AI Tools Come with Risks. This Wharton Professor is Teaching ‘Accountable AI.’

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(Outlet: The Philadelphia Inquirer) Kevin Werbach, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, is leading a course on “accountable AI” to address the risks and limitations of artificial intelligence. The course aims to help businesses understand and mitigate AI-related issues, including bias and significant errors. Werbach emphasizes the importance of creating effective accountability frameworks within organizations to manage AI systems responsibly.Read More

The Road to Accountable AI: Dr. Richard Benjamins discusses Telefónica’s journey towards responsible AI

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Professor Kevin Werbach and Dr. Richard Benjamins, former Chief Responsible AI Officer at Telefónica, discuss Telefónica’s journey towards responsible AI, corporate strategies to address these challenges, and Benjamins’ views on generative AI and the European AI Act on the Road to Accountability Podcast.Read More

Generative AI Hits the Mainstream: Majority of Enterprise Leaders Adopt and Plan Increased Investments Next Year

Gen AI adoption has reached a tipping point

(Outlet: Harvard Business Review) Stefano Puntoni, AI at Wharton faculty co-director, discusses the transformative potential of generative AI in marketing, shedding light on findings from a recent survey of 600 business leaders in large U.S.-based companies.Read More

Artificial Intelligence Risk & Governance

Artificial Intelligence Risk & Governance By Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Risk & Security Working Group (AIRS) Executive Summary As financial services firms evaluate the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI), for example: to enhance the customer experience and garner operational efficiencies, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) Risk and Security ("AIRS")[1] is committedRead More