Showing posts with label cains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cains. Show all posts

Cains Double Bock

Cains Double Bock [baron rating 1/5] - 8% dark amber ale,sweet fruity medicinal smell,sweet peppery medicinal taste,nasty cough sweet finish

Note: Not bottle conditioned

Cains Fine Raisin Beer

Cains Fine Raisin Beer [baron rating 3/5] - 5% amber ale,sweet malt & raisins! smell,toffee fruity light bitter taste,strange fruity finish

Buy Cains ales here

Cains Organic Wheat Beer

Cains Organic Wheat Beer [baron rating 2/5] - 4% copper ale,spicy hops nutmeg & wheat smell,floral spicy tart taste,bitter floral finish

My mini #beerswap has arrived!

Back Back in April  a national beerswap was organised by @BeerReviewsAndy (of Beer Reviews fame) & @MarkDredge (of Pencil & Spoon fame). I sent my four bottles to Mitchel Adams of The Thatchers Arms pub.

Mitch liked my selection and mentioned that he would love to get bottles of Southport Old Shrimper & George Wright Cheeky Pheasant again. After a few tweets with Mitch an Ormskirk-Bures #beerswap was on!

These are the five beers that I sent:

And these are the five that I received:

Both lots were sent using myHermes as the courier and both parcels arrived safe & sound with no damage to the box or contents. I know this for a fact as Mitch used my box to return his selection in! The five bottles were sent using their 'between 2-5 kg' weight band so it cost just £5.86 to send them.

I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into these beers, especially the Crouch Vale stuff as I've heard a lot of good things about them!

Cains FA

Cains FA [baron rating 3/5] - 5% amber ale,toffee slight fruit smell,fruity juicy slight burnt bitter taste,astringent dry finish

Cains Dragon Heart

Update: downgraded to 2/5 after revising the Baron Ratings criteria

Enjoyed a Cains Dragon Heart [baron rating: 3/5] - it's a pleasant (but nothing too special) brown ale obtained from Asda (Wigan) for £1.52

Cains IPA

Update: downgraded to 3/5 after revising the Baron Ratings criteria

Had some cans of Cains IPA [baron rating: 4/5] tonight, this 3.5% pale ale is lightly hoppy & refreshing - £3.17 for 4 cans in Asda (Wigan)