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SP&PFM Programme

Latest news - November 2022

Welcome to our November SP&PFM e-News! This newsletter communicates about ongoing activities and results from the Improving Synergies Between Social Protection and Public Finance Management programme (SP&PFM) in Africa, Asia and Latin America
In Focus
Burkina Faso updates its national social protection strategy
SP&PFM is supporting Burkina Faso in the drafting of a new social protection strategy (2023–27). The process is led by the National Council for Social Protection. To generate crucial evidence for the new strategy, SP&PFM is also supporting the Government in conducting an analytical study on the extension of social protection to workers in the informal economy. Read More
Ethiopian Federal Social Protection Platform conducts its fifth session
The fifth meeting of the Federal Social Protection Platform took place with the support of SP&PFM in September. The Platform advocates for a more integrated social protection system with greater coordination and links across sectors. It functions as a multi-stakeholder forum for exchanging development experiences on social protection and providing inputs to relevant national policy, strategy and planning documents. Read More
Journalists strengthen their role in promoting disability-inclusive social protection in Ethiopia
To promote greater knowledge and stronger advocacy on disability inclusion within social protection systems, SP&PFM in Ethiopia partnered with the Federation of Ethiopian Associations of Persons with Disabilities in organizing a two-day capacity-building exercise for 27 journalists from nine media institutions in September. Read More
SP&PFM assesses the feasibility of Ethiopia’s Social Protection Fund in reaching goals
At the behest of the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, SP&PFM conducted a feasibility assessment of the Social Protection Fund in September to determine the strength of its design towards achieving the goals outlined in its draft Proclamation and other official documents. Read More
Disability drives innovation in the design of social support services and access to employment programmes in Kyrgyzstan
SP&PFM organized stakeholder consultations in September on the application of design thinking when developing service models for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in communities and in the labour market. The activity included associations of people with disabilities, the private sector and the executive authorities represented by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration. The discussions led to recommendations that will be submitted to the Government concerning the scope of social services, access to employment programmes and jobs for people with disabilities. Read More
Tripartite workshop participants analyse social protection gaps in Nepal
An SP&PFM-organized workshop discussed in November the findings from the forthcoming Expanding Social Protection for All in Nepal: An Analysis of Protection Gaps report. The meeting drew 40 participants from the National Planning Commission, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Education, international development partners and representatives from employers’ and workers’ organizations. The report provides an in-depth assessment of the social protection programmes and social protection gaps in Nepal. Read More
Nepal creates an Economic Innovation Lab
With technical support under UNICEF-EU Public Finance Facility for South Asia and Southeast Asia, the Ministry of Finance in Nepal is setting up an Economic Lab to promote evidence-based policymaking. The Lab will engage in problem-solving, research, modelling and analysing contemporary policy and its effectiveness in achieving policy goals. It will also focus on assessing the impact of public policies on most vulnerable groups, strengthening the public finance database system, publishing policy briefs and upskilling the human resources within the Ministry of Finance and other ministries. Read More
Paraguay and Chile exchange experiences in monitoring social protection programmes and policies
In October, SP&PFM supported the organization of an experience-exchange mission for officials within Paraguay’s Ministry of Finance to Santiago, where they met with counterparts in Chile’s Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Social Development and Family. The activity strengthened the technical capacities of the Paraguayan Ministry of Finance in monitoring social protection programmes within the framework of results-based budgeting. Read More
Uganda organises an Open Budget Survey Reform retreat
Through the SP&PFM, the Government of Uganda organized a two-day October retreat to review the country’s performance in the latest Open Budget Survey and arrive at a reform matrix as well as a road map for improving the score in the next round (2023) and thus boost the transparency of the country’s budget. Read More
Zambia strengthens National Health Insurance staff capacities on actuarial analysis and modelling
SP&PFM organized capacity-building exercises in October to strengthen the National Health Insurance Scheme’s monitoring, data collection and management related to actuarial analysis and modelling. Three sessions of data-cleaning exercises were conducted for officials from the National Health Insurance Management Authority and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Read More
More than 100 specialists tune into webinar on financing shock-responsive social protection systems
SP&PFM organized a webinar on 29 September, presenting concrete experiences on innovative responses and options for financing adaptive, responsive and resilient social protection systems. This event is the second of a series of webinars that SP&PFM is conducting to exchange country insights and expand the international discussion on innovative solutions to increase financing for strengthening national social protection systems towards achieving universal coverage for all. Read More
Social protection reaches remote native community in Paraguay's Chaco region
USP2030 releases Joint Statement on Principles for Financing Universal Social Protection
This Joint Statement from the working group on financing of the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, or USP2030, with inputs from SP&PFM, establishes three principles for the financing of social protection: The financing of social protection should take a rights-based approach and be guided by international social security standards. The State is the central actor for social protection financing and implementation based on six priorities outlined for domestic resource mobilization. International resources should support the expansion of social protection systems in countries with limited fiscal space. Read more.