
The catalogs presents high quality photographs of LEGO® Minifigures together with extensive meta data. The catalogs also include a price guide that helps you to identify the true treasures in your collection. The Minifigs are organized by an innovative nomenclature that makes it easy to identify Minifigures. Indexes make it even easier to find Minifigures, the sets in which they appeared and what heads belong to which Minifig. The catalogs are the essential guide for all Minifigure collectors and enthusiasts.

The currently available books are:

All 200+ LEGO colors with precise color definitions and brick sample photographs, 228 pages, hardcover and softcover:

The eBook (PDF) is available on:
The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog 1975-2015All 1975-2015 Minifigures, 580 pages, hard cover:

The eBook (PDF) is available on:
The paper book is available directly from:

The eBook (PDF, ePub, Kindle) is available on:
The Ideal Order on Kindle
cover-2015-01-no-banner-single-200-300-lineAll 2015 Minifigures, 200 pages
cover-2014-02-banner-single-200-300-lineAll 2014 Minifigures, 192 pages
cover-2013-single-200-300-black-frameAll 2013 Minifigures, 176 pages
cover 2012 single 2nd 200x300All 2012 Minifigures, Second Edition, 170 pages
cover-2011-sub-set-single0-200-300All 2011 Minifigures, Second Edition, 146 pages
cover-2010-bleed-single-01-3001975-2010 Minifigures, Second Edition, 362 pages
sw5-200-300All Star Wars Minifigures, Fifth Edition, 161 pages
The Middle Earth LEGO Minifigure CatalogThe Middle Earth LEGO Minifigure Catalog: From The Hobbit To Lord of The Rings, 40 Pages
classic castle lego minifigure catalogAll Classic Castle Minifigures, 148 pages
All Harry Potter Minifigures, 46 pages
The Complete LEGO Figure CatalogAll non-standard scale figures, 110 pages

21 thoughts on “Book”

  1. Hi Christoph, great to see some new editions come out which I’ve just received from Amazon. Things are going great and I now have nearly 4000 followers on my Facebook page :-)

    I wondered if you have an affiliate programme I could hook into so I can promote your books and earn something to help towards funding my collection;-)

    If not I’ll try and get an Amazon affiliation setup and hook in that way… Just thought I’d ask direct and see if you had one in place:-)

    How did your thesis on Lego heads work out?

    Cheers for now

    David Kirkham

  2. Hi!
    I wanted to ask if there will be a second edition of your book “The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog”. Because I had a look in your newer Book “The 2011 LEGO Minifigure Catalog” and there the minifigs are very well presented. So maybe you will try with your previous book as well!
    Another Question, will there be for every year an extra book like the one from minifigs of 2011?


    1. Yes, there will be a 2012 book and yes, I am working on a second edition of all the books to maintain the current content. But I am not certain when they will be ready. Might still take some time…

  3. Can you help me with the location of head ‘3626ap01 – Minifig, Head Standard Grin Pattern – Stud Solid’. Note that this solid stud, not recessed or hollow. Brick-link has it released in 3 sets during 1991. Each set seems to have a few minifigures. I cannot link the head to figures in the unofficial app. Any help getting these heads to the correct figures is appreciated.


      1. I asked this question at the bricklink forum and received some very helpful responses including

        I believe that the current version of the catalog / app shows that minifigures from 1978-1989 that have the standard grin parent should have a hollow head “3626bp01” this should show that these figures need head “3626ap01” – a solid stud head, as the hollow head didn’t not come out until 1990. This could be as many as 700 minifigues cataloged without the original authentic head.


  4. Tremendous app guys, it must have been a huge amount of work, putting it together… I am just wondering when we can expect the 2014, and hopefully 2015 listings, to be added. The app is great, but it is looking a bit out of date at present and the up to date listings would be very useful.
    Cheers, Evan

  5. Please… create the possibility of saving a backup file of all the own figures. I’ve bought your app and it’s good but 2 times i’ve lost all the figures in the archive… once i’ve changed the phone and once i’ve upgraded the os… it’s not easy to insert 600 figures each time… please create a backup file for the app. Thanks

  6. So I have your “The Star Wars Lego Minifigure Catalog” 4th Edition and plan on purchasing your new 5th Edition book soon. I was wondering if you had any more 4th Edition books for sale. My son got ahold of my 4th Edition and is a huge Star Wars fan, and that has left it in some pretty bad shape. I would like to replace it if possible. Also I will likely be buying two of the 5th Editions so he can have one of his own.


  7. This seems to be a re-occurring theme of question so apologies – but are there any further editions of “The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog” on the horizon to go past 2010?

    1. I am currently producing annual extensions to the original book. I am contemplating producing a hard cover book with all the Mini figures in it, but the printing costs would be rather high.

    1. Hello,
      We are still unable to get the 1600+ figures for 2016/17. It has become almost impossible to get them all. Help would be much appreciated. Do you know of a collector who would be willing to allow me to take photographs?

  8. Hello Christoph,
    is the app still supported ? I wanted to import my minifigs from Brickset, but the app just set it to zero and doesn´t import any new data. Are there any known issues ?

  9. Hi Chris…….. I own and use your 1975-2015 complete Lego minifigure guide on a regular basis and was wondering if you will eventually put out an update to it. I find it an invaluable resource when sorting various mini fig parts and pieces and trying to put them back together.



    1. Given the high number of new Minifigures each year and my residence in New Zealand, I find myself incapable of keeping up and updating the book. I am sorry for that. I hope the old books serve as a reference for collectors.

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