Angela Eye - Privacy Policy

As a security product, Angela Eye (also referred to as “we” or “us“ or “our”) treats your data seriously and is committed to putting every effort in to ensure your privacy is safe and secure. This privacy policy describes how and why we collect, store, use, share and protect the information obtained from the individuals who visit our Website and who register to use Angela Eye as a user. This policy also describes the action you can take when you have concerns about our privacy practices.

We pledge to collect and process your information under these principles:

1. We will be as transparent as possible, including how we use your information and whom we share it with.

2. We will keep your information as secure and safe as possible by implementing security measures in line with industry standards.

3. We will ask for your consent when there is new personal data to be collected/shared.

By using Angela Eye, you agree to allow us to collect and process the information about you for the purposes described below. Under no circumstances do our products and services access your information without receiving your consent first.

Data We Collect

We obtain certain personal information about you and information that is related to your experience with our products and services. Such information includes:

Our products and services are designed to provide you with the ability to see, hear, and speak to anyone on your monitoring device. In order for our products and services to function properly, we obtain content and related information that is captured and recorded when you use our products and services. For example, we store the events captured by the motion detector in our servers in order to provide evidence to identify the suspect. In addition, our products and services may also collect data from their surrounding environment to perform certain functions (such as Motion Detection and Auto Low-Light Filter that is activated automatically when it’s unlit).

How And Why We Use The Information

We collect information stated above to:

In most cases, the data we use for research and analyzing purposes are processed in a non-identifiable form, which means the information is processed anonymously and will never be associated with you. For example, we may track aggregated information like registration and validation rates to help us design more effective onboarding pages. We may also use machine learning algorithm to access the data automatically without manual operation and help us provide personalized services for specific groups of individuals. We use such information to help us increase sales, make marketing decisions and pursue legitimate interests.

However, we may access your information in a personally identifiable way under the following circumstances: (1) when you encounter any technical issue and request that we address such issue; (2) when we investigate potential violations of Terms of Service; (3) when we have to meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable government request. Whenever your personal information is involved in any case stated above, we will always ask for your consent before taking any further action. Please also note that this principle is established for those who are in compliance with our Terms of Service.

We may process the information on the platforms provided by third-party service providers. Though these service providers are shared with your personal information for the purpose of providing the services for us, they are restricted from sharing it for any other purpose. If you are not willing to have your personal information accessed by any of these service providers, you may opt-out by contacting us (e-mail:[email protected]).

We take data security very seriously and keep the information obtained from you safe and secure in line with industry standards. Your personal information is encrypted while it is transmitted to our servers in order to prevent any unauthorized third parties or threats from accessing the data. Please note that we may process your personal information on servers not necessarily located in your home country.

Choices you have on your Data

We generally retain your personal information on our servers as long as you remain an Athome user for the purpose of offering you with the services and pursuing the legitimate interests outlined above. You have the right to request access to the information we collect about you. Upon your request, we can also remove your account from our database and cease the contract within a few days. To do so, You can click the "Account Management" icon in "Me" on AthomeCamera app to cancel your account. If in doubt, you can refer to "How to delete my AthomeCamera account" on our website:

Individual Rights for EEA

If you are from the European Economic Area, you are given certain rights that are available to you under applicable laws. In certain circumstances, you have the right to: (1) erasure of personal information about you; (2) object to processing your personal information or receiving promotional communications; (3) request that we correct your personal information when you believe that it is inaccurate.

If you would like to put any of these rights into effect, please contact us (e-mail:[email protected]). It would take a few days for us to verify your identity so as to protect your privacy and security before we process your request. Please beware that exercising any of the rights mentioned above may have an impact on your experience with Angela Eye.

Information Sharing

We will never share your information for any commercial and marketing purpose unrelated to the delivery of our products and services without receiving your consent first. We will never sell or rent our user list or any other related information that can possibly be associated with you. We are dedicated to minimizing the exposure of our users’ identities and may only share your personal information in the following limited situations:

We ask for your consent before processing your information. You are also given the rights to opt-out or withdraw that consent at any time. Should you have any further question about your rights to privacy, please reach out to us (e-mail:[email protected]).

International Data Transmission

We may store your personal data in the data centers outside the country you live in. The data may be transferred internationally depending on the service operation requirements. We do not store your personal data in China.

We transfer data of individuals whether from Europe Economic Area or any other countries to the servers provided by our third-party partners in the U.S. in a compliant way. The services our third-party partners provide are certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework. One of our server providers offers us with a Data Processing Addendum, including Model Clauses (Data Processing Addendum) that was approved in 2015 by the EU data protection authorities. This Data Processing Addendum enables us to transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area, to any country, including to the US.

Update to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, depending on our business demands and/or changes to regulatory requirements. We will always ask for your review and approval when we make any change.

Policy for Children

Only individuals aged above 18 are permitted to own an Athome account. Individuals aged above 13 but below 18 are requested be under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian while using our products and services and only when they agree to be bound these Terms on your behalf. We do not knowingly obtain information from children aged below 13.

How to Contact Us

Once again, we take the information we gather from you rather seriously. Generally, the information is collected to serve as an important reference to provide you with better products and services. If you have any question about our privacy practices, you may submit an inquiry by e-mail ([email protected]).

Privacy Policy

List of Our Advertising Partners and Their Privacy Policies

Our advertising partners provide services that help us match our ad space supply with advertiser demand. The may collect information by automatic means through our app to display and manage advertising on our app. They also set up strict rules on processing your information. Here is the list of their privacy policies:

AdMob/AdSense:Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

List of Our Service Providers and Their Privacy Policies

We may process your data on the following platforms that our partners provide for research and analyzing purposes. We may share your information with them for the purpose of processing your data on our behalf. They are restricted from sharing it for any other non-Athome purpose. Here is the list of their privacy policies:

Urora: Privacy Policy

MobTech: Privacy Policy

Google Analytics: Privacy Policy

The statement is effective from the date of update

Last updated: October 15, 2020