ConnexUC, UC Managed Travel Program - Login & Tips for Booking Travel

UCI employees, you can log into the ConnexUC system by clicking here: ConnexUC Travel Portal.

  • From the ConnexUC home page, select the Book Online Now button and choose the desired agency or search multiple agencies to find the best accommodations for your travel. The system works much like popular websites for booking air travel.
  • You can choose Contact an Agent if you have a special travel situation and require agent assistance, but be advised that extra fees are incurred by using an agent. The fees for this service are reimbursable.
  • All trips booked through ConnexUC—except when Southwest Airlines (SWABIZ) is used—are automatically registered with the UC Travel Insurance Program.

ConnexUC Log In and Access

An active employee with a valid UCInetID required in order to log into the system to use ConnexUC.

  • Use your employee UCInetID and password to log on.
  • Contingent workers do not have access to ConnexUC. Please have a department employee book travel for you.

If you have ConnexUC log in issues or if there is an error message, go to the Employee Experience Center (EEC) to submit a case to OIT. See images and steps below.

  • Type ‘Travel’ in the field; ‘Search all knowledge articles and HR catalog’ and click on the magnifying glass icon.

    EEC homepage

  • A list of articles containing ‘Travel’ in its contents appears. Select the first one.

    list of articles containing ‘Travel’

  • An article about the Travel System and steps to verify eligibility to access ConnexUC shows up. Towards the end of the article, the guide explains how to submit a ‘General Inquiry’ if there is continued access issue. Click on the General Inquiry link.

    General Inquiry link

  • The following EEC screen/form pops up, when the person presses ‘General Inquiry’.

  • Type in your ConnexUC log in issue or if you receive an error message. You may upload an image of the error message. Click on Submit.

    EEC screen/form pops up

Setting up your Traveler Profile

ConnexUC users have the option of inputting relevant travel information into the system, including basic biographical information and travel preferences. Doing this updates your information with ConnexUC travel agencies. This information can also be seen by anyone you set up as a travel arranger.

  • After you log into the system, select the Edit Profile button and then the Update Contract Information button.
  • Complete all of the required fields and any optional fields you would like to include.
  • Select the Save button at the top or bottom of the Profile page to complete the process.

Note: Do not enter credit card information in the Payment section of your Profile. UCI does not store payment information, and any information entered in these fields will not be saved.

Designating a ConnexUC Travel Arranger

ConnexUC enables you to give other employees various levels of access to your travel plans.

  • After you log into ConnexUC, select the Edit Profile button (top right side), click on the Business tab, scroll down to Travel Arranger.
  • Enter the name or e-mail of the person you would like to designate as a Travel Arranger in the search box.
  • Check the Can Access box to allow this person to view your Profile and Travel Preferences
  • Check the Can Book box to give them permission to book your travel arrangements. This option should only be used when a CTS Card will be the method of payment.
  • Select Save Changes button.

Your travel arranger will be CC'd when your itinerary is emailed to you for any travel arrangements made through ConnexUC.