Dr. Charles Boehmer


Department of Political Science

University of Texas at El Paso

307 Benedict Hall

El Paso, TX, 79968

[email protected]

Phone:  (915) 747-7979

Fax:(915) 747-6616


Office Hours, Spring 2006:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 1:30-2:30


and by appointment


My Research:

        I have research projects in several areas with many different coauthors.  One of my more prominent projects explore how intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) prevent countries from becoming involved in wars and other militarized disputes.  Much of my other work combines economics and politics, especially with a focus on international cooperation and conflict.  Some of my work in this area includes the issues of international trade, economic development, democracy, civil war, border issues, and other topics in international political economy.

My c.v. Vitae2_2007.doc

Recent articles out in 2005: 

     Violent Adolescence, Journal of Peace Research: Data and Syntax files.zip

      Do Intergovernmental Organizations Promote Peace?,  World Politics, October 2004

        mini version of data set with our created variables:  BGN WP04 limited.zip

My Teaching:

    This Spring (2006) semester I am teaching both undergraduate research methods (The Study of Politics) and undergraduate International Political Economy.  If you are a student, please use the WebCT pages for information.   My teaching interests also include various topics of international relations and I have taught other courses in the past such in the areas of political theory and Introduction to American Politics.


Interested in International Relations?  Join the International Relations Society!  Contact me by email, phone, or stop by my office. 



Interested in graduate school, or not sure?  Check out the link below

GOING TO GRADUATE SCHOOL IN POLITICAL SCIENCE   Workshop on Going to Graduate School.pdf