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Apple releases iOS 17.6 developer beta 1, plus new betas for macOS 14.6, iPadOS 17.6, and more

Last week Apple released the first beta for iOS 18, but it’s not done with iOS 17 just yet.

Today the first developer beta for iOS 17.6 was released, and it is available now for download. Also debuting are new betas for Apple’s other platforms: macOS 14.6, watchOS 10.6, iPadOS 17.6, and more.

Two summer betas: iOS 18 and iOS 17.6

It is common for Apple to run two separate beta cycles during the summer, one for the major new iOS update launching in the fall, and the other being what is typically the last revision of the prior year’s update. That’s exactly what’s happening this year too.

Both iOS 18 and iOS 17.6 are now available as developer betas. You can only run one on your device at a given time, and most beta users will likely opt for iOS 18.

However, if you’re looking to run the latest iOS beta but don’t want to risk potential performance and stability issues, iOS 17.6 may be a better bet.

It is unknown at this time whether iOS 17.6 will introduce any new features. The last major release of iOS 17, last month’s 17.5, introduced new Pride wallpapers, the Quartiles game for News+ subscribers, offline Apple News content, and some other changes such as app web distribution in the EU.

We will update this post as details emerge about new features in the first developer beta of iOS 17.6.

Have you installed iOS 17.6 or one of the other new betas? Let us know of any changes you might find.

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Avatar for Ryan Christoffel Ryan Christoffel

Ryan got his start in journalism as an Editor at MacStories, where he worked for four years covering Apple news, writing app reviews, and more. For two years he co-hosted the Adapt podcast on Relay FM, which focused entirely on the iPad. As a result, it should come as no surprise that his favorite Apple device is the iPad Pro.

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