take place in Wrocław, Poland and it will be an opportunity to celebrate the Scientific Opus of Wojtek Dziembowski. This conference intends to discuss what are the missing physics in stellar structure and evolution theory and how these may be retrieved from the analysis of stellar oscillations. Moreover, we would like to point out the synergies between helio- and asteroseismology and how the experience and methods of helioseismology can be used to advance asteroseismology efficiently.

We foresee invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions.


The IAUS301 symposium is under the honorary patronage of President of Wroc�aw Mr. Rafa� Dutkiewicz and Rector of the University of Wroc�aw Professor Marek Bojarski.