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LOOTLesbian Organization of Toronto (est. 1976; Canada)
LOOTLandelijk Overleg Orgaan Toerclubs (Dutch: National Organ Touring Club)
LOOTListing of Outlaw Treachery (est. 1986; US DOI)
LOOTLandelijk Overleg Ondernemingsraden Thuiszorg (Dutch: National Homecare and Discussion Works; Netherlands)
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References in classic literature ?
The little, grim, gray, old man of Torn nursed the spleen he did not dare vent openly, and cursed the chance that had sent Henry de Montfort to Torn to search for his sister; while the followers of the outlaw swore quietly over the vagary which had brought them on this long ride without either fighting or loot.
"I should like to know how many fellows in my shoes would have refused a share of this loot when they knew that they would have their throats cut for their pains.
We agreed to conceal our loot in a safe place until the country should be at peace again, and then to divide it equally among ourselves.
A trooper saluted him some yards further on, and looked evilly at us as we followed with our loot. It was Corporal Connal of ours, and the thought of him takes my mind off the certainly gallant captain who only that day had joined our division with the reinforcements.
Currently, players can purchase loot boxes (known as crates in the game) to earn custom wheels, decals or cars to use in the game.
Summary: Patna (Bihar) [India], Feb 21 (ANI): Darbhanga MP Kirti Azad, who joined Congress after quitting BJP, has created a controversy by claiming that Congress workers looted polling booths for his father and him before EVMs were introduced.
Filed by the ombudsman last year, the cases against Loot's wife stemmed from the grant of a loan to private organization RBA Quail Raisers Association wherein Moralde was the chairman.
These location make for great loot as well as hiding sports.
"It appears to me since there was this sound of 'pssss', so it appears to me to be said in jest given the fact that then General Loot is a pet peeve of the President because he is involved in drugs.
Loot, focussed on millennials, provides a mobile banking app connected to a prepaid, contactless 'MasterCard' debit card.
EA's "Star Wars Battlefront II" hasn't even been released yet, but it has already garnered a lot of negative criticism over its loot box system.