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Join Me! A Ten Week Organizing Challenge for Your Entire House

Want to get control of your home and your life and your stuff again

Okay, guys.

This is the year.

The last few years we’ve had a lot on the go. I’m sure you have, too. I mean, doesn’t everybody?

And that’s great.

It’s great to be busy! To be out enjoying life…

Last year we undertook several big room makeovers, went on three major trips, and kept up with our boys busy sports schedule; all on top of both of us working full-time. We had a great year!


All of that didn’t leave much time for getting, or staying, organized.

And lately, I’ve been feeling it. Feeling the need to get on top of our “stuff”. And then I came upon this quote; and it really got me to thinking:

organized quote

Do you ever have days where you feel like all you do is tidy up?

Pick things up. Put them away. Move items around your house from their landing place to their rightful place…

Again. and again. and again.

And even though I’m a really good tidier….I don’t want to doing so much tidying!

Do you ever just feel BURIED by your STUFF? Overwhelmed by it all?

I do!

Let’s get one thing straight, here.

I’m not moving deeply into the world of minimalism. Because let’s be honest. I like stuff. Pretty things. Useful things. Sentimental things.

But I have many things that don’t fit into any of these categories.

And that’s where I need to start. Purging. Downsizing. Letting go.

william morris quote

And I think it comes down to the fact that I’ve never given myself the TIME. The FOCUS. The PERMISSION. To make purging. downsizing. and letting go of “stuff” my most important goal.

Because honestly, I think this is a big job. At least as big as a room makeover. Maybe even more time consuming. And definitely less exciting. But I also think it’s likely to be way more life changing.

So I’m giving myself the next TEN weeks.

No other major projects. No huge room makeovers or big renovations.

I’ve come to the conclusion that to truly do this properly I need to dedicate myself to it… the time;  the energy; and the focus.

I have a tendency to get excited by new projects and ideas and leave other, less glamorous ones in the dust. But I’m not going to do that this year. To use the words that used to make my parents tremble in fear: I’ve got a plan!

So here is the plan! Are you going to join me?!?

Get your whole house in order in ten weeks! Details and a plan and a challenge at the happy housie


I recently published The Ten Week Organizing Challenge Ebook! To make it that much easier to follow the plan!

Head over here to read all about it…

Below is just a list of the posts I wrote each week as I worked my way through the challenge. Please click on the links to be taken to the individual posts.

Alternatively, sign up to have a weekly email be delivered to you with the details about each week of the challenge!

Week One:  

Paperwork. The Command Center. Filing. School Papers. Aka the bane of my existence.

How to set it all up and create a system that works!

I started off week one by sharing a how-to for  tackling paper clutter & organizing it once & for all.  Then once you have your papers in order (and purged), I shared all about the essential elements of setting up a Command Center in my post: Get & Stay Organized with a System.  Next, I shared how I actually reorganized my existing Command Center.   And, finally, I went back at the end of the challenge and shared a new way to handle paperwork that involves organizing Paperwork with a Colour Coded File System.

Week Two:

The Kitchen. Cupboards. Drawers. The Pantry. Under the Sink. The Fridge. The Freezer. Menu Planning. Shopping.

The kitchen was the first real “room” that I tackled on this challenge! I started off the week by sharing some super creative kitchen organization ideas  – many of which are DIY and affordable! Next, I tackled my own kitchen and shared the details with a clear how-to post : completely organize your entire kitchen. Lastly, I shared how we made our big wall calendar to help keep ourselves organized throughout the week with a tutorial on making our DIY Giant Chalkboard Weekly Planner .

Other kitchen organization related posts:

I also tackled the pantry!! Read all about it in How to Completely Organize Your Pantry . And to help with weekly meal planning and organization, I shared some Free Printable Weekly Meal Planner and Shopping List Planners!

I also gathered together some awesome pantry organization ideas and inspiration in my post  20 Incredible Small Pantry Organization Ideas & Makeovers.

Week Three:

 The Laundry Room. The Mud Room. The Cleaning Supplies.

I started off this week by sharing some wonderful inspiration in my posts about 20+ Beautiful & Organized Small Laundry Rooms  and   Small Entry & Mud Room Organization Ideas.

I followed this with my own how-to and steps for how I tackled organizing these rooms in our home with How to Create an Organized Entry or Mud Room in a Small Space.;  followed by  How to Completely Organize Your Laundry Space in Three Steps.

Week Four:

The Bathrooms. Cabinets. Under the Sink. Cosmetics. All that extra junk.

