Dr Reji Kurien Thomas

Dr Reji Kurien Thomas

دبي الإمارات العربية المتحدة
٤ آلاف متابع أكثر من 500 زميل

نبذة عني

143x LinkedIn Top Voice !

Accredited Laureate in IT & Global Ambassador Sustainability. A visionary pioneer of technology proliferation, metaphysicist, passionate about innovative future sustainable technologies & policy development around UN SDGs. A STEM Leader, Marketing Doyen & Brand Ambassador with career journey in diverse engineering streams. Winner of Stephen Hawking award Jan 2024 for innovation & scientific excellence, Recognised as "World’s Best & Emerging Leader," awarded at the House of Lords, UK, Oct 2022. Harvard Leader of Excellence with Royal Society of Arts Fellowship & UNESCO Policy Lab

Commended by Chief of Naval Staff, FOCinC, Commander-in-Chief Strategic Forces, Govt of India & lauded for Devotion to Duty at highest echelons

Driven to empower professionals, consultancy for Accenture & Aviation Cos. Restructured infrastructure & network security policies for Tri-services/NSA under Prime Minister of India. This included design & setup of Data Warehousing & Data Intelligence based Decision Support System (DSS)

Invented & Executed Innovative Projects in:-

(a) Data management strategies across multiple sectors, leading team of 220+ Indian Govt data professionals. Pioneered data monetisation efforts that directly contributed to 95% increase in e-learning learner retention & 55% boost in grades
(b) Quasi-quantum photosynthesis to solve world water crisis, producing water from air, costing just 1 cent/L & cheapest globally, including using data optimisation algorithms & data mining tech
(c) Systemic reclamation-remediation of degraded land for agri with opportunity cost of 75000$ /yr from 1 acre
(d) Formulated & manufactured biostimulants, reducing chemical fertilizers by 50% & increasing yield over 30%. Formulated liquid organic fertilizers needing only 7% of nutrient loading compared to solid fertilizers for same nutrient budgeting; soil rejuvenator reducing water requirement by >40% & enable transition to organic cultivation in <10mths;World's 1st Bioponics organic products for hydroponics, aeroponics & aquaponics & boon for vertical farming & space applications; Waste to Energy, Energy transition , CO2 - Green Hydrogen & Carbon frameworks
(e) Comprehensive AI-ML engines for drone development & weather prediction for UNICEF
(f) Architected & implemented frameworks, design & evolution of E-learning training & CyberSec system cross platform in Indian Navy in 2004 saving exchequer 12 million USD & enterprise wide data analysis

Reach me: [email protected], [email protected], +16504193237(USA), +33970739940(France), Ph +971506588160

مقالات Dr Reji Kurien

عرض كل المقالات




  • TOL Biotech USA

    New York, United States

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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  • رسم بياني


    Advanced Studies - Computer Science

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    Advanced Research in Computer Science & Computer Gene

  • Blockchain protocols, networks and cryptocurrencies, Use cases across industries, Landscape: The blockchain ecosystem and applications, Challenges: Legal, regulatory, environmental, social and governance (ESG), and other considerations, How to evaluate and articulate a business case for blockchain technology, Advice and guidance for entrepreneurs looking to launch disruptive innovations and we look to the future of digital disruption; Drive innovation with crypto & blockchain

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    الأنشطة والجمعيات:Phi Beta Delta, Epsilon Pi Tau’, IEEE

    Gold Medalist; Advanced Doctoral Studies with Prof (Dr) Khin Maung Yin

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    Gold Medalist

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    الأنشطة والجمعيات:IEEE

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    الأنشطة والجمعيات:Strategic Management, Sustainability Strategy,. Research Methodology, Corporate Social Responsibility

    91/002KER00115001 Global Certification Body for CSR & Sustainability

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    الأنشطة والجمعيات:INS Vikrant, INS Viraat

    Competency to take independent charge as Engineer Officer of the Watch at Sea or in Harbour

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    الأنشطة والجمعيات:A

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  • الأنشطة والجمعيات:Leadership profiling, Leadership in the 21st Century, Managing & Motivating Talent, Managing the Global Firm, Strategic Management - Leverage new mindsets, new decision models, new business models, & new products & services to maximize firm’s potential : Competitive & Corporate Strategy - Design & implement strategies that drive growth for organizations & maintain competitive advantage in the marketplace using the tools & frameworks required to evaluate, develop & execute a successful strategy

