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The way they live, the food they eat, and the effect on us

The Story of Gosling Sandhill

A true but unlikely tale

Story and Photographs by William Rowan

The Eugenics Movement in Retrospect

Despite warnings by biologists and geneticists, eminent individuals and venerable institutions helped promote a false theory that led to sterilizations and genocide.

Civilizing Social Media

Strategies for depolarizing political discourse

Enslavement and the Environment

A case study: eighteenth-century Dominica

  • Salmon

    The way they live, the food they eat, and the effect on us

  • The Story of Gosling Sandhill

    A true but unlikely tale

    Story and Photographs by William Rowan

  • The Eugenics Movement in Retrospect

    Despite warnings by biologists and geneticists, eminent individuals and venerable institutions helped promote a false theory that led to sterilizations and genocide.

  • Civilizing Social Media

    Strategies for depolarizing political discourse

  • Enslavement and the Environment

    A case study: eighteenth-century Dominica

Dark ocean scene with diver in background and reddish stuff in foreground

Oxygenation Stutter Steps

Increasing day length on the early Earth boosted oxygen released by photosynthetic cyanobacteria.

  • Wallacea Woman

    Genomic evidence shows that Denisovans and modern humans may have overlapped in Wallacea.

  • Congo Rainmaker

    Evapotranspiration is the largest source of water vapor in the Congo rainforest during the spring rainy season.

  • A Dragon Tale

    Pterosaur with 1-meter-long skull was Australia's largest known flying reptile.

Special Collection
shark fin

Sharks in Our Midst

Their cultural history, prehistory, social systems, and more.

Read more

  • Voracious Evolution

    Discoveries of more complete remains of cartilagenous fishes have shed new light on the prehistory of sharks and their relatives.

  • Sociable Killers

    New studies of the white shark (aka great white) show that its social life and hunting strategies are complex

  • Sharks: Man-Eaters and Others

    With suggestions that Americans turn to economic account some of the smaller species of the Atlantic Coast

Picks From the Past

“Robinson Crusoe’s Children”

The Strange Story of Nine English Mutineers Who Took Up Their Abode With Their Native Tahitian Wives, on a Desert Island in the South Seas.

  • Lost Continents

    Ever since the days of the Greeks, people have tried to prove that thriving civilizations once existed on huge islands that have since sunk beneath the sea.

  • Man—500,000 Years From Now

    A Scientific Attempt to Forecast What May Occur in the Future Evolution of Man

  • A Tenderfoot Explorer in New Guinea

    Reminiscences of an Expedition for Birds in the Primeval Forests of the Arfak Mountains

Partner Highlights
Ignacius graybullianus

54-Million-Year-Old Skull Reveals Surprises about Early Evolution of Primate Brains


  • Rad Toys

    Science toys you can build or buy for you and the other kids in your life.

  • Best Things in Life

    Where to find Natural History archives and other free stuff

  • The Third R

    With the spotlight on ’rithmetic, there are now free online sites where you can practice your math skills.

  • Pain in the Knee

    Alternatives to surgery for treating joint pain from arthritis

Recent Stories

The way they live, the food they eat, and the effect on us

A true but unlikely tale

Story and Photographs by William Rowan

Increasing day length on the early Earth boosted oxygen released by photosynthetic cyanobacteria.

Genomic evidence shows that Denisovans and modern humans may have overlapped in Wallacea.