Showing posts with label true sex story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label true sex story. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

True Sex Tale: Cici, "We have made love five times this year."

I was working on some boring-ass other thing when this plinked into my in-box from "Cici Sparkle." Holy fuck, this chick can write. Her story is so...dark and true. (Displaced/unfullfilled passion, it is motivating...)

I am just gonna run it without comment except to say that if you want to tell your own true sex story, face up to what's going on and send it in.

Here then, Cici Sparkle:

A “sexless marriage” is defined as one where the couple has sex fewer than 10 times in a year. We may have made love five times this year. It’s September. We have been married for 15 years.

I find him attractive, cute, boyishly, geek-ily sexy. I'm independent, feminist, loud, fun, reformed wild-and-crazy; he is passive, quiet, thoughtful, brilliant.

He doesn’t look at my body, doesn’t try to touch me, never sneaks in while I’m showering or grabs my ass while I’m cooking or talking on the telephone. He has never seduced me; has never unhooked my bra or looked at my body as he removed my panties. Sexy pictures and suggestive text messages make him uncomfortable and angry. He accuses me of being unstable - to whom else are you sending these photos? - and unsafe with technology when all I want is to tap into the primal, animal instinct that he must have… doesn’t he?

I approach him while wearing lingerie, bluesy-sexy music playing in the background, feeling lascivious and tasty, and he turns on the TV. I wrap my arms around him, throw my legs over his lap, gently nibble his earlobe and he freezes, almost as if he is afraid of what I may “do” to him.

He stays up all night either consciously or unconsciously to avoid coming to bed. Lovemaking, when it happens, is only in the morning. That way he can pull away from me afterwards, bounding out of bed to get showered and dressed immediately so I won’t have further expectations to be held or kissed or, heaven forbid, to reach climax. I make him feel dirty, I suppose, but not in a good way. If I’m on top - most times - he doesn’t move, save to hold my hips lightly. Occasionally he’ll cup my breasts and kiss them tenderly if they are right in his face, otherwise there is no foreplay. Perhaps this is my own fault. I am so easily - physically - turned on, so he never had to try very hard.

I can’t help but keep track. very Monday morning, after another weekend that we didn’t make love, I pick a fight. When he is sick or we have overnight weekend guests, I am irrationally angry and bitter: another lost opportunity for intimacy. Every time my period starts I rage, the pain and exhaustion mocking me, Mother Nature marking another month that he hasn’t even tried. When we do make love successfully, I am angry, too, because I know that the next time could be months away.

I don’t think he’s vindictive. He somehow doesn’t know what else to do, can’t read my body language, and follows instruction poorly. We used to have a good time together, even after our children were born. I had a lot of experience with men and sex but not with love. Our relationship was never passionate, but there was always deep caring and trust and a desire to please.

Have I mentioned that my husband is an alcoholic? Over the years he has progressed from being a social/heavy drinker to being a drunk, an habitual drinker, a selfish fuck of a man who drinks steadily until he passes out or until all of the beer is gone. He doesn’t yell or throw punches; instead he leaves a trail of beer cans and potato chip crumbs for me to find the following day, falls asleep in front of the blaring TV, lights blazing, with a beer can in his hand, spilling on the couch and the carpet. He wakes up sticky-eyed and confused just before dawn and rambles to bed as quietly as his lanky 200 pounds can be. He sleeps through his alarm, occasionally getting up in time to walk the kids to the bus stop with pungent, yeasty sweat coming out of his pores. My favorite mornings happen every few months when I wake up to him having pissed on his side of the bed.

Al-Anon tells the enabler not to manipulate situations so the alcoholic will pay bills, eat, go to work, or sleep. We are essentially told to get out of the way and let the train wreck happen. I have stopped fighting with him about his drinking and sleep habits and our terrible, sad sex life. He has worn me down and I can’t bear to be rejected any more. “You know I’ll never leave so the pressure is off. I’m trapped and unhappy and you don’t care. So, you win. I will not pursue you any more.”

There is a specific point in his drunkenness when he can be coaxed into bed. Too little alcohol and he wants to stay up later and party; too much and he is sloppy. Thursday was one of those nights. I was asleep although not soundly, too dead tired at this late hour to greet him but alert enough to hear him close the door and lock it. He crawled into bed and put his arms around me, my back to him. I lay uncharacteristically still and hoped he would get the hint to leave me alone. My instincts told me that if I woke up fully and encouraged him I would be disappointed, left aroused, alone, and wide awake. He nudged and snuggled me until he finally persuaded me to turn over on to my back. Despite myself, my arms went around his neck ... he is my husband, after all, and I love him in an unrequited, desperate way.

