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Showing posts with the label Přerov

A Few Quick Reviews (IV)

A new installment of the round up of reviews originally published on my FB page for those four or five of you who don't have Facebook. Slaný TUPL IPA : Could be a tad more aromatic, could have a bit of a longer finish, but SOD THAT! What a chewy, complex, rewarding, beauty this one is! Cigar City Cucumber Saison : I'd be lying my ass off if I said this is one of my favourite beers, but bugger me! This is one interesting little bastard that masterfully avoids the gimmick. One I'd love to drink again. (thanks Glen!) Opat Benediktin 15º : As if a Märzen was trying to do some mischief. 13º Český Granát , Žitný Speciál from Regent? Are you kidding? Does this apricot marmalade, ginger, strawberry syrup beauty come from Třeboň? Hats off to them, it's bloody lovely!!! Přerovský Negr : A big, mean, scary looking muthafuckin nigga that turns out to be a nice fun bloke to be with after all. Novopacké Kvasničák : Scores for being one of the few, proper kvasnicové, s