New Information Technology and Organizational Culture

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Predictions of the effects of office automation on organizations vary widely. This article focuses on changes in individual work patterns, management control, and organizational structure that may occur as a result of implementation of office technology. The most significant change predicted is that organizations will no longer be limited by a central office work environment operation between the traditional office work hours of nine and five. Computer and communications technology will facilitate the relaxing of these physical constraints as necessitated by societal and economic pressures. Relevant research to date regarding the effects of the new technology on organizational behavior is reviewed. Management guidelines for preparing for the coming changes are included.
Additional Details
Author Margrethe H. Olson
Year 1982
Volume 6
Issue 5
Keywords office automation, telecommunications/transportation tradeoffs, remote work, telecommuting, electronic mail, professional work station, satellite work center, remote management
Page Numbers 71-92
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