Week four is all about the bathrooms! I shared a collections of  Ingenious Ideas & DIYs for Bathroom Storage & Organization, followed by my own how-to post full of tips and ideas for How to Completely  Organize Your Bathroom!

Week Five:

 The Linen Closet. How many sheets and towels do we really need?

Seriously, I’m a geek. Because this is one of my favourite weeks! After gathering together and sharing inspiration and idea in my post 20 Beautifully Organized Linen Closets , I decided to go full-out with this makeover and gave our linen closet a new paint job along with some beautiful new wood shelving. I shared a DIY tutorial on How to Replace Wire Shelves with DIY Wooden Shelves.  Lastly, I completely purged and reorganized our own linen closet and shared the details in my post How to Completely Organize Your Linen Closet .

Week Six:

 The Master Bedroom. Closets. Dressers. Purging Your Clothes!!

This is a big one, am I right? Dealing with clothing! Dressers, closets, accessories. All of it. I shared some serious inspiration in my posts 25 Ingenious Ways to Store & Organize Jewelry and  20 Incredible Small Walk-in Closet Ideas & Makeovers .

Next, I shared my own process and how-to! I worked my way through this big job by first sharing How to Complete Purge Your Clothing.  Once you’ve cleared out the clutter and you are ready to put it all away again, I shared  7 Tips for Organizing Your Closet & Dresser! 

Week Seven:

The Kids’ Bedroom. Toys. Clothes. Storage. Clutter clutter clutter clutter…

After getting our bedroom under control, it was on to the kid’s room. I shared some awesome ideas for  Organizing Kid’s bedrooms.  Then I wrapped this week up with my own How to Completely Organize Kid’s Rooms post where I detailed what I did to completely organize our boys’ bedroom!

Week Eight:

 The Playroom / Rec Room. Kid’s Spaces. Toys. Games. Books.

More kid’s stuff, this week. I first shared 25 Fab Ideas for Organizing Playrooms and Kid’s Spaces to help inspire your transformation.  And I followed this with an in-depth DIY post all about what I did in our own playroom organization makeover; How to Completely Organize a Playroom or Kid’s Play Zone

Week Nine:

 The Craft Room / Office. The zone where is all goes to wait.

I love this week! It felt so good to get this area cleaned up and organized. While not everyone has a craft room, many of us have a home office, and the tips I shared in my post How to Organize a Craft Room Workspace can apply to work spaces as well as craft rooms. This week I also gathered together and shared some super  Creative, Thrify, & Small Space Craft Room Organization Ideas.

Week Ten:


I’m going to deal with: Filing, Kid’s Artwork,  Keepsakes, Digital Family Photos etc.

This week is meant for you to direct towards an area in your home or part of your life that you feel needs attention and order. I wrote a post all about  Setting Organization Goals to Finish off the Ten Week Challenge.

For my own goals, I shared how to Organize Paperwork with a Colour Coded File System.  There are some additional areas that I plan to tackle and I will be linking to them here as I add them to the blog!

And once you are done the challenge?? How to keep it up!

I shared a post all about How to Stay Organized and what to do to keep things going after the 10 week organizing challenge.

I also shared my best tips for staying on top of our cluttered lives in my post: Real World Organizing: How to Keep your House Tidy!

So each week over the course of this challenge, I’m shared some inspiration and ideas with you as well as share my own personal journey and progress on the project for that week.

What do you think? Are you going to join in??

Sign up below for my 10 week organizing challenge and my weekly updates…

I will send you a weekly email for the next ten weeks to keep you up to date with the challenge!

And here are some of my favourite organizing tools…


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  1. Inbetween remodel and 2 yr decorating I have managed to organize everything in-house: closets, drawers, cupboards…. but now….after ski season, I am cleaning out the garage. I bought a big metal rack to store my bins because I can roll the rack around. If this works, I am ordering more racks. I LOVE being organized but I am also an Maximalist who loves to rotate her quilts, pillows, decor.

  2. Hey Krista! I know you probably won’t see this (as this post happened a long time ago) but I couldn’t help but give a big a thank you for sharing these organization tips and challenge for me to try. It has been life changing and has helped me to achieve a cleaner and ultimately happier home!

    1. Awesome! I tackled it in our old house in 2017 as well, and started it in our last home in 2019 but then ending up focusing on renos in order to sell and move. I’m excited to tackle it again now that we’ve moved into this house so I’ll be doing updates. Good luck!

