
What we’re into: ‘Lifestyles of the Chicken Famous’

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Do you dream of trading daily gridlock on the 405 for farm living, surrounded by lots of chickens?

So do we.

And since we haven’t won Powerball yet, we do the next best thing: Follow Kathy Shea Mormino, a.k.a. the Chicken Chick.


We love Mormino’s endlessly entertaining (and informative) advice about raising backyard chickens who happen to live in a swank and gorgeously landscaped “chicken village.”

Now, the social media savvy Mormino (followed by more than 755 thousand on Facebook) is back with a new book, “Lifestyles of the Chicken Famous,” which gives readers a sneak peek at the posh life of her poultry.

Sit back, pour yourself a frosty beverage this summer and enjoy. We found the book on for $19.99.

Also >>> Do chickens make a great family pet?

--Rene Lynch