التراخيص والشهادات


  • The Potential of Agroforestry in India's Deccan Plateau for Climate Resilience and Carbon Storage

    ISSN:2347-9698 Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2024

    Carbon sequestration is a phenomenon for the storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other forms of carbon to mitigate global warming. The Deccan Plateau, covering a significant portion of central and southern India, faces unique environmental challenges exacerbated by climate change. This research delves into the potential of agroforestry as a sustainable solution, aiming to enhance climate resilience and promote carbon storage in this region. By integrating trees with traditional farming…

    Carbon sequestration is a phenomenon for the storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other forms of carbon to mitigate global warming. The Deccan Plateau, covering a significant portion of central and southern India, faces unique environmental challenges exacerbated by climate change. This research delves into the potential of agroforestry as a sustainable solution, aiming to enhance climate resilience and promote carbon storage in this region. By integrating trees with traditional farming systems, this study seeks to present a comprehensive understanding of how agroforestry can address both ecological and socio-economic challenges in the Deccan Plateau. Agroecosystems also contribute to the mitigation of the climate change and are being an adaptation strategy for the farmers.

    عرض المنشور

    Global Journal of Business and Integral Security - GBIS (ISSN 2673-9690 Online

    The COVID-19 pandemic resulted an increase in teleworking to ensure that businesses and employees could continue to function. Teleworking has been acknowledged to have both advantages and challenges. Nevertheless, its success in supporting continuity of business operations has resulted in organisations continuing to support it, in full-time or hybrid modes, even after the pandemic. Relatedly, different technologies have been used to support telework. In this thesis, the impact of using virtual…

    The COVID-19 pandemic resulted an increase in teleworking to ensure that businesses and employees could continue to function. Teleworking has been acknowledged to have both advantages and challenges. Nevertheless, its success in supporting continuity of business operations has resulted in organisations continuing to support it, in full-time or hybrid modes, even after the pandemic. Relatedly, different technologies have been used to support telework. In this thesis, the impact of using virtual private networks(VPNs) to support productivity and security while organisations continue to allow their employees to telework is studied. The outcomes of this study can help organisations fine tune models of work which include teleworking. Moreover, the insights may help organisations redesign work and schedules for different levels of employees.

    عرض المنشور
  • An In-depth Investigation of the Pertinent Challenges Inherent in Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Aquaponics, and the Efficacy of Bioponics-based Organic Solutions in Mitigating Them

    The Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research, Volume 10, Issue 4, Page 261-280, 2023; Article no.AJAHR.103034 ISSN: 2581-4478

    This study looks at current issues with hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics and explores if organic bioponics-based solutions are a viable alternative that is also sustainable. The study's findings emphasize the need of maintaining root health and nutrient delivery in aeroponic systems, monitoring water quality and striking a balance between the health of fish and plants in aquaponic systems, and maximizing resource utilization in both systems. The utilization of natural pest and disease…

    This study looks at current issues with hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics and explores if organic bioponics-based solutions are a viable alternative that is also sustainable. The study's findings emphasize the need of maintaining root health and nutrient delivery in aeroponic systems, monitoring water quality and striking a balance between the health of fish and plants in aquaponic systems, and maximizing resource utilization in both systems. The utilization of natural pest and disease management techniques and the sustainable use of resources are just two advantages of bioponics, according to comparative studies. The absence of organic food sources, inefficient insect control, and expensive upfront costs are cited as challenges. The development of various organic nutrient sources, optimisation of biological control agents, analysis of commercial feasibility and scalability, automation of processes, integration of technology, and environmental impact analysis are some future research objectives. This study demonstrates how bioponics may help progress environmentally friendly farming methods. By pursuing the suggested future research lines, scientists can further support organic farming methods, improve the effectiveness of food production, and lessen the influence of agriculture on the environment. By identifying low-cost organic material for Agri input development like that done in the year long trials done by VIRENXIA with IIT-Delhi, appropriate solutions for accelerating sustainable crop growth can be achieved. It also aims to create a virtuous cycle between society and an inclusive academic system, by providing knowledge and practices for emerging farmers and upgrading the capabilities of agriculture sectors, in responding to the development needs of rural India.

