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Last Updated: Friday, 29 October, 2004, 02:32 GMT 03:32 UK
Kerry rally rocks to Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen and Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry at a Kerry rally
Springsteen drew about 80,000 people to the Kerry rally
Rock star Bruce Springsteen has turned out to back presidential candidate John Kerry, performing at rallies in the final stages of his election campaign.

Springsteen appeared to roars from the crowd in Madison, Wisconsin and Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday.

He is also due to appear on Monday in Cleveland, Ohio, the night before polling begins.

Mr Kerry has also secured the support of Jon Bon Jovi, who has already performed at one Democrat rallies.

Springsteen has never before endorsed a political candidate, but he attracted about 80,000 people to the rally in Madison and tens of thousands in Columbus.

He sung an acoustic version of "No Surrender", which is Mr Kerry's campaign theme song, before hugging the Democrat candidate on stage.

"When George Bush heard that the Boss was playing with me... he thought they meant Dick Cheney," Mr Kerry quipped, in reference to the vice president's perceived influence over Mr Bush.

Attack on Bush

Springsteen has just completed the Vote for Change tour, alongside artists including REM, Pearl Jam and the Dixie Chicks.

They performed in 36 cities over two weeks, pushing their message of voting out President George W Bush.

Springsteen recently told Rolling Stone magazine that Mr Bush had been "fundamentally dishonest" in launching war on Iraq.

Proceeds from the tour were donated to America Coming Together (ACT), an organisation which aims to motivate voters against the incumbent president.

The tour took in crucial swing states such as Ohio and Florida, critical areas for both parties.

Actor and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will lend his star power to the Bush campaign as it enters its final days.

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