We lay quietly, close together. His tongue slithered into my ear, big and wet and invasive. I shuddered and pulled my head away. He kissed my neck and my face with lips that felt flabby and loose, smacking noisily. I tried to kiss him the way we used to - a light touch, gingerly sucking his bottom lip, gentle, tentative tongue - but he was too drunk to follow my lead. Instead he pressed my lips too hard with his mouth, hurting them against my teeth, jamming his tongue inside my mouth, licking and swirling with the finesse of a sixteen-year-old. He tasted like beer and smokeless tobacco, which he probably flipped out of his mouth when he came to bed. My skin crawled and I pulled my face away. He reached his hand between my legs and pushed them open gently, then used one finger to part the outer lips of my labia as he began recklessly jamming his hips into mine, not guiding himself or exploring, just poking until he found a warm spot.

He is well-endowed and was hard enough to penetrate me but I knew immediately that he wouldn’t finish. For several long minutes his efforts were on straight fucking, all pelvis and cock, pressing his full weight on me, banging away and breathing heavily. The alcohol rendered him incapable of multitasking so I raised my hips, moving with him, encouraging him, but also reaching for the tiniest bit of pleasure for myself. I was wet but not fully aroused so I wasn’t “open” enough to take his full length; I winced and tried to move away every time he thrust and hit my cervix. Tears rose in my throat as I whispered to him to slow down. He feels claustrophobic when I hold him too closely or wrap my legs around his hips so I lay my open hands lightly on his shoulders, my feet firmly planted on the bed, waiting for him to exhaust himself.

Finally I could feel him getting tired, losing his erection, breathing heavily, slowing down and stopping, at last, to catch his breath. He stumbled out of bed and went to the kitchen for glasses of ice water. When he returned and deposited my glass on the nightstand, I pretended to be asleep and made a small noise when he patted my head. Wide awake now, my back to him in the darkness, feeling light-years away, listening to his breathing as it became deeper, I thought about all of the reasons that I hate him.

Hope you can use this ... thank you for your beautiful blog.

Thank you for being such a bad-ass, Cici. And yes, of course, I can use it. Hope it finds its way to who(m?)ever might be needing it in their day today.


(photo source)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Real Sex Stories: Alyssa Royse, "Orgasms Aren't That Big A Deal"

(You have arrived in the midst of a grand celebration in which we're re-running IBWMW's all-time greatest Real Sex Stories)

Here, Alyssa Royse writes about the aftermath of an accident that left her largely orgasm-less, and how this have affected her sex life.

For me, her piece brings up all sorts of delicious issues to ponder like: What is the goal of sex? How is physical sex different than emotional/spiritual/passionate sex? What constitutes sex? What (if anything) differentiates sex from the sexual?

I pretty much don’t have orgasms. I am not alone in that. I have felt guilt, fear and shame around that fact, and I am not alone in that. I have faked it, and I am not alone in that.

Orgasms were always hard to come by for me. But after really learning my body, I could get there, both on my own and with lovers. However, after a car-accident and resulting brain injury, they all but disappeared. And I was, frankly, glad to see them go. As good as they felt for the short time they were happening, the drama and pressure around getting there never seemed worth it to me. I never understood what the big deal was. They’re awesome, but they’re a tiny part of a much larger picture.

If I just needed a quick orgasm, I would rely on porn and a vibrator to get me there quickly. But if that was all I wanted, I would never bother having sex with other people. When I’m having sex with someone, I want it to be an unencumbered journey of exploration with a very specific person. I want no map, no “to do” list, no expectations and no goals. Just all in, focusing on the moment, not on the finish line.

In my mind, the focus on the orgasm rather than everything leading up to it, is like focusing on the wedding but not the marriage – pretty much missing the point.

When I finally figured out that the absence of orgasm was very likely one of the many changes in my body connected to my brain injury, I was almost relieved. But in a culture in which men are trained to win awards, conquer challenges, and be victorious, it’s awfully hard to get guys to accept that an orgasm just didn’t matter. Now I could blame it on my injury, which was totally justifiable and no guy could possibly take personally.

