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Jana Bennett
Jana Bennett: paid £20 for two duty free bottles of Pimm's. Photograph: Frank Baron
Jana Bennett: paid £20 for two duty free bottles of Pimm's. Photograph: Frank Baron

BBC expenses: Jana Bennett's £1,000 on champagne and flowers in 8 months

This article is more than 15 years old
Director of vision also claimed for a Big Ben teapot and teabag rest - and £100 for flowers for Jonathan Ross

The BBC director of vision, Jana Bennett, spent more than £1,000 on champagne and flowers in an eight-month period, according to the executive board's claims for the five years from 2004.

Bennett, who oversees the BBC's TV channels and production, claimed a total of £59,637.73 in expenses over five years.

She spent £1,168 on champagne and flowers, mostly at the Auntie's Bloomers shop at the BBC Television Centre in west London, between 22 March 2004 and 26 November 2004.

The gifts were for unnamed BBC stars to "recognise a particular achievement, such as the end of a successful series, the winning of an award or the birth of a new baby", according to the BBC.

This practice of buying champagne was stopped in October last year when it was deemed "no longer appropriate in the current economic circumstances".

Bennett also paid £20 for two bottles of Pimm's from duty free at Heathrow airport, which the BBC said were gifts for executives from other companies.

Other gifts included a "Big Ben teapot [and] teabag rest", costing £30.25 on 10 February 2005 and a cookie and muffin basket costing £103.

Other expenses claimed by Bennett include a £561.25 lunch with Christopher Frayling, who had recently become chairman of the Arts Council, on 30 April 2004.

Bennett also claimed £1,917 for a leaving dinner for 22 people for former controller of daytime Alison Sharman at private members' club Soho House in London in December 2006.

A further £1,523.30 went on leaving dinners for former BBC2 controller Jane Root - £113.40 on 4 May 2004 and £1,409.90 with senior management on 1 June 2004.

Other leaving dinners included £881.86 for BBC1 scheduler Liam Keelan and £824.06 for a leaving dinner for former BBC Scotland controller of network development for nations and regions, Colin Cameron.

In July 2004, Bennett claimed £231.55 for dinner with Jeremy Paxman to discuss the Newsnight and University Challenge presenter's contract; while in May 2005 she spent £672.32 for a dinner for 10 people from US cable network HBO at the LA Screenings.

She also spent £54.75 on entertainment at a meeting described as being to discuss Jonathan Ross's deal, as well as spending £100 on flowers for him in May 2006.

Bennett also claimed £400 for a cake to mark the end of reality series Any Dream Will Do, as well as £200 for a Sports Relief cake.

The executive charged the corporation £145.25 for two hire cars in 2004, explaining they were "much cheaper than taxis to and from meetings."

A business trip to New York in November 2006, in which Bennett spent £315.16 staying at the W Hotel in Manhattan, saw her claim £2.49 for a taxi to check in to the hotel following a board meeting and £2.49 for one because she was "carrying bags and confidential paperwork".

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