Tag Archives: politics

Disabled And Disadvantage Compensations

What you when applying for a disability card knowledge should people with disabilities have it hard enough to you to make life easier for something can in everyday life handicapped persons various settlements of drawback claim. An eigetragener GdB (degree of disability) are necessary for the services. Disabilities, people with handicaps in Germany have the […]

Y Los Media School

Title: Program school and media thematic axis: education, State and market authors: Vanesa Bouza (F.C.S.-UBA) charge: teachers of the course in support of the polimodal (UNTREF) email: summary: school and media program this work derived credit researched about the inclusion of the communicational knowledge in the educational system after the reform, and delve deeply into […]


The limits of size. Mass production & globalisation – but only as long as ecological and social aspects according to be considered (in the long run). When researching many professionals with specific expertise and must develop in order to be able to produce a product and even if certain, elaborate production technologies are required, that […]

San Garcia Gibraltar

Several tanks of oily waste burned Tuesday in Gibraltar. Two workers were injured. The emergency plan has been activated to clean the beaches of waste. The discharge from tanks of oily waste that burned Tuesday in Gibraltar has reached several beaches of Algeciras (Cadiz), by which the Junta de Andalucia has activated the Emergency Plan […]

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