It’s time to quit.

Contact the Garrett County Health Department at 301-334-7730 for help.


Enroll in FREE Cessation Classes

We “Kicked” Tobacco, & You Can Too!

“It helped me to go through the class. The Chantix also helped. I felt better when I quit smoking. It was a feeling of release and not having to worry about the pandemic happening. Another good thing was I didn’t have to worry about going out to get cigarettes.”

“I have wanted to quit for a long time, but I didn’t want to gain weight. Then my grand-kids started having ear infections and I decided I needed to quit. I didn’t want to be the cause of my grand-kids having health issues. So I had to quit! When I had a craving for a cigarette I would grab a pretzel rod instead of smoking. With the pretzel I would get salt and then I would drink more water. There are still times I think about smoking a cigarette and then I think again and say NO. I don’t want to start again. I feel better not smoking and food taste better now.”

“I had been smoking for 60 years. I quit smoking on Sept. 12, 2020 and have not had one since. My windows and chandelier look so good now with NO nicotine on them. I look at them and know that I don’t ever want to smoke again.”
Ms. Gayle

“Coming up next month will be 1 year smoke free. I have had cravings but just get up and move around. I seem to drink more water than anything. Soda seems to make me want to smoke. So I drink water. Also the best part of all. I was able to put back $16.00 a day that I would have spent on cigarettes and happy to say my family will have a blessed Christmas this year.”

“Since I have started using the patch and lozenges, I have really cut back. I have gone as much as 2 weeks with no smoking. Then I have a setback, but I get right back on track (I know one of these days I will quit for good.)”

“Quitting this time has bolstered my self-esteem,” Johnson added. “I now know I can accomplish anything. I feel so much healthier now and look forward to adding a healthier diet and activities to my life and those around me.”

“Coming up next month will be 1 year smoke free. I have had cravings but just get up and move around. I seem to drink more water than anything. Soda seems to make me want to smoke. So I drink water. Also the best part of all. I was able to put back $16.00 a day that I would have spent on cigarettes and happy to say my family will have a blessed Christmas this year.”

“You won’t know how good you feel until you quit!”


Tobacco Topics


Still the leading preventable cause of death.

Smokeless Tobacco

Get the outside dirty. Keep the inside clean.

Vapes & Juuls

Things you should know about this scary trend.

Quit Tobacco

Are you ready to quit tobacco? We can help.

Secondhand Smoke

Healthy Lungs are Happy Lungs


Resources to Establish Tobacco-Free or Vape-Free Policies


Tobacco-Free Trend

Let's quit together.

See all of the resources available for Garrett County residents.

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