Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Awards and Honors

JAIS Reviewer Hall of Fame

JAIS Best Paper Winners

2023 JAIS Best Paper Award
Contextualizing Team Adaptation for Fostering Outcomes in Multicultural Virtual Teams: A Mixed Methods Approach.
by Anuragini Shirish, Shirish C. Srivastava, and Imed Boughzala.

2022 JAIS Best Paper Award
2023 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award
In the Backrooms of Data Science.
by Elena Parmiggiani, Thomas Osterlie, and Petter Almklov.

2021 JAIS Best Paper Award
2022 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

Online Child Sexual Exploitation: A New MIS Challenge.
by Dionysis Demetis and Jan Kietzman.

2020 JAIS Best Paper Award
2021 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

Who is the Next 'Wolf of Wall Street? Detection of Financial Intermediary Misconduct.
by Jens Lausen, Benjamin Clapham, Michael Siering, and Peter Gomber.

2019 JAIS Best Paper Award Sleight of Hand: Identifying Concealed Information by Monitoring Mouse-Cursor Movements.
by Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Jeffrey Proudfoot, Joseph Valacich, G. Mark Grimes, and Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr.

2018 JAIS Best Paper Award
Emotional Attachment, Performance, and Viability in Teams Collaborating with Embodied Physical Action (EPA) Robots.  Sangseok You, Lionel P. Robert Jr.

2017 JAIS Best Paper Award
A Paradox of Progressive Saturation: The Changing Nature of Improvisation over Time in a Systems Development Project.  Wolfgang Molnar, Joe Nandhakumar, Patrick Stacey

2017 JAIS Best Paper Award
2018 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award
A Paradox of Progressive Saturation: The Changing Nature of Improvisation over Time in a Systems Development Project.  Wolfgang Molnar, Joe Nandhakumar, Patrick Stacey

2016 JAIS Best Paper Award
Inconsistent and Incongruent Frames During IT-enabled Change: An Action Research Study into Sales Process Innovation.  Brett W. Young, Lars Mathiassen, Elizabeth Davidson

2015 JAIS Best Paper Award
Seeing for Understanding: Unlocking the Potential of Visual Research in Information Systems.  Antonio Diaz Andrade, Cathy Urquhart, Tiru S. Arthanari

2014 JAIS Best Paper Award
The Historical Research Method and Information Systems Research.  Jaana Porra, Rudy Hirschheim, Michael S. Parks

2013 JAIS Best Paper Award
Work System Theory: Overview of Core Concepts, Extensions, and Challenges for the Future.  Steven Alter

2012 JAIS Best Paper Award
2013 AIS Best Infromation Systems Publication Award

A Glorious and Not-So-Short History of the Information Systems Field.  Rudy Hirschheim and Heinz K. Klein

2011 JAIS Best Paper Award
2012 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

Secondary Design: A Case of Behavioral Design Science Research. Matt Germonprez, Dirk Hovorka, and Uri Gal

2010 JAIS Best Paper Award
2011 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

Theory-Driven Design Framework for Social Recommender Systems. Ofer Arazy, Nanda Kumar and Bracha Shapira

2009 JAIS Best Paper Award
2010 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

Sequential Adoption Theory: A Theory for Understanding Herding Behavior in Early Adoption of Novel Technologies. Eric A. Walden and Glenn J. Browne

2008 JAIS Best Paper Award
2008 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

A Foundation for the Study of IT Effects: A New Look at DeSanctis and Poole’s Concepts of Structural Features and Spirit. M. Lynne Markus and Mark S. Silver

2007 JAIS Best Paper Award
2007 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

The Anatomy of a Design Theory. Shirley Gregor and David Jones

2006 JAIS Best Paper Award
2006 AIS Best Information Systems Publication Award

The Impact of IT on Market Information and Transparency: A Unified Theoretical Framework. Nelson F. Granados, Alok Gupta and Robert J. Kauffman