      1. I saved your challenge in 2018 and often refer back to your suggestions, ideas and easy to follow tips. I have recently decided its time to de clutter seriously and once again have opened your Organising Challenge. I moved home and of course bought too much with me thinking I need it all. Major mistake fitting ‘all’ in to my smaller home.
        I also have a much smaller garden and bought too many favourite pot plants with me. That is another challenge
        Thank you so much for the excellent ten week challenge.

  3. In this 10-week scenario, are you coming at this as a stay-at-home person? In looking over the schedule, there is no way that someone like myself, that works a full time job and a part time job could do it in that time frame.

    1. Hi Monica,
      When I did the challenge the first time in our old house, I worked 4 days a week teaching plus ran my blog (which I consider my part-time job). I also have two boys. It is definitely a time commitment – you need to devote a chunk of time each week to it. Getting all that stuff purged and reorganized takes time and effort, there is no magic wand for that. I would say that you could also just spread it out over two weeks per room – it’s really about you and your home and schedule, so you do what works. But working your way through your home systematically and then keeping up the new routines and structures is what matters most. You might like my other article about real life tips for staying organized.

  4. This is definitely something that needs to be done at my house. Living in an apartment purging is a must you only have so much space. I like that you spread out the plan over weeks it can be overwhelming when thinking about it all at once.

  5. It’s always good to start the year off with organization. This is an awesome challenge and I will be featuring it tomorrow at Merry Monday. Hope to see you at the party!

  6. For some reason I thought when I retired in June my house would be more organized because I would have more time. I find I just have more time to create more piles! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for and I really want to live in a house in which I can see our beautiful slate end tables!

  7. Have others had trouble printing the Two week organizing tweak checklist? The letters aren’t spaced correctly. Too close together, touching and then too much space. It looks like such a great idea. Was looking forward to starting it. Now i am dissappointed.


      1. Hello Kerry,
        It’s not designed as a printable – if you sign up for the email you will get an email each week with the information and posts/articles for that week. I have also turned the whole program into an e-book that is available for purchase. But the program is totally free if you want to just go with the weekly email instructions:)

  8. While I am doing the 10 week challenge, what orhwr housework/responsibilities/chores do I need to keep doing?

  9. Thanks Krista! Started and finished Week 1. Command centre up and running and feeling in control of all that paper. Filing system….check! Your system and directions were very helpful.

  10. Oh, I would like to start, after planning, with #4 because we have several downstairs storage closets that need cleaning out to make room for the stuff we really want!! Do you send all weeks at once?

  11. I SO need this. You have no idea!! I’m not ready to tackle this just yet but I welcome your emails. I will save them for when I get through my current mess.

  12. Thank-you for this post. I need it. I have a very small house and my sewing- quilting has taken over most of it. How do you store batting, either new in a package or the leftover from a project? Ever so often, I do donate it to a sewing machine store who sew for charity.
    thank-you Donna

  13. Wow great plan and organised.i can’t wait wait start this.Thank you share for your plan and thoughts.Wish me best of luck because I will try your plan

    1. Good luck! It works really well if you follow through with it – the commitment is worth it because it can make a huge difference in your life!

  14. I want to do the challenge!!! I think it will help me a lot to organize my entire house. I have to do it after work so it might take more than 10 weeks for me. However, I will try my best to make it happen. Wish me luck!
    Thank you the a great inspiration!

    1. Good luck with your challenge, Chalita! Even if you take a bit longer, you’ll still get there! It’s definitely a process and a journey that is ongoing to keep up with it:)

  15. This is a little disappointing. It basically seems to showcase purchasing a lot of organizers that I have no money to buy, and no room to put them if I did.

    1. Hi Jean,
      It may be the layout of the post that is confusing you a little? The post you are on is only the very beginning page of the challenge. It lists and links to the posts that I shared each week as I went through the challenge. There are some that focus on ideas I’ve gathered for organizing each room or area, and another “how-to” posts with specific tips and ideas for purging and reorganizing that area of your home based on what I did as I worked my way thorough our home. The first post you came to has a list of all these posts for the ten weeks of the challenge, in the order of the weeks, with photos above the links. Also, you can sign up for the email list and you will get a weekly email for the ten weeks of the challenge explaining what that week is about and with links to the specific posts for that topic week. I hope that makes more sense.

  16. Thanks for offering this as a sign-up challenge! I’ve been doing this on a smaller scale in hopes to have some workable areas in my home by Christmas, but I keep losing focus! The weekly e-mails will definitely help and keep me from forgetting.

