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Showing posts with the label Nomád

And it's gone

For all practical purposes, 2012 is finished and therefore, it is time to put together the almost mandatory balance. This has been the most successful year of my still infant career as a beer writer. I've collaborated with  The Beer Connoisseur , my reviews continued to be published in  Pivo, Bier & Ale . The other day, after more than a year, I sent an article to the Spanish mag.  Bar&Beer and at the beginning of the year,  The Prague Post  asked me to write a regular beer blog for them , which I really enjoyed doing. As if that wasn't enough, I was also offered to take part in a pretty important project that will see the light some time next year; it was a true honour to have been even considered for it and I want to thank all those who helped me put together my assignment. All of this has been (or will eventually be) paid, it's really gratifying to be able to make some money out of a hobby. I wasn't able to travel abroad (in fact, I had to refuse a coupl

Beer at the Castle

There weren't places to sit, the food was rather poor, you couldn't wash your hands after going to the loo, there were fountains to rinse the glasses, but not to rinse your palate between samples (something that was badly needed by the end), some of the promised "pivovary" were missing and not everyone at the taps was a "pro". What else is there to critisise? Nothing, really, "Festival minipivovarů na Pražském hradě" turned out to be what it promised it would be and the kind of event that Czech beer had long deserved. The setting could have hardly been better for a day like last Friday. Right at the feet of Queen Ann's Summer Palace, with the spires of St. Vitus Cathedral hovering above the tents. I arrived around 2:30 and there were already plenty of people. As expected, I found many friends and known faces, who sometimes made it hard to keep a conversation going. Every time I turned round to rinse my glass or to get another beer I ran

A few quick reviews (II)

In view of the enormous success the first edition was (and because I can't be arsed with writing anything else today), here's another roundup of short reviews originally posted on my Facebook Page . When was the last time I had Kocour Stout ? I can't remember, but fuck it's good! And it goes wonderful with a well cured italian Provolone cheese. Badass = A girl minding her own business while casually drinking a 16º Czech IPA straight from a 1l PET bottle Evan Rail's Dark Saison : A drunken band of young, jazz raising stars who suddenly realise they must play together instead of pissing about with their instruments. And very well they play. Nomád Black (IPA) . Ristretto, bitter chocolate, pine, nettle, autumn fruit and a touch of prunes that manage to work surprisingly well together... Slaný Nakouřovaná 13º . A tad too polite of a rauch, perhaps, but quite a nice tipple nonetheless... Harrach Kouřový Speciál : Imagine you are kissing the neck of a krev