    عرض المنشور
  • Evaluation of Biostimulants for Low-Cost Input Solution for Onion Crop (Allium cepaL.) Cultivation in Four Districts of Maharashtra, by Providing Resistance or Tolerance against Abiotic and Biotic Stresses Related to Global Climate Change

    Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science ISSN: 2581-7167

    The implementation of agronomic activities, based on the use of biostimulants, is an important element of agroecological practices. Therefore, a comprehensive field trial was carried out to evaluate the potential of biostimulants in growth promotion across four districts of Maharashtra (Jalna, Ahmednagar, Aurangabad and Nasik). The study aimed to evaluate the candidacy of selected biostimulants in improving onion (Allium cepaL.) extracted…

    The implementation of agronomic activities, based on the use of biostimulants, is an important element of agroecological practices. Therefore, a comprehensive field trial was carried out to evaluate the potential of biostimulants in growth promotion across four districts of Maharashtra (Jalna, Ahmednagar, Aurangabad and Nasik). The study aimed to evaluate the candidacy of selected biostimulants in improving onion (Allium cepaL.) extracted from proprietary technology involving adaptive molecular re-engineering for plant growth biostimulants category. Three biostimulants were preliminary analysed for their nutritional content.

    عرض المنشور
  • Using Interactive Time-series Cluster Analysis to Relate Metabolomic Data with Perturbed Pathways

    Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry ISSN: 2582-0516

    The study conducted on interactive time-series cluster analysis has shed light on the dynamic nature
    of the interaction that exists between metabolites and the activities that occur within living
    organisms. Integration of metabolomic data with pathways that had been disrupted was the method
    that was used to achieve this goal. We investigated the significance of metabolomics in biological
    systems, the fundamentals and applications of time-series cluster analysis, and the…

    The study conducted on interactive time-series cluster analysis has shed light on the dynamic nature
    of the interaction that exists between metabolites and the activities that occur within living
    organisms. Integration of metabolomic data with pathways that had been disrupted was the method
    that was used to achieve this goal. We investigated the significance of metabolomics in biological
    systems, the fundamentals and applications of time-series cluster analysis, and the connection
    between metabolomic data and pathways that have been altered in the various sections of this
    research paper, such as the introduction, the literature review, the methodology, the results, the
    discussion, and the recommendations. These sections include: the introduction; the literature
    review; the methodology; the results; the discussion; and the recommendations. The introduction,
    the literature review, the methodology, the results, the discussion, and the suggestions are included
    in these parts

    عرض المنشور
  • Role of Organic Certification in Assuring Clients of the Authenticity and Quality of Organic Products

    Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, Volume 2, Issue 4, Page 266-273

    This study explores how organic certification ensures transparency and confidence in organic food stores. This study examined how organic certification assures customers of the authenticity and quality of organic products, how it maintains supply chain transparency, and how it affects consumer acceptance and market growth.Blended-techniques were used to achieve such aims. Customers, farmers, and certification agencies were surveyed. Industry experts…

    This study explores how organic certification ensures transparency and confidence in organic food stores. This study examined how organic certification assures customers of the authenticity and quality of organic products, how it maintains supply chain transparency, and how it affects consumer acceptance and market growth.Blended-techniques were used to achieve such aims. Customers, farmers, and certification agencies were surveyed. Industry experts and stakeholders were interviewed extensively. Analyzed organic certification material and reports. The findings show that natural certification helps natural food stores organize transparency and confidence. Certification marks help buyers choose organic items.Verification and auditing contribute to supply chain integrity and fraud prevention through certification. Natural certification further boosts customer trust by ensuring product authenticity and natural standards. Certification marks boost customer trust and readiness to spend top money for natural products. Market growth and organic farming incentives follow. Finally, organic certification ensures transparency and confidence in organic grocery stores. It reassures consumers about organic ingredients' validity and appeal. Policymakers, certifying organizations, and enterprise stakeholders must improve certification methods and communication strategies to increase transparency and accept this in the organic food industry - Original Research Article

