University of California Grant Programs

UC Programs

ProgramDeadlineProgram Synopsis
Alzheimer’s Disease Center AwardsvariesGrants support research in Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.
California Breast Cancer Research ProgramvariesThe mission of the CBCRP is to eliminate breast cancer by leading innovation in research, communication, and collaboration in the California scientific and lay communities.
California HIV/AIDS Research ProgramvariesThe CHRP supports research that is attentive to the needs of California and that accelerates progress towards prevention and a cure for HIV/AIDS.
California Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH)variesPATH’s mission is to develop solutions that address the challenges of California’s surface transportation systems through advanced ideas and technologies and with a focus on greater deployment of those solutions throughout California.
California Sea Grant College ProgramvariesSupports research on ocean and coastal resources.
UC California Studies ConsortiumMarchUCCSC supports collaborative research by UC faculty, graduate students, and their colleagues at other institutions as part of a University-wide initiative for the humanities, arts and social sciences.
Cancer Research Coordinating CommitteeJanuary for letter of intentThe UC CRCC is a systemwide, faculty-directed cancer research program that provides competitive intramural research awards for topics in any discipline that address any aspect of cancer.
CARE-UC Innovation FellowshipFebruaryUC graduate students partner with CARE, whose humanitarian mission and global footprint provide opportunities to explore applications of research and innovation in real-world settings.
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies Fellowship Programsvaries The California Immigration Research Initiative is offering four graduate student fellowships of $9,000 each for doctoral students at any University of California campus researching immigration in California.
Center for Health and Nutrition ResearchMarchCHNR supports research projects that propose innovative, 21st century biology based approaches to the investigation of how nutrients, and combinations of nutrients in whole foods, can act to reduce the risk for chronic diseases.
Center for Space and Earth Science; LANLvariesCSES solicits proposals in the disciplines of geoscience, climate, planetary physics and astrophysics, with an emphasis on the science of signatures.
Center for US-Mexican Studies Fellows ProgramvariesUSMEX has one of the largest residential fellowship programs in the U.S. for research on Mexico, and each year brings together fellows from the social sciences and related fields to engage with the community of students, faculty and the San Diego community.
CITRIS Core Seed FundingvariesInvites UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Davis Health, UC Merced, and UC Santa Cruz PIs to apply for seed funding that furthers CITRIS and the Banatao Institute research initiatives, strengthens connections among UC campuses, and catalyzes early-stage research that can lead to external funding.
Critical Mission StudiesvariesSupports Indigenous perspectives on the California colonial missions and their aftermath.
University of California Drug Discovery ConsortiumvariesSeed funding supports projects advance drug discovery or drug development projects.
UC Global Health InstitutevariesUCGHI provides training opportunities and project funding support for students and faculty to develop their skills in global health research, education and leadership.
UC-HBCU InitiativeMarchUC faculty grants support Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU) students conducting summer research with UC faculty at a UC campus, and support departmental efforts to facilitate increased applications from HBCU scholars to UC PhD programs.
Health Initiative of the AmericasvariesHIA draws upon the multidisciplinary scholarship and the moral calling of UC Berkeley faculty and students to produce new knowledge through action-oriented research; teaching and mentoring; and service and community engagement programs to reduce the health disparities of the less advantaged Latino population in the United States.
UC Humanities Research InstitutevariesUCHRI supports fellows, working groups, seminars, conferences, workshops and other research formations, on topics traditional to the humanities in disciplines such as literature, philosophy, classics, languages, and history, as well as the pressing human dimensions that arise in the social and natural sciences, technology, art, medicine, and the professions.
Institute of American Cultures, UCLAvaries The IAC offers Visiting Research Scholar Fellowship Program in Ethnic Studies awards to to support research on African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Chicanas/os.
Institute of European Studies, UCBvariesFaculty Grants are awarded for research, curriculum development, and travel for foreign language instructors. Other grants and fellowships are offered for students.
Institute on Global Conflict and CooperationvariesIGCC addresses global challenges to peace and prosperity through research, training, and outreach on international security, economic development, and the environment.
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSBvariesKITP has several special fellowship initiatives targeted to special groups, including Simons Distinguished Visiting Scholars, KITP Scholars, postdocs, and graduate students.
Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension CentervariesKARE is a research operation in California’s San Joaquin Valley from which flows a steady stream of practical ideas and solutions ready for implementation by the region’s farmers.
Lawrence Fellowship, LLNLOctoberThe fellowship is a highly competitive three-year postdoctoral position at LLNL that is open to all technical disciplines.
Librarians Association of the University of CaliforniavariesLAUC research funds allow UC librarians a unique opportunity to engage in scholarly research and creative activity.
Medical Investigation of Neurological Disorders Institute, Postdoctoral Fellowshipsvaries The UC Davis MIND Institute offers a postdoctoral training program to prepare Ph.D. and M.D. fellows for careers in autism research.
Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, UCBvariesFellowships, Professorships, Visiting Professorships, and Senior Fellowships are available for research in the basic sciences on the Berkeley campus.
UC Multicampus Research Programs and InitiativesvariesMRPI funding supports innovative multicampus research collaborations that strengthen UC’s position as a leading public research university.
UC National Laboratory Fees Research ProgramvariesThe program enhances partnerships between UC researchers and laboratory scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The program includes Collaborative Research and Training Awards and In-Residence Graduate Fellowships.
Natural Reserve System, Student Research FundingvariesThe UC NRS supports student research with several grant programs.
Philip R. Lee Health Policy Fellowship, UCSFvariesThe program aims to prepare the next generation to accomplish high-impact health services/policy research.
PIMSA Research Program on Migration and HealthFebruaryPIMSA, a collaborative research program between Mexico and the U.S., provides opportunities for research that contributes to the development of evidence-based policies affecting migrants and their health.
President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship ProgramNovemberThe program offers postdoctoral research fellowships, professional development and faculty mentoring to outstanding scholars in all fields whose research, teaching, and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity at UC.
President’s Faculty Research Fellowships in the HumanitiesvariesThe program provides UC faculty with fellowship support to carry out an extended research project.
President’s Research Catalyst AwardsvariesResearch proposals must involve a minimum of three UC campuses and address topics that have the potential to improve human lives, society, the environment, or the economy, enhance culture and community, or provide other public benefit.
Proof of Concept Program: Commercialization Gap GrantsvariesThe PoC Program funds innovations and discoveries at the cusp of commercialization that require a final demonstration of their commercial viability.
Renewable Resources Extension ActAugustRREA solicits proposals to support Cooperative Extension projects addressing the educational and extension needs in the management of California’s valuable renewable resources on forest and rangeland.
Sierra Foothill Research and Extension CentervariesThe Center fosters and supports research, education and outreach programs focused on key agricultural and natural resource themes relevant to the Sierra foothills.
Tobacco-Related Disease Research ProgramvariesTRDRP supports investigators at eligible California institutions whose research contributes directly to the elimination of smoking and tobacco use and mitigates its human and economic costs in California..
Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, UCDvariesWCAHS conducts transferrable research on the causes and prevention of agriculture-related illness and injuries.
Western Integrated Pest Management CentervariesThe Center works to reduce the risks pests and pest-management practices pose to people, the environment and the economy of the West by supporting the development and adoption of integrated pest management.
White Mountain Research Center Student OpportunitiesvariesThe WMRC offers grant programs for graduate students.

UC Berkeley Campus Funding Programs

(Most programs are not administered through SPO.)

American Cultures Center Faculty Grants

Arts Research Center ARC Fellows Program for UC Berkeley Graduate Students and Faculty

Bakar Fellows Program

Berkeley-Austria Research Fellowship

Berkeley Collegium

Berkeley Food Institute

Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII)

Big C (Big Community) Fee Referendum

Big Ideas

Center for British Studies Grants

Center for Latin American Studies

Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC)

Center for Middle Eastern Studies: Funding Opportunities for Faculty

Center for Teaching and Learning Programs

Committee on Research

S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellowships in Natural Resource Economics and Political Economy

Development Impact Lab (DIL) Grant Opportunities

Diversity, Division of Equity and Inclusion

France-Berkeley Fund

Graduate Division: Graduate Fellowships and Awards

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)

Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute

Humanities Research Fellowship and Mellon Project Grant

Human Rights Center Student Fellowships

Institute of European Studies

Peder Sather Grant Program

Portuguese Studies Grants & Fellowships

Student Technology Fund

Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities

Undergraduate Research and Scholarships

Vice Chancellor for Research

Vice Provost for the Faculty