“So, you just don’t have them, at all,” one of my friends asked. “Sometimes it happens, but it’s unusual, and I usually tell lovers that it’s not possible, just because it’s easier, and pretty much true.”

“I’m sorry,” my other friend said.

“Don’t be,” I explained. “It’s great.”

In unison, they both said, “how can that be.” 

I did my best to explain the performance pressure around having an orgasm. That in many cases, women feel like they have to get there to please the guy, like the guy will feel like a failure if he can’t make you cum. And, of course, we feel like a failure, or like we are flawed and not good enough if we can’t get there. Then the whole focus becomes this one thing, and it’s just too much pressure. Frankly, it’s incredibly hard to have an orgasm under that kind of pressure.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Reader Stories: Crossdressing, BDSM, Possible Domming and Other Things Your Cubemates Desire

Ah, my dears. You are so good to me. Always sending me funny little stories, smart thinky articles, and heartfelt missives on your sex lives (or lack thereof).

And I cruelly repay you by saving them for later, then forgetting to run them. But today, I shall make up for this, putting some of the backlog into a big ol' virtual sack and depositing it unceremoniously on your Internet doorstep.

In some of the stories below it was hard for me to find a point of reference for the particulars involved (and even got a little cringy at times), but what I find fascinating is the fearlessness all the writers had in uncovering and exploring their desires. Maybe they didn't want to want what they wanted, but they kept wanting it anyway.

"Underneath it all, we are wild and we know it"--Reginald A. Ray

--Let's start with this one from..let's call her Pia: "I have always been very adventurous in bed," she wrote, by way of introduction. "Even my virginity was taken in a kinky way. I have been in a relationship for seven years with a wonderful man but I was getting very bored and needed to let my kinky side come out again. He was not kinky at all. I was the closeted freak. I finally came clean early this year and he was ok with me exploring within a clear set of boundaries. Doing some research, I found FetLife, where I talked with local people. I found a submissive's discussion group, met some wonderful people, got invited to a tasting of kink party, and the rest is history. This is my journaling before my first scene. I thought it would give you a good intro.  I have been journaling every scene I have had so far, some are more graphic than others."