  17. This was such a great article, and super inspiring! I love how you took the time to go week by week and really, REALLY take time to organize every aspect of your life. Can’t wait to go through each one of these articles–I also blog about organizing and this idea is amazing! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  18. Wow! Do I ever need this. I am so excited about this and look forward to it! You are amazingly organized and your blog is amazing filled with so much in terms of how to get and stay organized. Our house will definitely be your biggest challenge. We have children and pets just about everywhere on everything and in everything!:o) So I say, “Let’s do this!” I’m going to go to the email and read it right away! Take care, Kelli M. Riebesehl http://www.riebesehlfamilyreviews.com

  19. Krista, I just found your blog on Pinterest! I cannot tell you how much I needed this inspiration to get my own house organized! Your blog post is one of the most though and comprehensive plans I’ve come across on how to do this. I’m tackling my kids rooms first and I keep coming back to your blog to find inspiration for the next step. Your home is beautiful! Thank you SO much for sharing your knowledge with us all! Plus it’s nice to follow a fellow Canadian! Love the Canadian flag in your boys room!

  20. Hello! Well, your comment of ‘I need to be more organized, I just need less stuff’ really, really hit home with me as well as ‘is it important?’

    I had an epiphany with these comments, and it took only about 15-20 minutes to clean out my makeup basket, medicine cabinet and magazines in the bathroom. Just chucked most of it. It felt soooo good! I’m very sentimental, however and by some twist of fate I have and can ‘let go’ of these things! I have held on to stuff for 20+ years, and a lot will be donated (crafts, etc.). I can let go, really I can. People have been saying that to me for years: you have too much stuff! Well, yes, and I like ‘stuff’ but I have applied for senior housing (it’s ONLY a 3-5 year wait!) and do I want to pay to move this stuff? Absolutely not! And I so love yard sales…:-]

    So thank you for motivating me to ‘let go’ and amazingly, it feels good! Then to organizing. Can’t organize stuff you hold on to. I really don’t want to move to a small one bedroom apt from two) but finances being what they are (I’m retired), it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion. Well, even if I am able to stay where I am or move, I’ll be prepared. And neat and organized!

    Thank you again for this most welcome ‘push!’ I’m going to follow your ten-week organizing plan AFTER I clean out all my ‘stuff.’

    1. Fantastic, Mary! I each of the ten weeks of this challenge; I share ideas for organizing spaces as well as my own journey in organizing that specific space in our home. I talk about purging each area and the unnecessary “stuff” and then re-organizing it in the same post. I’m on week ten now; and it feels amazing! You can check out this main page and follow along with the posts under each room for ideas of how to purge and re-organize that space! But an initial purge is always a good place to start. Good luck!

  21. Note to William Morris: I have a few useful things in my house, but oh, so many beautiful things. I like his saying and just couldn’t keep from commenting. I enjoy your website.

  22. I am thrilled that you posted this. I took part in a similar blog about organizing financially in 2008 with Mary Hunt. I stuck to the plan and it helped immensely.
    The correct term is ‘Bane of my existence’ 🙂

  23. I’m so excited I came across your weekly plan ideas. I recently divorced and downsized half the house I had. My ex left everything for me to take care of from our 22 year marriage and 2 kids. So now that I’ve downsized (by house only) and moved – I’m trying to organize and purge at the same time. Do you have any suggestions for those of us maybe in this situation that are still trying to unbox and unpack at the same time? I do feel overwhelmed and when I think I have it all together, I find another box. 🙂
    Hoping to have several organized rooms by my 10 week challenge deadline. (I have to give myself deadlines- if not I tend to procrastinate)
    Thank you,

  24. I hate you for posting this… I cannot unsee it now and I absolutely have to participate. I’ll tell you how much I love you when it’s over, k?

    1. Haha! I hear ya! It’s been a ton of work! But each room I move through feels so satisfying to finish… and it has been easy to maintain the ones I’ve already tackled. I kinda hate myself too when I think about how much is left to do… but I know I’ll love it once it’s over!

    1. Hi Shirley! If you sign up for my email list I am sending out updates each week as I work my way through the challenge. Within this main post you can click on then separate posts for each area – I add them as I publish them! I hope that helps: And good luck with your organizing!!

      1. I tried joining your email listing several times and just kept getting ChipMonkey errors that the page didnt’ exist.

      2. Hi Erin! I see that my post was having issues with my sign-up form! Sorry about that – I hope I have it all fixed now:) I can also add you manually if you like!

