Showing posts with label accidental penis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accidental penis. Show all posts

Monday, May 17, 2010

No, I Am Not Mature At All, Thanks For Asking

I'm not sure how it was that I came across the new blog, Accidental Penis. (And no, I am not going to bother retracing my steps because I think that would just embarrass us both.) As far as I can tell, the site's sole reason for existing to is post photos that--as the name strongly implies--contain an accidental penis.  For me, a few accidental penises go a long way, so I've saved you the arduous task of clicking over and have found the very finest example of accidental penisness for you, dear reader. (Spellcheck, btw, is thoughtfully informing me that "penisness" is misspelled.) The accidental penis below is offensive in about 17 different ways, but maybe that's why it's so darn good.