Prashant Malik

Prashant Malik

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  • رسم بياني Zomato


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    Palo Alto , CA

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  • رسم بياني



  • Scaling the Messages Application Back End

    Facebook Engineering Blog

    Facebook Messages seamlessly integrates many communication channels: email, SMS, Facebook Chat, and the existing Facebook Inbox. Combining all this functionality and offering a powerful user experience involved building an entirely new infrastructure stack from the ground up.

    عرض المنشور
  • Cassandra - A Decentralized Structured Storage System

    ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review

    Cassandra is a distributed storage system for managing very large amounts of structured data spread out across many commodity servers, while providing highly available service with no single point of failure. Cassandra aims to run on top of an infrastructure of hundreds of nodes (possibly spread across different data centers). At this scale, small and large components fail continuously. The way Cassandra manages the persistent state in the face of these failures drives the reliability and…

    Cassandra is a distributed storage system for managing very large amounts of structured data spread out across many commodity servers, while providing highly available service with no single point of failure. Cassandra aims to run on top of an infrastructure of hundreds of nodes (possibly spread across different data centers). At this scale, small and large components fail continuously. The way Cassandra manages the persistent state in the face of these failures drives the reliability and scalability of the software systems relying on this service. While in many ways Cassandra resembles a database and shares many design and implementation strategies therewith, Cassandra does not support a full relational data model; instead, it provides clients with a simple data model that supports dynamic control over data layout and format. Cassandra system was designed to run on cheap commodity hardware and handle high write throughput while not sacrificing read efficiency.

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  • Cassandra: structured storage system on a P2P network

    PODC '09 Proceedings of the 28th ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing

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براءات الاختراع

  • Organizing Conversation Threads Based on Social Information

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 284567

    A messaging system that organizes and presents messages to users of the messaging system. The messaging system includes a mailbox module that receives messages and generates conversation threads from the messages. Messages received from different electronic message channels may be aggregated into a common conversation thread. The conversation threads are also organized in a message interface and then presented to a user of the messaging system. The messaging system may include a social…

    A messaging system that organizes and presents messages to users of the messaging system. The messaging system includes a mailbox module that receives messages and generates conversation threads from the messages. Messages received from different electronic message channels may be aggregated into a common conversation thread. The conversation threads are also organized in a message interface and then presented to a user of the messaging system. The messaging system may include a social networking system that stores social information about users, which can be used to organize the conversation threads. Other features include a multi mode message interface, and a method for adding contextual information to messages.

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    عرض براءة الاختراع
  • Dynamic update of authentication information

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 7941831

    A framework is provided that decouples credential acquisition from authentication processes using those credentials in a way that facilitates dynamic update of credential information. An authentication component may receive credential information for authentication of a user or a device for access to a resource. During interactions with an external authenticator, the authentication component may identify that updated credential information is required and issue a request to the application…

    A framework is provided that decouples credential acquisition from authentication processes using those credentials in a way that facilitates dynamic update of credential information. An authentication component may receive credential information for authentication of a user or a device for access to a resource. During interactions with an external authenticator, the authentication component may identify that updated credential information is required and issue a request to the application including credential parameters defining the updated credential information. An application component receiving the request may acquire updated credential information from a user or another entity. In addition, the authentication method may issue notifications to the application. The framework enables the application to update credentials in a context specific way.

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    عرض براءة الاختراع
  • Indexing and Organizing Messages in a Messaging System Using Social Network Information

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 12/913701

    A messaging system receives a message that is intended for a recipient, who is a user of a social networking system. An object associated with the message is identified based on the message content and/or metadata associated with the message. The messaging system accesses a social networking system database to obtain social information about a relationship between the recipient and the identified object. The message is then indexed using the social information, wherein an entry for the message…

    A messaging system receives a message that is intended for a recipient, who is a user of a social networking system. An object associated with the message is identified based on the message content and/or metadata associated with the message. The messaging system accesses a social networking system database to obtain social information about a relationship between the recipient and the identified object. The message is then indexed using the social information, wherein an entry for the message is stored in a message index based on the social information. This process may be repeated for each received message, and multiple different message indexes may be generated for received messages to track different types of social information. A user interface for viewing messages uses the message index to organize the messages, such as to filter, categorize, and/or sort the messages in the display.

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  • Secure server plug-in architecture for digital rights management systems

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 7631318

    Systems and methods for providing digital rights management services are disclosed. Such a system includes a service program that provides a processing framework for performing a digital rights management service, such as publishing or licensing rights managed digital content. A plurality of plug-in components are provided, each of which performs a respective task associated with the digital rights management service. The plug-in components are integrated into the processing framework according…

    Systems and methods for providing digital rights management services are disclosed. Such a system includes a service program that provides a processing framework for performing a digital rights management service, such as publishing or licensing rights managed digital content. A plurality of plug-in components are provided, each of which performs a respective task associated with the digital rights management service. The plug-in components are integrated into the processing framework according to predefined sets of interface rules.