    2. Hi Shirley! I just went back and checked and my link for my signup form wasn’t set up properly in the post – I have adjusted it now so it is there correctly! If you want to be added to the email list you can do so at the bottom of the post or I can also add you in manually.

  25. I’ll have to change the order around some to fit what’ll work best for me & my apartment. I already have a start on some of these rooms.

    Do you have ideas on how to organize board games? I have a “box” designed for my Ticket to Ride games. I’m open to ideas on how to get the rest of them to work for me & not looks like an unorganized pile.

    1. Hi Martha! It definitely makes sense to switch up the order and make it work for you! Do you have any shelving near your board games? We have a bunch of board games in our basement – I shared a room makeover on that last Spring and will be tackling the organization of it again as part of this challenge – but for the most part the board games have stayed organized on our shelving. You can see that post here.

  26. I am ready to join, I have been looking for a good plan to get things organized this works for me. I will start next week on my days off. I am ready to be free of worries. I am switching your list to start what really needs help, that’s my daughters room. Thank you.

    1. Hi Dala! Glad to hear you are switching things around to make it “your own” process and journey! That is key! Good luck with your organizing project. I know it’s tough with work and family obligations (I work four days a week outside the home as well), but I’m determined to get through the whole thing this time around!

  27. I want to join! How do I sign up for the challenge. I have a smallish place and no children so it shouldn’t be too difficult but do need the motivation! Thanks for the post…

    1. Hi Janine! If you sign up for my email list (at the bottom of this post), that will ensure you get the updates – I’ll be sharing a variety of inspiration for each room as well as my own journey through organizing that space in our home with tips and ideas for how to get your own space organized. Hope that helps!

  28. I am so glad to know I am not alone.
    This whole too much stuff situation was becoming overwhelming.
    I know I will not be able to complete it in 10 weeks.
    But I feel less daunted knowing it is not just me and it can be done.
    Thanks to everyone for these comments.
    It gives me some comfort

  29. I’m going to do this! But it’ll have to wait till I’m home in Feb. I’m at a school in San Antonio right now.

  30. I just happened on to your 10 Week Organizing plan on Pinterest and I am ready to join in! I lay awake at night overwhelmed by all the “stuff” accumulated over the twelve years in our home. I just don’t know where to start and this looks like a good plan! I will start this week with Week 1 on my days off. Thank you for giving me a little light at the end of a dark tunnel!!

  31. Thank you for linking up at the #HomeMattersParty I am really glad you did. I go through the reorganizing of my home every year. Honestly I don’t know where it comes from. This is my first year of blogging and now I have more stuff then ever.

    I like how you have a step by step plan, it makes it less daunting. I typically start with a garbage bag quota. I will decide to remove two garbage bags worth a day and start putting together my donations besides that.

    The quotes are perfect. Its going to be amazing when your done.

  32. I plan to start next week!!! This will ensure the entire house is ready for spring, instead of trying to do it all in one weekend. My week 10 will be the attic and garage. Purging things that we no longer use or even need.


  33. Hi Krista
    I was so impressed with your plan. I live in a large house with a husband and two grown-up kids who all turn almost everything they ever buy into the start of a collection! It ranges from guitars, books, die cast toy cars, old 33rpm albums…you name it! We got it!
    Any ideas how to encourage a person to let just “some” of their collections go? I have to admit, I have also found this way if life addictive, going antiquing, collecting chinaware silverware kitchen stuff etc.
    Jayne in the UK

  34. I logged onto Pinterest and this was the first thing I saw. Completely meant to be as I’ve been floundering with where to begin , and how to once its gone, get it all organized.

    1. I know! It can feel so overwhelming to get started! Once you tackle one small space it gives you motivation to keep going; at least that’s how I’m feeling after dealing with my paperwork and command centre this week! Good luck!

  35. I also just fell over this…well Pinterest suggested I look at it…did they know I’m getting ready to downsize to a smaller home? Almost half the size of this one. We have a bunch of stuff in the garage that belonged to my, now adult, daughters…who say they want it but never want to sort through it when they’re here visiting. I’ve decided the way to handle some of that is sending them photos when I come across a box of their stuff. Then they’ll have to decide what happens to it. Hopefully it will take some of the stress off me and put it onto the people who care about it. I also have things from several parents (mine and my husbands) who have passed away in the last few years. Even though I tried to be Judicious, I did save a few things that we liked. However, I really was too upset and overwhelmed to figure out where to put them, so they’re taking up room in the dining room, since we don’t use it. I obviously was in need of plan and now I have one. We’ll see what I can get done in ten weeks…I’ll probably have to take longer on some of the rooms. I not only have to sort and decide what to do with the things I go through, but I also will be packing some of it. For ex:I have three wide and tall bookcases and two tall narrower one’s. Yes, indeed, they are completely full of books. All to be gone through, and the remainder packed. Just to complicate things we also have a house in another state….some of the stuff will get shipped there. Egads….so many decisions. I figure if I start and plod along it will be better than sitting here having a panic attack…literally.

