The Fern Hill Center is a website where you can access my mindfulness and guided imagery recordings and practices. These practices focus on mentalizing, or understanding your mind and that of others, and deep connection with your world. The recordings are based on those I utilize in my research to reduce stress and improve well-being.




The Honey Locust

The locust tree after a long winter

Makes new leaves and flourishes them in the air on outstretched arms

It does so though it has no control over how the wind

Blows its branches and flutters its leaves

Whether the sun shines on them

Whether clouds fill the sky

Or if the rain comes

Perform your chosen actions, Jain!

Do not worry about the changing winds

Stretch your arms into the breeze


Sunrise from my window

I bow to the sunrise,

to the wonderful play of light,

to the wispy and languorous clouds. 

To the pastel pink scraped across the sky. 

I bow to the trees, whose branches black in the dawn

Fan and extend thousands of fingers into the sky. 

I breathe. 

This body breathes, rather. 

I laugh.

Finding Freedom

The ego is...

an incredible and intricate survival system.

Nothing more complex has ever emerged in the past 4 billion years of life on this planet. It is what gives you a sense of personhood, enables you to respond to threats, set goals and accomplish them. Yet with that ego can also come a sense of importance and sensitivity to not reaching those very goals or living the

life you dream.

When I found bliss -- an expansive and joyful awareness --...


My New Research ~ Depression and Happiness

I am extremely excited to share that my new research study was published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, a top 5 international psychology journal. It studies a population that has high levels of chronic stress: people who care for family members with dementia. Dementia is a chronic and progressive illness with no cure that robs the person of memory and normal behavior. Family caregivers - whom we also refer to as care partners - provide support and aid for their relative that...


You are connected to everything

How do you counter “existential angst”?  A direct way is to focus on your connection to everything.  You can’t see this connection with your eyes.  You must infer it based on scientific reasoning and remember it repeatedly. 

If you only focus on your own thoughts and feelings inside your body/head, you cannot reach beyond them.  You will be trapped inside a cycle of self-reinforcing drama. 

Einstein said that our sense of separateness from other things is due to an “optical delusion of our consciousness”.  What this means...


 Felipe Jain, MD, is a psychiatrist and Director of Health Aging Studies at Mass General Hospital and on the faculty of Harvard Medical School.  His passion is to help people improve happiness through connection, and to help them reduce their stress, depression and anxiety. Read more. 


Learn tools ~ Free gift!

Resilience is the ability to bounce back stronger in the face of stress.  Life’s challenges can be overwhelming.  Here you can receive a video talk that provides the tools I teach on resilience at Harvard Medical School, as well as a monthly newsletter with tips for improving well-being.