    عرض المنشور
  • Quantum Neural Networks: Bridging Quantum Computing and Machine Learning

    Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science Volume 16, Issue 3, Page 1-10, 2023; Article no.AJRCOS.101187 ISSN: 2581-8260

    The usage of QNNs is one approach that might be used to close the knowledge gap that exists
    between the domains of machine learning and quantum computing. As a result of this research, a
    full analysis of QNNs has been offered, covering a wide range of issues including their theoretical
    underpinnings, training techniques, benefits, limits, applications, and assessment methodologies.
    Quantum neural networks, also known as QNNs, are a type of artificial neural network that makes

    The usage of QNNs is one approach that might be used to close the knowledge gap that exists
    between the domains of machine learning and quantum computing. As a result of this research, a
    full analysis of QNNs has been offered, covering a wide range of issues including their theoretical
    underpinnings, training techniques, benefits, limits, applications, and assessment methodologies.
    Quantum neural networks, also known as QNNs, are a type of artificial neural network that makes
    use of the power of quantum computing. These networks provide the promise for a significant
    improvement in processing speed as well as greater representation capabilities. On the other hand,
    in order to make full advantage of the benefits that QNNs give, obstacles such as scalability
    concerns and hardware restrictions need to be addressed and fixed. The fact that QNNs have the
    potential to be applied in such a broad range of different sectors is evidence of both the adaptability
    and the significance of this rapidly developing field of study. It will be necessary to do more study
    and investigation if there is to be any hope of making headway in the field of quantum machine
    learning with regard to the creation of QNNs and of realizing their full potential.

    عرض المنشور
  • Cyber-biosecurity; A Paradigm Shift in the Field of Life Sciences and Agriculture Sector

    Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Volume 6, Issue 1, Page 58-75, 2023

    The fields of information technology (IT) and cybersecurity are becoming more integrated with the life sciences. This convergence is a fundamental driver in the boom of biotechnology research and its industrial applications in health care, agriculture, manufacturing, automation, artificial intelligence, and synthetic biology. Other drivers include artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. Many market sectors are now susceptible to dangers posed by…

    The fields of information technology (IT) and cybersecurity are becoming more integrated with the life sciences. This convergence is a fundamental driver in the boom of biotechnology research and its industrial applications in health care, agriculture, manufacturing, automation, artificial intelligence, and synthetic biology. Other drivers include artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. Many market sectors are now susceptible to dangers posed by the digital interface as a result of the rising digitization of information and the handling mechanisms for biological materials. Cyber-biosecurity, a new topic developing at the intersection of the biological sciences and the information technology fields, will be developed to handle this expanding scenario. Life sciences frequently merge with information technology and cyber-security in the new digital era. Additionally, the global spread of the new virus SARS-CoV-2 has created a pandemic context that has highlighted some issues (such as the significance of strategic autonomy in supply chains for food, medical, and pharmaceutical products, the development of critical functional infrastructures, the appropriate prevention and protection measures, including the management of rapid and effective responses to pandemics or other potential malicious actions with regard to the Vulnerabilities like data confidentiality (i.e., clinical and genetic information), cloud storage, and intellectual property may present opportunities that could be taken advantage of as science advances, depending on the application of new technologies in fields like artificial intelligence, process automation, bioinformatics, and synthetic biology. The strongest feasible cyber defense must anticipate and include potential biological threats into its procedures. This review summarizes all the aspects of new discipline of cyber-biosecurity.

    عرض المنشور
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry

    Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, Volume 25, Issue 3, Page 85-103 (ISSN: 2582-2926)

    The ongoing development of business and the most recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) allow for the many business practices to be improved by the capacity to establish new forms of collaboration, which is a significant competitive advantage. This rapidly developing technology enables to offer brand services and even some new forms of business interactions with consumers and personnel. The digitalization of AI concurrently emphasized for businesses that they need concentrate on their…

    The ongoing development of business and the most recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) allow for the many business practices to be improved by the capacity to establish new forms of collaboration, which is a significant competitive advantage. This rapidly developing technology enables to offer brand services and even some new forms of business interactions with consumers and personnel. The digitalization of AI concurrently emphasized for businesses that they need concentrate on their present strategies while also routinely and early pursuing new chances in the market. Not only in business but also in different industry sectors, Al techniques are being used and revolutionized different industry sectors. This review focuses on the application of AI techniques in business and different industries.

