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AI Art 101: What is AI Art & How Does It Work?

Posted By: Laura C
Posted On: August 10, 2023

AI art has taken the world by storm, but how does it work exactly?

Picture this: You whisper your most creative idea to a computer, and it brings your imagination to life, stroke by stroke. That’s the power of AI Art in today’s age—a revolutionary fusion of technology and human creativity.

Let’s dive into this captivating world of artistic innovation!

Generated with Midjourney

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Since the dawn of the computer age, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a growing force. Early on, AI was simplistic, used to solve basic math problems or indulge in a game of chess. But with technological advances, AI’s potential grew exponentially. From powering facial recognition in our devices, filtering those pesky spam emails, and guiding us through unfamiliar terrain, AI has embedded itself in our daily lives.

Whether it’s helping businesses optimize their operations or improving healthcare systems, AI’s impact on society is profound. As AI’s capabilities expand, it has ventured into fascinating domains, including the world of art. This brings us to the pressing questions: How is AI-generated art crafted? How does it contrast with traditional art?

What is AI-Generated Art?

AI art is the intriguing result of computers getting creative. Whether it’s a painting reminiscent of Picasso, an enchanting melody, a video that captures the essence of a moment, or a poem that stirs the soul – AI art can be multifaceted. However, our focus will be on the visually stunning images.

The process involves combining advanced tech tools with human imagination. Using AI systems, such as Open AI’s neural networks, artists can give a simple prompt like “a sunset over a bustling city,” and the AI system will attempt to visualize it.

How Does AI Make Art?

An AI artist is like a painter with a vast palette of digital brushes and colors. They instruct the AI system using specific data or prompts, and then the AI software takes over, creating pieces of art.

Let’s break down how these digital artists use AI:

AI Models: Primarily, there are three types – GAN, CNN, and NST.

GAN: Think of GAN as two teams. One crafts the artwork, while the other critiques its originality.

CNN: This model creatively combines elements from various artworks to fashion something distinct.

NST: This allows a blending of styles. Imagine your photo, but painted by the greats like da Vinci or Vermeer.

Creating art through AI is a symbiotic process. It requires clear artistic vision, understanding of the AI tools at hand, and the ability to guide the AI through text prompts.

Credit: Midjourney

The Magic Behind AI Art

To simplify, here’s the three-step magical process:

Text Prompts: It all starts with your imagination. Describe your vision in words.

Neural Networks: This is the brain of the operation, evolving and learning as more data is fed into it.

Crafting the Masterpiece: Instead of merely mimicking, the AI generates unique pieces, evolving from a canvas of colors to a coherent image.

Credit: Stable Diffusion

The World of AI Art Tools

With the ever-advancing tech world, the toolbox for AI art has expanded, granting artists an array of options to breathe life into their creative visions. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned digital artist, there’s an AI tool tailored for you. Here’s a brief rundown:

DALL·E 2: Undoubtedly the superstar of the AI art universe. This tool effortlessly translates your whimsical concepts, from “candy-coated skies” to “robots reading romance,” into tangible visual artworks.

Midjourney: This platform is an ideal pick for those who have an eye for detail. Offering a spectrum of styles, from the surreal to the hyper-realistic, every generated piece promises to be an eye-catcher.

Stable Diffusion: Stepping away from DreamStudio, Stable Diffusion emerges as an impeccable choice for those who want an immersive experience. Often dubbed the “Photoshop” of the AI art world, it provides users with an in-depth level of control, making every piece distinctively theirs. The interface allows for filters, style morphing, and an in-progress viewing feature, granting artists a front-row seat to their creation’s evolution. Albeit, excellence comes with a price tag.

Embarking on an AI art journey has never been more accessible. With these platforms at your disposal, all you need is a spark of inspiration. So, dive in, and let the AI magic unfold!

For those interested in learning how to master the art of giving the right prompts to AI art tools, our article, “Art From Words: Create Epic AI Art With Prompts“, is an invaluable guide. Dive deep into the nuances of crafting the perfect prompts and watch AI transform your words into enchanting visuals.

AI art is much more than pixels and algorithms:


Boundless Creativity: Your wild imagination is the limit!
Democratizing Art: No need for expensive tools or elite training.
Collaborative Essence: A harmonious blend of human creativity and machine precision.


Authorship Dilemma: Who deserves the credit?
Technical Glitches: Machines, like humans, aren’t always perfect.
Authenticity Debate: Does it qualify as genuine art? Discussions continue.

(Left) John Constable, The Hay Wain (1821). (Right) An image generated using Midjourney.

Elevate Your AI Art Knowledge

The dawn of AI art presents not just new horizons in the world of aesthetics but also the need to delve deeper into its intricacies. As the lines between traditional artistry and tech-driven creations blur, there’s an imperative to truly understand and appreciate the nuances this realm brings.

Research & Reading: Start by exploring comprehensive resources that detail the history, mechanics, and evolution of AI in art. Books, scholarly articles, and even documentaries can provide a rich understanding.

Engage with Communities: Join AI art forums, discussion groups, or seminars. Engaging with other enthusiasts and experts can offer diverse insights and perspectives.

Hands-on Experience: The best way to understand AI art is to dive into it. Experiment with various AI art tools, play around with different prompts, and see the results for yourself. Whether you’re using DALL·E 2, Midjourney, or Stable Diffusion, each tool provides a unique experience. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at fine-tuning your prompts and understanding the software’s capabilities.

Collaborate: Team up with other artists or tech enthusiasts. A combined effort can help in bridging the gap between traditional and AI-driven art, and you can learn from each other’s strengths.

Stay Updated: The world of AI is rapidly evolving. Make it a habit to keep up with the latest developments, techniques, and breakthroughs in the AI art space. Subscribe to newsletters, follow relevant blogs, or attend industry conferences.

Seek Feedback: Share your creations with peers, mentors, or online communities. Constructive feedback can guide your learning process, refine your skills, and open your eyes to new possibilities.

Exhibitions & Showcases: Attend AI art exhibitions or showcases. Observing the work of others can inspire, educate, and even challenge your own perceptions and beliefs about what constitutes art.

Understand Ethical Implications: AI in art, like any other domain, comes with its own set of ethical considerations. From issues of originality to questions about machine biases, be aware of the broader implications of your work. Read more about it here in our article, “The Ethics of AI Art: Embracing Creative Harmony“.

Remember, as with any art form, the journey is as important as the destination. AI art offers a unique fusion of technology and human creativity, challenging traditional boundaries and expanding our understanding of what art can be. Embrace the learning curve, enjoy the process, and watch as your acumen in AI art flourishes.

**And for those who want to have fun with their AI image creations and pit them against others in an innovative and enjoyable new way, give AI Art Master a shot. It’s an exciting platform where you can show off your creativity and compete with your stunning AI generated images to become the next AI Art Master!

A Final Brushstroke

AI art is like an endless canvas, waiting for your unique touch. A realm where human imagination meets machine precision, producing pieces that were once deemed impossible.

It’s not about replacing the charm of human-made art but amplifying it. It’s an exciting world where art’s boundaries are continuously expanding.

So, next time you’re lost in a dreamy thought, remember, there’s an AI tool waiting to bring it to life. Dive in, create, and, most importantly, have loads of fun!

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