MIEMSS Grant Opportunities

Currently, MIEMSS provides opportunities for the EMS community to access funding for equipment, training, and EMS-related programs. These grants include both "pass-through" and direct funding. All grant requests must be submitted through MIEMSS' Regional Councils.

Current Grant Opportunities

Matching Grants for AEDs, Monitor Defibrillators, and Upgrades (Special Funds)

These direct grants are awarded up to 50% of the total purchase price of an AED or cardiac monitor.  They are awarded annually based on the State’s fiscal year (July1 through June 30).  Contact your MIEMSS Regional Office for more information or use the following link to the current application: 

Click Here for the FY 2025 Cardiac Devices Grant Application

MIEMSS EMD and ALS Funding (Special Funds)

These educational grants are for Emergency Medical Dispatch training as well as Advance life support training. These grants are for 100% funding and are based on the State’s fiscal year (July1 through June 30). Please contact MIEMSS Regional Offices for applications and additional information.

Federal EMSC State Systems Grants

Click here for additional information.

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Help Stop Fraud in State Government

The Maryland General Assembly's Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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