    عرض المنشور
  • Amelioration of biomass character of basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) by mitigating abiotic stress With green manure application and organic biostimulant treatment

    Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment_

    The present research was undertaken to explore the applicability of Oman's agricultural soil to rice cultivation. The response of the Basmati rice yield and the uptake of soil nutrients to various fertilization regimes was studied. Small-scale pot-based experiments were conducted using Oman's agricultural soil with a randomized block design with biostimulant seed treatment followed by different combinations of
    green manures such as alfalfa, broad beans and sesbania aculeate and control…

    The present research was undertaken to explore the applicability of Oman's agricultural soil to rice cultivation. The response of the Basmati rice yield and the uptake of soil nutrients to various fertilization regimes was studied. Small-scale pot-based experiments were conducted using Oman's agricultural soil with a randomized block design with biostimulant seed treatment followed by different combinations of
    green manures such as alfalfa, broad beans and sesbania aculeate and control treatment without fertilizers. Rice yield decreased only in control pots, although favourable yield levels in all other treatments were retained. All organically treated plots demonstrated a greater absorption of added phosphorus control.

  • Effect of Enzymatic Chicken manure-based fertilizer and Organic Humic acid - Fulvic acid foliar application impact on fodder and antioxidant activities of Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) grown on the sandy soils of Sultanate of Oman

    Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment

    A wide variety of crops, forages and fruits are cultivated in the Sultanate of Oman, a subtropical arid country in the Middle East. After dates, lime and mango, alfalfa occupies the largest part of cultivated land. In this study, the effect of VIRENXIA formulation consisted of five levels of chicken manure (CM) 0.5 t/ha (C1), 1.0 t/ha (C2), 1.5 t/ha (C3), 2.0 t/ha (C4), 2.5 t/ha (C5) along with two enzymes, enzyme 1 and 2 and foliar application of organic humic acid - fulvic acid (OHA-FA) was…

    A wide variety of crops, forages and fruits are cultivated in the Sultanate of Oman, a subtropical arid country in the Middle East. After dates, lime and mango, alfalfa occupies the largest part of cultivated land. In this study, the effect of VIRENXIA formulation consisted of five levels of chicken manure (CM) 0.5 t/ha (C1), 1.0 t/ha (C2), 1.5 t/ha (C3), 2.0 t/ha (C4), 2.5 t/ha (C5) along with two enzymes, enzyme 1 and 2 and foliar application of organic humic acid - fulvic acid (OHA-FA) was investigated on Alfalfa M. Sativa crop and compared against control without CM (C0) and humic acid foliar application at different cuttings under the cut-and-carry system. Chicken manure at the rate of 1.5 t/ha significantly improved fodder growth parameters, biomass yield, antioxidant activity by increasing the crude protein (CP), total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), nitrogen content and also by decreasing neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Similar results were observed in other plant growth parameters.

    Hence, our study revealed that VIRENXIA's developed chicken manure- organic humic acid - fulvic acid formulation (CH+OHA) of doses of 1.5 t/ha can be recommended for the cultivation of Alfalfa M. Sativa crop in the southern region of Oman. It can be concluded that enzymatic manure and organic humic acid - fulvic acid are effective tools to boost production in arid saline soils when an appropriate level is used.

    عرض المنشور
  • FODA - A Fast Outlier Detection Algorithm for VPNs

    International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) ISSN: 2277-3754

    The survival of many businesses is dependent on open access to network resources. Attackers try malicious activities with harmless-looking connections. Intrusion detection systems try and differentiate these attacks or dissimilar connections. Such dissimilar connections can also be outliers which are not real intrusions. This paper suggests a new distance-based Outlier Detection Algorithm, Fast Outlier Detection Algorithm (FODA) to detect outliers in VPNs.

