
Sesame Street Parodies The Avengers, Exposes Why They’re All Basically Useless

Add The Avengers to the list of movies and shows Sesame Street has flawlessly spoofed. In its latest parody, Ultron is Bon Bon, a vegetable hater hell-bent on “desserting” all of Earth’s veggies. Luckily, Dr. Brownie, Onion Man, Captain Americauliflower, Black Bean Widow, Mighty Corn, and Zuchin-eye come to the rescue. Except when Dr. Brownie (a.k.a. the Cookie Monster) devours most of their costumes, it becomes pretty clear that crime-fighting isn’t really their forte. (“My shield! That’s what makes me special!”) So it’s pretty much spot-on the actual Avengers — especially Hawkeye. Poor, useless Hawkeye.

Sesame Street Parodies The Avengers