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Apple News+ subscriptions growing 4x faster than major publishers, says report

After a report on what Apple users do with their old iPads, analytics firm CIRP has released a study about how Apple News+ subscriptions in the US are growing compared to major publishers like the NYT, WSJ, and WP. Here’s what CIRP found.

Last week we saw a report that some major publishers have become positive on Apple News+ saying it has begun to represent “a substantial stream of direct revenue” and is potentially a saving grace as traffic has been slowing.

While Apple doesn’t break down its Services revenue, its previous quarter results showed an overall 14.2% YoY increase in the category that includes News+. And the new CIRP data says that Apple is outperforming major publishers on subscription growth among Apple users.

Per CIRP, Apple increased its News+ subscriptions in the US from 15 to 24% from 2020 to 2024. Meanwhile, the NYT and WP increased their subscriptions by just 2% with WSJ boosting 3%.

Top comment by Mr_Cruisin

Liked by 8 people

I actually love Apple News Plus. I get great article recommendations, ads are pretty limited/don’t ruin the reading experience, and it lets me support publishers in a way that feels like it’s worth it.

Right now it’s a great way to read the Wall Street Journal without paying for their pricier subscription.

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This study by CIRP surveyed Apple device owners, not all consumers, and the firm didn’t share its sample size.

It’s also unclear the mix of Apple News+ subscribers who are paying the standalone $12.99 vs those who are getting News+ with the $32.99 Apple One bundle.

But if nearly 1/4 of US Apple customers are paying for News+ as CIRP’s report shows, the firm highlights that’s “tens of millions of users” that publishers are gaining by being part of Apple’s service.

Are you using News+? Share down in the comments!

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Michael is an editor for 9to5Mac. Since joining in 2016 he has written more than 3,000 articles including breaking news, reviews, and detailed comparisons and tutorials.

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