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  • Using a flexible rights template to obtain a signed rights label (SRL) for digital content in a rights management system

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 7502945

    Content is encrypted according to a content key (CK) to result in (CK(content)) and the content key (CK) is protected according to a public key for a license server (PU-RM). Rights data is retrieved from a rights template to be associated with the content, and rules for modifying the retrieved rights data are also retrieved from the retrieved rights template. The retrieved rights data from the rights template is modified according to the rules, and the rights data and the protected content key…

    Content is encrypted according to a content key (CK) to result in (CK(content)) and the content key (CK) is protected according to a public key for a license server (PU-RM). Rights data is retrieved from a rights template to be associated with the content, and rules for modifying the retrieved rights data are also retrieved from the retrieved rights template. The retrieved rights data from the rights template is modified according to the rules, and the rights data and the protected content key (CK)) are submitted as a rights label to the license server for signing thereby. The license server thus validates the rights label and, if valid, creates a digital signature based on a private key (PR-RM) corresponding to (PU-RM) and based at least in part on the rights data to result in a signed rights label (SRL), and returns the SRL

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  • Generic framework for EAP

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 704624

    An EAP-based authentication framework is provided that decouples credential acquisition from EAP methods that use credentials for authentication. An application may request from an EAP method parameters of credentials required by the EAP method. In response, the EAP method provides credential parameters, which may then be used by the application to acquire credentials consistent with the parameters from the user or other entity. The framework enables an application to request credentials in a…

    An EAP-based authentication framework is provided that decouples credential acquisition from EAP methods that use credentials for authentication. An application may request from an EAP method parameters of credentials required by the EAP method. In response, the EAP method provides credential parameters, which may then be used by the application to acquire credentials consistent with the parameters from the user or other entity. The framework enables an application to request credentials in a context specific way. In addition, the application may simultaneously obtain credentials used in multiple authentication operations through a single user interface, or retain credentials for later use without further prompting a user such that a Single Sign-on user experience may be implemented. Additionally, the application can obtain credentials from a device so that the device may gain network access without requiring a user logon.

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  • Obtaining a signed rights label (SRL) for digital content and obtaining a digital license corresponding to the content based on the SRL in a digital rights management system

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 7353402

    Content is encrypted according to a content key (CK) ((CK(content))), (CK) is protected according to a license server public key (PU-DRM), and rights data associated with the content is protected according to (PU-DRM). The protected items are submitted as a rights label to the license server for signing. The license server validates the rights label and, if valid, digitally signs based on the protected rights data to result in a signed rights label (SRL), and returns same. The SRL is…

    Content is encrypted according to a content key (CK) ((CK(content))), (CK) is protected according to a license server public key (PU-DRM), and rights data associated with the content is protected according to (PU-DRM). The protected items are submitted as a rights label to the license server for signing. The license server validates the rights label and, if valid, digitally signs based on the protected rights data to result in a signed rights label (SRL), and returns same. The SRL is concatenated with (CK(content)) and both are distributed to a user. To render the content, the user submits the SRL to the license server to request a license. The license server verifies the SRL signature and reviews the SRL protected rights data to determine whether the user is entitled to the license, and if so issues the license, including (CK) in a protected form accessible to the user.

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  • Asynchronous communication within a server arrangement

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 7171692

    A server architecture for a digital rights management system that distributes and protects rights in content. The server architecture includes a retail site which sells content items to consumers, a fulfillment site which provides to consumers the content items sold by the retail site. The fulfillment site includes an asynchronous fulfillment pipeline which logs information about processed transactions using a store-and-forward messaging service. The fulfillment site may be implemented as…

    A server architecture for a digital rights management system that distributes and protects rights in content. The server architecture includes a retail site which sells content items to consumers, a fulfillment site which provides to consumers the content items sold by the retail site. The fulfillment site includes an asynchronous fulfillment pipeline which logs information about processed transactions using a store-and-forward messaging service. The fulfillment site may be implemented as several server devices, each having a cache which stores frequently downloaded content items, in which case the asynchronous fulfillment pipeline may also be used to invalidate the cache if a change is made at one server that affects the cached content items.

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  • Publishing digital content within a defined universe such as an organization in accordance with a digital rights management (DRM) system

    تاريخ الإصدار ⁦ US 20040158709

    A licensor receives a request from a requestor including an identifier identifying the requestor and rights data associated with digital content, where the rights data lists at least one identifier and rights associated therewith. The licensor thereafter locates the identifier of the requestor in a directory, and locates in the directory based thereon an identifier of each group which the requestor is a member of. Each of the located requestor identifier and each located group identifier is…

    A licensor receives a request from a requestor including an identifier identifying the requestor and rights data associated with digital content, where the rights data lists at least one identifier and rights associated therewith. The licensor thereafter locates the identifier of the requestor in a directory, and locates in the directory based thereon an identifier of each group which the requestor is a member of. Each of the located requestor identifier and each located group identifier is compared to each identifier listed in the rights data to find a match, and a digital license to render the content is issued to the requestor with the rights associated with the matching identifier.

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