    1. Wow! It sounds like you have quite a job in front of you! I think the approach you are taking is a great one. Work away on one space at a time. I would encourage you not to move onto new spaces until you totally finish with one – or else we can tend to build up little piles of items and postpone decision making on things. At least, I know that I do that. I’m planning to purge and organize 100% in each area before moving on (instead of the 90% that I’ve done in the past…). Good luck – and wishing you buckets of energy and motivation!!

    1. Totally true Robbi! You need to do both things to get truly organized- purge and get rid of what you don’t need; and then figure out a system for storing the things you do! I plan to address both aspects in this series:)

  36. Hi Krista,
    I’m so excited to have run into your email. I started week one ( unbenonced to me), with your 10 week plan. I decided that this new year was going to be the year of purging. Although, like you, I’m not ready to get rid of memorabilia, pretty things, etc. I want to get rid of all the paper. So I started with my utility (double wide) closet that housed all my cookbooks, magazines, etc. I had a boat load. I spent three full days going through all magazines looking for what it was that I thought I must keep for whatever reason. That was a mere dent. I ended up having the flu which set me back a few days. I’m just now feeling better. However, not well enough to tackle my long awaited project (s). Today, I decided to clean out my email (paper) because that didn’t cause me any undue stress, physically…Emotionally, another question…lol I’m excited to work along with you…count me in. Thank you!

    1. Wow! What a job!! I, too, struggle with getting rid of magazines. Maybe because I know they are so full of pretty and beautiful pictures… maybe because I know I spent money on them? Maybe because I associate them with having time to relax and read through them and I desperately want to have that time?? But I’m going to force myself to be tough and part with things that I know, deep down, are just adding to the clutter and that I really don’t need. Glad to have you along – good luck with the process!!

    2. Aaahh, the magazines!! They want to overthrow and rule the house! Haha I’m TERRIBLE about keeping magazines thinking I will have time to read them…someday. One thing I started doing, when I do have a little time to browse quickly through: Get a 3-ring binder and a pack of page protectors (even some dividers if you want to set up categories). Any article that you feel is important enough to keep for future reference or to reread more in depth later, tear or cut it out and place it in a page protector in the binder. That way you save the articles, recipes, etc. that are important to you without having stacks and stacks of magazines all over the house. Good luck!

  37. What a great thought-out approach to plan it over that much time (as you said, so it’s not overwhelming). I love keeping things organized, but also have a tendency to let things collect for longer than I should before cleaning them out. Excited to see how things go with the plan!

    1. I do the same! It can be hard to keep on top of it all when we are busy, but I’m hoping to get it all purged and then reorganized enough that it is easier to maintain!

    1. Hi Tara! I will be posting 2-3 times each week sharing tips, plans, and my own progress. You can follow along through the blog – and sign up to get my daily or weekly emails is you like!

  38. I love this idea, but when doing these sorts of purges, i struggle to keep up with the rest of the normal every day household chores, any suggestions.


    1. Hi Jane! Yes, I get what you are saying! That’s why I want to focus only on organizing and no other MAJOR projects – it’s impossible to do it all at once! Maybe try dedicating on part of your week to the purging/organizing task. For example, I plan to work on my purging/organizing tasks on Fridays or Sundays instead of letting them run on for the whole week. A focused few hours each week… and then move it all/get rid of the stuff etc. before it can infiltrate the rest of the house! Then I can keep up with my other cleaning during the rest of the week. I think taking on only one space a week should help… and stretch it out longer, if need be! Good luck:)

    1. Hi Linda! It is great to personalize it to your own home and rooms (and areas that are an issue for you!). Good luck!

  39. I’m in! I totally want to do this but needed an achievable plan. Can’t wait to see the transformation at the end of 10 weeks!

    1. Hi Catherine! Me as well! I am looking forward to actually dedicating my time and energy to this so that it is done, once and for all. And then I just have to maintain it:)

  40. Great plan! I need to work on your week ten goals the most myself. That’s my goal for this year – artwork, keepsakes, and photos. It will take me way more than a week though!

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