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The UCB Proteomics/Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (P/MSL) was founded in 2004 as part of UCB’s Cancer Research Laboratory. In 2007, we became the Vincent J. Coates Proteomics Laboratory, affiliated with QB3, in order to provide improved access to Proteomics services. We now occupy a spacious laboratory in Stanley Hall with a “wet” biochemistry area for protein sample preparation and room for expansion of our array of mass spectrometers.

The P/MSL provides proteomics services principally through mass spectrometry. Currently we have two Thermo LTQ XL linear ion trap mass spectrometers and a Thermo Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer.

We specialize in the identification of proteins from complex samples using MudPIT chromatography as developed in the Yates lab. We can locate post-translational modifications, often even on complex samples. We also now offer high resolution analysis for isobaric or SILAC relative quantitation. Many other types of analysis are possible. Please check our services offered, listed in the PMSL navigation menu, to see details about analyses we routinely perform.

If you are looking for small molecule mass spectrometry, visit the webpage of our friends in the QB3/Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Facility.

Mass spectrometer at P/MSL


Rob Maxwell, PhD
Facility Director

B205 Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley
[email protected]

Sample Submission Form