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Showing posts with the label Hendrych

Train + Brewery + Bus + Brewery + Bus + 2Brewery = Great Day

When I was blogging for the Prague Post, I wrote a piece about microbreweries outside Prague that could be easily reached by public transport. It included Berounský Medvěd , Starokladenský Pivovar and Antoš Slaný , which, I suggested, could be all visited in one day, without having to travel back forth to Prague. I’d been wanting to do that trip ever since, I even planned it a few times, but, for some reason or another, I had to put it off; until the other day. The family was away, I had been able to finish a couple of jobs ahead of schedule and I suddenly found myself with an entire day free! I opened to check bus and train schedules, especially between the three towns, allowing also for a fourth brewery, Továrna , in Slaný. It was very doable; if I started early in Beroun, I could be having the last beer in Slaný by the mid-afternoon. I had a plan. I took the S4 train leaving at 9:17 from Hlavní Nádraží. I thought of taking the express train to Pilsen that leaves a few

Musings Over an Afternoon Pint

The other day I stopped for a couple of beers at Krkonošská Hospůdka , a friendly, unpretentious little place I wish I could go to more often. I was the first patron to walk in, just when the doors had opened for the day, but I wasn’t alone for long. A couple, a few years older than me, took a table in the opposite end of the room, and more people would soon follow; a mixed crowd that created a great atmosphere. I ordered Krakonoš 12° , I was thirsty and didn’t want to think about what else was there, besides, I have a bit of a soft spot for that beer, even if consistency is not one of its strongest points, but that afternoon was spot on. The man at the other end of the room studied the blackboard with the beers on tap and picked President , a 12° Světlý Ležák from Pivovar Ovipistán . I don’t remember having seen any references of this létajicí pivovar or its beers, but this man at the other end of the room was sure liking that dvanáctka, so much that he got another before I was t