Welcome to the Bruneau-Grand View!

At Bruneau-Grand View Joint School District, we want to see “Every Child Learning.” Located in the southwestern corner of Idaho, our small, tight-knit community is dedicated to the success of every child. Involved parents, caring citizens, and high-achieving students are just a few of the ingredients in our recipe to success.

We welcome you to our online home, where you can learn more about our exceptional schools, our student athletics programs, and all the special events that make our district stand out from the rest. We welcome community and parent involvement. Find out how you can help!


Policy 2240 – Class Size

The BGV School District will strive to achieve rations consistent with the following State Class size ration goals: (Per I.C. 33-1409)

Grade Level


Number of Students




Grades 1, 2, and 3



Grades 4, 5, and 6



Junior High


160 per teacher

High School


160 per teacher

As of August 20, 2024, Class size ratios are as follows:

Grade Level


Number of Students




Grades 1

Grade 2

Grade 3






Grades 4

Grade 5




Middle High


21 per teacher

High School


20.5 per teacher

Letter from Our Superintendent

 Regarding Bus Transportation for 2024-25

August 2024

Dear Bruneau-Grand View Families,

With the start of the new school year there have been several changes in our operations that will affect families. Regarding school bus transportation – At the end of last year we had two of our long-time route drivers take jobs outside of the district.This left two routes on the east end of the district vacant – Crane Falls Rd./Hot Spring and Little Valley routes. We advertised and recruited during June, July and now August with little to no interest. Reaching inside our existing staff we have been encouraging staff members to take the commercial drivers license test and become eligible to drive bus routes and activities for the district. However, as of the first week of school we have not filled these positions.

Preparing the bus routes for our start on August 19, we had to close the Crane Falls Road route and modify the Hot Springs Road route. We were able to add Hot Springs to the Hot Creek/Little Valley PM route only. For the parents/guardians who live on either Crane Falls or Hot Springs Rd., you are eligible to participate in our In Lieu of Transportation by using the district form each week. If you have questions about the In Lieu of Transportation program or would like to participate, please contact JayDene Aquiso at the district office – 208-834-2260.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will continue to recruit to fill the bus driver positions.

Jeff Blaser, Superintendent

2024-2025 In Lieu of Transportation Form


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