Job Exposure Matrix

Open the noise JEM WebApp

About the noiseJEM

The noise Job Exposure Matrix (JEM) consists of nearly one million occupational noise exposure measurements across 275 industries. The JEM was constructed by collecting noise exposure measurements from OSHA, MSHA, private industry, and published literature between 1963-2015. Our JEM web App can be used to filter, visualize, and download the noise exposure estimates in the JEM for the purposes of assessing exposures for epidemiological studies, occupational health interventions, and other public health-oriented purposes.


Additional information about the creation and analysis of the JEM can be found in our publications. Digital copies can be requested through [email protected]

Cheng W, Roberts B, Mukherjee B, Neitzel RL. Meta-analysis of job-exposure matrix data from multiple sources. J Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 28(3):259‐274 (2018)

Roberts, B, Cheng, W, Mukherjee, B, & Neitzel, RL Imputation of missing values in a large job exposure matrix using hierarchical information. J Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 28(6):615-648 (2018)

Roberts B, Sun K, Neitzel RL.What can 35 years and over 700,000 measurements tell us about noise exposure in the mining industry? International Journal of Audiology 56(sup1):4-12.(2017)

Sayler S, Roberts B, Manning M, Sun K, Neitzel RL.Patterns and trends in OSHA occupational noise exposure measurements from 1979 to 2013. J Occupational and Environmental Medicine 76(2):118-134

This study was funded by grant R21OH0 10482 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)