    عرض المنشور
  • Usage of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for Def Stan

    SAG Government of India

    Done on behalf of Southern Naval Command for SAG, DRDO, GoI (DSS)

  • Role of Healing Sounds, Scalar Energy and Vibration in Cure using Distance Healing Mode

    All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi

    International Conference on ‘Multidisciplinary Healthcare’ AIIMS 2014 -- Individuals with life-limiting illnesses often have complex and multifaceted needs. In most cases, these needs are best managed using a multidisciplinary approach to care that includes opportunities for multidisciplinary discussions and care planning. Effective multidisciplinary care embeds collaborative and patient-centered approaches to care planning and provision, and leads to the achievement of care goals that are…

    International Conference on ‘Multidisciplinary Healthcare’ AIIMS 2014 -- Individuals with life-limiting illnesses often have complex and multifaceted needs. In most cases, these needs are best managed using a multidisciplinary approach to care that includes opportunities for multidisciplinary discussions and care planning. Effective multidisciplinary care embeds collaborative and patient-centered approaches to care planning and provision, and leads to the achievement of care goals that are unlikely to be achieved by health professionals acting in isolation.

التكريمات والمكافآت

  • Stephen Hawking Global Award


    Outstanding achievements in Science , Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

  • Certificate of Excellence as Transformation Leader : Commendation


    Certificate of Excellence as Transformation Leader : Commendation for exemplary achievements and immense contribution to the growth of the Indian Economy. Awarded at New Delhi on 18 Apr 2023

  • Leadership Personality Excellence Icon 2023

    Sheikh Majid Rashid Al Mualla , Umm Al Quwain, UAE

    In a ceremony Chaired by Sheikh Majid Rashid Al Mualla, Dr. Reji has been recognized as Leadership Personality Excellence Icon 2023. Dr. Reji Kurien Thomas is a radical game-changer in the technology industry and has won countless accolades for his meticulous work which has been a stepping stone in the realms of technology.

  • Outstanding Leadership award: Dr Reji Kurien Thomas , Internet 2.0, , Dubai

    Internet 2.0

    Dr. Reji, being a former Naval Commander and an avid aviator, always had a keen interest in frontier technology and sought his education from the best institutes in the world like Stanford University USA, Kent State University USA & IIT Delhi. With a great aptitude for learning, he has obtained several Doctorates, and undertaken pioneering research with a Fellowship in Corporate Social Responsibility from New York.

  • World’s Best & Emerging Leader

    House of Lords, Parliament UK and Military VSC, London

    Awarded World’s Best & Emerging Leader” & awarded at the House of Lords, Parliament UK and Military VSC, London Nov 2022. The grand ceremony was witnessed by some of the best leaders from 25 nations globally. Morning session was held at the iconic House of Lords, British Parliament where Dr Thomas established the leadership position to the jury & dignitaries.

  • Most Admired Global Indian 2022

    High Level Asian-African Diplomatic Meet

    Most Admired Global Indian 2022 Award at the High Level Asian-African Diplomatic Meet, by H.E. Ambassadors of Kenya & Nigeria , Aug 2022

  • Worldwide Top 50 Technology Visionaries

    INTERCON - PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers

    Cmdr (Dr) RK Thomas, #VIRENXIA, was awarded for his pioneering lifetime work in innovative & disruptive technologies, during the Worldwide Top 50 Technology Visionaries ceremony on 15 Oct 2019 at the Grand Hyatt, Dubai, UAE


  • Emerging Technology Initiative at FINNOVEX Awards

    FINNOVEX Awards - PwC

    Emerging Technology Initiative at FINNOVEX Awards, held Mar 2019 at Dubai, UAE

  • Excellence in Encryption - FINSEC


    Trophy for Excellence i encryption at FINSEC - The Banking Security Summit , Dubai, UAE in March 2019

  • Health Excellence Award

    Indian Board of Alternate Medicines

    Am elated to have received the 'Health Excellence Award' on 10 Dec 2013, awarded for "exemplifying invaluable leadership in serving the ailing society and the humanity at large" for "pioneering work in the field of Sound Healing" from a Board which has awarded eminent personalities like Noble Laureate Blessed Mother Teresa in 1995 , the Dalai Lama, Late Shri Morarji Desai, a Former Prime Minister of India, Nobel laureates Charles Townes and Prof. Amartya Sen, Dr. Robert Muller, Former…

    Am elated to have received the 'Health Excellence Award' on 10 Dec 2013, awarded for "exemplifying invaluable leadership in serving the ailing society and the humanity at large" for "pioneering work in the field of Sound Healing" from a Board which has awarded eminent personalities like Noble Laureate Blessed Mother Teresa in 1995 , the Dalai Lama, Late Shri Morarji Desai, a Former Prime Minister of India, Nobel laureates Charles Townes and Prof. Amartya Sen, Dr. Robert Muller, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, for a similar role.

