Weight Training Without Injury: Over 350 Step-by-Step Pictures Including What Not to Do!

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Regalis Publishing
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8.0 X 10.0 X 0.8 inches | 1.74 pounds

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About the Author
FRED STELLABOTTE, a US Navy veteran and an expert in bodybuilding, has developed weight-training programs with a focus on proper form and injury prevention for over 50 years. He has trained movie stars, champion bodybuilders, professional athletes (including Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team and Oakland Raiders football team players), and members of the general public. From 1970 to 1989, he founded and directed southern California's Manhattan Beach Athletic Club for Men and the Manhattan Beach Athletic Club for Women, two of the largest facilities of their kind in America. His knowledge and experience result from years of research, including study with monks who practice martial arts in China; extensive coursework in kinesiology, anatomy, and neurology; and scrutiny of proper muscle function through examination of his own body in front of mirrors. Weight Training Without Injury, co-authored by one of his star students, Rachel Straub, is Fred's legacy. It shares his knowledge, acquired over a lifetime, with future generations.
RACHEL STRAUB, MS, CSCS, is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Carnegie Mellon, where she received her BA in chemistry with university and research honors. She holds master's degrees in exercise physiology and nutritional sciences from San Diego State University and a third master's degree in biokinesiology (with a focus on biomechanics) from the University of Southern California. She has been certified as a strength and conditioning specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is the co-author of scientific papers in the fields of biomechanics, sports medicine, nutrition, and computational chemistry, published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, Nutrition Research, and Physical Biology and other journals. Rachel, a skilled investor, currently co-manages extensive brokerage accounts that are outperforming benchmark indices such as the S&P 500 and NASDAQ Composite.

"Stellabotte, a personal trainer and veteran of the U.S. Navy, and Straub, an exercise physiologist, have built a clear and comprehensive manual that lays out the foundational basics of how to use weights and explicitly demonstrates the differences between safe, or "correct," movements and injury-causing "incorrect" ones. The book is divided into seven sections, kicking off with a crucial introduction to selecting the right workout regimen. Subsequent sections focus on different parts of the body: legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms, and the all-important core. Along with the essential weight exercise for the body part in question, these sections go over necessary equipment, key points for safe and effective movement, and "Master Techniques," the more advanced exercises. The writing is clean and straightforward, effectively communicating what to avoid and what to do, as incorrect form can be dangerous. Color photographs appear on nearly every page illustrating the authors' tips. This guide is essential for anyone who hopes to get into weight training, and it should be mandatory reading before setting foot into any gym."
--Publishers Weekly

"... The chapter on proper squat exercise alone is so important that I have already changed the way I teach this exercise in my practice."
--Stuart C. Marshall, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Specializing in Sports Medicine and Trauma

"... The attention to detail is unparalleled among other texts in the field. If you were going to read and use only one book on weight training, this would be it!"
--Christopher M. Powers, PT, PhD, FACSM, FAPTA, Professor, USC Division of Biokinesiology & Physical Therapy

"... Weight Training Without Injury is brilliant--it educates the novice, as well as the professional, on how to train without injury."
--Dave Draper, Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World in several competitions, 1965-1970, Author of Brother Iron, Sister Steel: A Bodybuilder's Book

"A clear and comprehensive guide, backed by scientific evidence and decades of real-life experience. A must-have for anyone needing to weight train safely--which is just about everyone."
--Frank Winton, MD, Family & Sports Medicine

"I absolutely love Stellabotte and Straub's book Weight Training Without Injury! ... It has a strong focus on feet and hand placement, head and neck alignment, spine and hip range of motion, and shoulder and knee joint stability. Science in the weight room--LOVE IT!"
--Stew Smith, CSCS, Former Navy SEAL, Tactical Fitness Author, Special Ops Team Coach at the US Naval Academy, Founder of Heroes of Tomorrow and Stew Smith Fitness

"... The methodologies in this book are sound, with scientific backing, and are presented in a very organized and easy-to-read manner. I definitely recommend this book to everyone that wants to train with great technique and excel in their respective fields."
--Jon Sanderson, MS, CSCS, RSCC, SCCC, USAW, FMS, TPI, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, University of Michigan, Men's Basketball, Men's/Women's Golf

"Weight Training Without Injury is an indispensable, user-friendly guide, especially for the beginning lifter ... photos of correct (and incorrect) body positions ... for every step, make it possible to master proper technique when lifting weights..."
--N. Travis Triplett, PhD, CSCS, *D, FNSCA, Professor of Exercise Science, Appalachian State University