The Nerves of My First BDSM Scene
     As Saturday approaches, the nerves and butterflies increase. I have been pondering a lot about having the guts to do what I am about to do on Saturday.
     Since I decided to go into the community, I have met a number of wonderful people and I have gathered the guts to surrender to my desire. This particular lady has given me the warm and fuzzies since I met her. She is wonderful, open, warm, welcoming, and a bunch of other things that make you want to trust her. Her girlfriend is also super nice, caring, protective, funny, etc. What I want to say is that I really like both of them. I am not bisexual but BDSM is about much more than just sex and I feel very comfortable with her.
     That is the reason why I decided to go for it. I trust her, and I have become a Violet Wand fan, or like she put it, a juice bug. I never in my life thought I would enjoy and crave electricity!
     I have been so nervous about it, not it it ... but about the party attached to it. Since the first time I went to a play party, I have been in a constant state of admiration; admiration for the freedom and acceptance of women of all shapes and sizes. It was a huge lesson for me from the beginning. Every time I went to parties I thought that I want to be like that when I grow up; I want to be that free. I want to disrobe not worrying about what someone else might think, but just for the pure pleasure of it all. Just because I cannot wait to feel that intense sensation on every inch of my skin... and oh my god, I do! I wanted a seasoned Violet Wand user to show me new heights. I just cannot wait.
     A friend of mine just told me how hot it is what I am about to do and he also told me that the one block I have is my own thoughts. He is so right; I get too deep in my own head and overthink everything. His advice: just do it. He sounds like a Nike commercial but he is right, and I want to do it. I want to close my eyes or look deep into His eyes and get lost in the raw sensation of it all. All I want to do is feel and not think.
     Ironically, today I read the following:  Love YOU. – Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. Yes, let someone love you despite all of this; and let that someone be YOU.
     And I think I usually do ... but this ... this is a huge deal for me. I will do it and I will enjoy it, because it is totally out of my comfort zone; and someone once told me that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So life ... here I go.
     Can't hardly wait for tomorrow!
--The next story is How I Became My Wife's Wife.  I'm not sure if the author wants me to put his name so I'll just say his name is D. D, if you want to write in and claim ownership, I'll be happy to put your name on here.
    My story is a bit unique, but I thought I'd share. You see, my body isn't always right. I enjoy being a man. I enjoy it immensely. I love using my penis to take my wife to the brink of ecstasy, hold her there, and with a lunge, send her into a blacked out world of fireworks that has a population of one: The entity we become together.
     I love being a man who's unabashedly and irresistibly attracted to women who outweigh me, and at 6'1", you know what that means. I love all the sensuality available from such a body. Easily my favorite thing about being a man is feeling every inch of my penis moving inside my wife's finely textured pussy. See, what passes as a g spot for other women, my wife doesn't have. That peculiarly textured area occurs right behind the bone, and is easily tongue-accessible, making her one of those few women that come hard from being fucked hard.
     She gushes cum and covers me with it.
     And squirts.
     Oh yes, I love being a man.
     As both a former cheerleader and a former stripper, you can imagine the body issues my size 22 wife had when we started dating. She's down to an 18, now. Nevertheless, she bought this outfit early on to wear for me. The top is sleeveless with a plunge neck, and the skirt is my favorite length: long enough to cover her ass, but not long enough that she'd wear in public.
     A few months before we got married, she wore it for me again, we screwed like porn stars (again), And she went to eBay to find a new outfit.
     A few days later, It arrived, and we immediately covered it with cum.
     The following evening, I asked her What she wanted me to wear. She told me to pick something, so I put on her sleeveless plunge top. Nervously, I looked at her. Surprise flew across her face and was gone. She said "well, there's a skirt to go with that..." So I put it on.
     She adjusted it until I was wearing it correctly, then had me turn around. She lifted the skirt, rubbed my ass, dropped the skirt, then pushed her lighter on the floor and giggled an oops. I put my ass as high as I could as I bent over to retrieve the lighter, and she gasped in my general direction.
     "NOW I see why you like the skirt," she managed to get out.
     I turned towards her and handed her the lighter. She threw it and surrounded my dick with her mouth. I stood perfectly still as I received the most passionate blowjob she'd ever given me, making it the most passionate blowjob that ever happened. 
     A new feeling had awakened inside of me, and I had to put it inside of her.
     So I did the only logical thing I could do. I grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head off my dick. She resisted, hard, but I overcame, grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back on the bed. Then I hooked my arms under her knees and pulled her close.
     My dick knew where to go, and I took the next five minutes slowly inserting it. She was dry when I started, but dripping wet when I bottomed out.
     Holding steady, I moved my lips to her ear, pushing her legs back as I did so. I asked her if she'd like her husband to be a woman, and she started to cum. She couldn't speak or move. All she could do was quiver against my hips and pulsars.
     Since the first insertion went so well, I followed it up with as many rough insertions as I could, moving around to hit as many spots as I could in a vagina that was increasingly voluminous. 
     2.3 minutes later, I dropped down on the bed next to her. We'd each had an orgasm, hers was still happening. We were both unable to move. So we did what you'd have done instead: we passed out.
     I woke up in the morning feeling great. I put my hands on my chest and the feeling was gone. I hadn't magically grown breasts overnight.
     We repeated the experience with her new outfit. ...on me.
     The next day, I spent a great deal of time trying to understand what I was doing and why. Even though I had embraced feminism and done any and every thing I could to abdicate my own male privilege, I was still subject to 38 years of conditioning telling me it was bad/wrong (badong) to be a woman with a penis. I stood for transgender rights, but I was uncomfortable with the idea those might be my rights.
     That evening, wrestling with my inner demons, I started the conversation my wife didn't even know she never wanted to have it.
     In the couple of years since then, we've both learned a lot about ourselves. We understand that I'm a crossdresser, and we share clothes. We understand that women and men can't be equal until I can put on a dress and breast forms and walk around in public in safety.
     Most importantly, we understand how awesome it is that we're together.

--And finally, here's this one. I couldn't tell if this was a bit spammy ("Dear 'Ms. Hamilton'") or not (used the correct, awkward acronym for blog), so I give it to you as is.

Dear Ms. Hamilton,
I greatly enjoy IBWMW and thought you may be interested in a short cartoon I made. "So, You Want to Be a Dom?" is about a man who wants to be a Dom, but doesn't actually want to be a Dom, or even know what one is:


"Desire presses ever forward unsubdued," said Freud. You can try to smash it down (note: this does not work) or you can leap right the fuck into it and see where it takes you.

Let me know which you pick.