  • Distinguished Scientist Award


    For innovation and distinguished service.

  • Epsilon Pi Tau

    Epsilon Pi Tau, USA

    Honored by Epsilon Pi Tau - The International Honorary for professionals in Technology for promoting Excellence in Preparation and Excellence in Practice.

  • Phi Beta Delta

    Phi Beta Delta

    Phi Beta Delta - Honour Society for International Scholars for outstanding academic achievement and being the University Topper with GPA 4.0

  • Fellowship - The Royal Society RSA

    The Royal Society RSA

    Recognition with Fellowship of The Royal Society RSA - a unique global network of change-makers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish. Ensure world-leading ideas are turned into world-changing actions and committed to a world that is resilient, re-balanced and regenerative, where everyone can fulfill their potential. An Albert Medal (1864) aspirant awarded annually to recognise the creativity and innovation of individuals and organisations uniting people and ideas in collective…

    Recognition with Fellowship of The Royal Society RSA - a unique global network of change-makers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish. Ensure world-leading ideas are turned into world-changing actions and committed to a world that is resilient, re-balanced and regenerative, where everyone can fulfill their potential. An Albert Medal (1864) aspirant awarded annually to recognise the creativity and innovation of individuals and organisations uniting people and ideas in collective action to create opportunities to regenerate our world, with previous awardees being Michael Faraday, Marie Curie, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Professor Stephen Hawking, Baroness Mary Warnock and Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

  • Medals and Commendations

    Government of India

    Have been awarded with several commendations from Chief of Naval Staff, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief Strategic Forces Command, Govt of India during my tenure in the Indian Navy; Commended at the highest echelons for Devotion to Duty by Govt of India


  • English

    إجادة كاملة

  • Hindi

    إجادة تامة على المستوى المهني

  • Malayalam

    مستوى إجادة محدود


  • Indian Roads Congress


    ⁩ - الحالي

    No 401558


    Professional Member

    ⁩ - الحالي

    ISACA ID: 892032 Kochi Chapter

  • Project Management Institute (PMI)

    2794894 UAE Chapter

    ⁩ - الحالي
  • Epsilon Pi Tau

    Honor member in Board

    ⁩ - الحالي

    Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT) is the Leading International Honor Society for Technology. Epsilon Pi Tau recognised academic excellence and being First in Order of Merit with GPA 4.0 devoted to the study of technology

  • Phi Beta Delta Honor Society

    Honor member

    ⁩ - الحالي

    Honor Society for International Scholars for ‘Outstanding Academic Achievement’ in area of Academics and International Education and Exchange. Award as tangibly demonstrated the commitment to and support of international education and First in Merit with GPA 4.0

  • TechnoPilot®


  • Harvard University

    Member Leaders Excellence Harvard

    Leaders Excellence has some of the worlds most esteemed thought leaders, deans, chairs, professors & academic affiliates from such prestigious universities like Yale, MIT, Stanford, Wharton & Harvard. To preserve the integrity of the network membership is offered on an invitation only basis. The Leaders excellence membership framework fosters knowledge sharing and personal growth by providing relevant resources. https://www.harvardsquare.com/venue/harvard-university

التوصيات المستلمة

20شخصا قدموا توصية لـDr Reji Kurien

انضم الآن لعرض

عرض ملف Dr Reji Kurien الشخصي الكامل

  • مشاهدة الأشخاص المشتركين الذين تعرفهم
  • تقديم تعارف
  • تواصل مع Dr Reji Kurien مباشرة
انضم لعرض الملف الشخصي الكامل

ملفات شخصية أخرى مشابهة

اكتسب مهارات جديدة من خلال هذه المواد الدراسية