OIOMOddzial Intensywnej Opieki Medycznej (Polish hospitals casualty and emergency department)
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References in periodicals archive ?
OIOm really pleased with that [ETH] he jumped really well.
OIOm a bit of a poser who likes to take his top off and it helped keep me fit,O added Heggs with a grin.
OIOm scared that my marriage will break up,O admits Gary, who lives with Tanya and sons Louis-Rae, 14, and two-year-old Cassius.
OIOm not just sticking my thumb out and getting a ride with just anyone who pulls over,O said Nolan, who lands most of her rides on online forums where small-plane pilots hang out.
OIOm certainly glad I asked the horsebox driver to turn round and go back to Down Royal!O
When I was first offered the job I turned it down, saying OIOm an actor, not a presenterO, which I was at the time.