IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers| IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers|

Guide to Travel Health Insurance

Choose well

It's a noisy and complicated travel insurance marketplace out there.

There are so many competing vacation packages and travel health plans offered through a multitude of channels and partnerships - your airline, online travel booking companies, insurance comparison sites, travel agents, tour operators, cruise lines, brokers, insurers themselves, and financial institutions.

Where do you begin?

Our Guide to Travel Health Insurance seeks to answer one of the most frequently asked questions we get from travellers: "Where can I find travel health insurance and what should I look for?"

With this primer, we take the stress out by doing the research for you. Travel insurance insiders Bruce Cappon of First Rate Insurance and Damian Tysdal of Travel Insurance Review also share their tips on how to buy wisely.

We provide this guide as a public service and do not name any insurer providers. Instead, we offer assistance on where to find travel health insurance and what to look for to ensure you make an informed decision on coverage for your trip. There are many articles with travel insurance tips out there but we haven't come across a definitive primer written by an impartial observer. We hope that this guide will give you a better understanding of how travel health insurance works and how to find the right coverage for you.

Have a quick peek! Here's an excerpt on Making Sense of Your Medical Coverage.

Download your PDF copy below.


Last reviewed and updated: December 11, 2020.