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iPhone’s Photos app is more feature-rich than you think: A complete walkthrough [Video]

Apple’s Photos app has evolved significantly since its release with the original iPhone in 2007. It now offers a wealth of features that go beyond simple photo storage. I wanted to put together a detailed walkthrough that talks about both the basics and more advanced features that are lesser known. Be sure to check out our video below for a hands on look on every feature the photos app has to offer.

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iCloud Shared Photo Library: Here’s how it works in iOS 16

iCloud Share Photo Library

Apple has launched a major new capability to the Photos app with iOS 16.1 that makes it much easier to share photos and videos with loved ones. Going beyond the Shared Albums feature that’s been available for years, iCloud Shared Photo Library lets you automatically or manually share your entire or partial photo library and also directly from your camera.

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Opinion: Why has Apple bought Faceshift? Six intriguing possibilities …


Not too long after the first rumors surfaced, Apple has given its usual non-confirmation that it has acquired Faceshift, the company behind the technology Star Wars used to animate the faces of CGI characters. It’s not an obvious fit for Apple, so what could be the thinking behind the purchase?

Like Apple’s patents, it is sometimes easy, I think, to read too much into some of the company’s acquisitions. Sure, it doesn’t go around acquiring companies randomly, but it may not always be after the complete package. It may well be that there is some small element of the company’s technology that Apple wants, or it may be an acquihire – where it’s the engineers rather than the specific tech the company wants.

But in this particular case, there is reason to suspect that Apple does have an interest in the broad brush-strokes of what Faceshift does … 

OS X 10.10.3 expected to hit today, new Photos app a winner – Associated Press

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An Associated Press review of the new Photos app for the Mac suggests that OS X 10.10.3 will be available for general download later today. The first pre-release seed of the latest version of Yosemite was made available to developers and testers back in February, with the first public beta following at the beginning of March.

Apple’s new Photos app for Mac computers, available Wednesday as a free software update, makes it easy to organize and edit your pictures.

AP’s Anick Jesdanun was impressed with Photos, Apple’s replacement for iPhoto and Aperture, saying that the auto-fix features were particularly impressive … 

iOS 8’s iPhoto to Photos app transition to ditch Journals, Books, and Slideshows

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Starting in iOS 8 beta 4, which was released this past Monday to developers, Apple has begun notifying users of the soon-to-be-defunct iPhoto for iOS to migrate their iPhoto data to the totally revamped Photos app in iOS 8, as part of Apple’s new photo strategy being rolled out this fall and early next year. While photo data can be migrated out of iPhoto, Apple warns that Journals, Slideshows and Book layouts will no longer be available going forward. Right now, Apple’s “Learn More” link appears to be dead.


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