Mission Status

Voyager 1
Voyager 2
Launch Date
Monday, Sep 5, 1977
12:56:00 UTC
Saturday Aug 20, 1977
14:29:00 UTC
Mission Elapsed Time
46 years, 10 months
46 years, eleven months
Distance from Earth
15.2 billion miles
24.4 billion kilometers
163.1 AU
12.7 billion miles
20.4 billion kilometers
136.4 AU
Distance from the Sun
15.3 billion miles
25 billion kilometers
167.1 AU
13 billion miles
21 billion kilometers
137 AU
Velocity with Respect to the Sun (est.)
38,026.79 mph
16.9995 kps
34,330.48 mph
15.3471 kps
One-Way Light Time
22 hours, 44 minutes
18 hours, 56 minutes
Updated Aug 15, 2024

Instrument Status

This illustration shows the various instruments locations on the Voyager spacecraft.
Voyager diagram
Voyager 1
Voyager 2
Cosmic Ray Subsystem (CRS)
Low-Energy Charged Particles (LECP)
Magnetometer (MAG)
Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS)
Plasma Science (PLS)
Off because of degraded performance (Feb 1, 2007)
Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS)
Wide-angle and narrow-angle cameras off to save power (Feb. 14, 1990)
Wide-angle and narrow angle cameras off to save power (Oct 10 and Dec 5, 1989)
Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer and Radiometer (IRIS)
Off to save power (Jun 3, 1998)
Off to save power (Feb 1, 2007)
Photopolarimeter Subsystem (PPS)
Off because of degraded performance (Jan 29, 1980)
Off because of degraded performance (Apr 3, 1991)
Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA)
Off to save power (Jan 15, 2008)
Off to save power (Feb 21, 2008)
Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS)
Off to save power (Apr 19, 2016)
Off to save power (Nov 12, 1998)
Updated Mar 10, 2024

Voyager 1 Present Position

This simulated view of the solar system allows you to explore the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft exploring our solar system. You can also fast-forward and rewind in real-time.

Voyager 2 Present Position

This simulated view of the solar system allows you to explore the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft exploring our solar system. You can also fast-forward and rewind in real-time.

Voyager's Grand Tour: 1977 - Today

Follow along with the twin Voyagers on their journey to the outer planets and beyond.
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