Changing how America Saves, one Young Worker at a time.

America Saves for Young Workers is a free program for youth employers. It’s easy to implement and promotes positive saving behaviors while building financial confidence in young adults.

Giving our young people the tools they need for the future they want.

Fact: Most young people know saving is important; they just aren’t sure how to actually save. We show them how.

Starting with their very first paycheck, young workers take action and learn the building blocks of financial stability. They are guided through opening accounts, utilizing direct deposit, and saving automatically.

The best part of all? Once you’ve taken the easy steps of setting up the program for your organization, America Saves for Young Workers does the rest! It’s a turnkey financial capability solution.


Employers sign up to become an America Saves for Young Workers partner. The America Saves for Young Workers Team then guides you through implementing the program, giving support and assistance, and providing targeted resources for your youth employees.

Young Workers are introduced to the program via your unique webpage that America Saves provides its partners. Once they access your unique link and take the America Saves for Young Workers Pledge, the program is on “autopilot.”

Our tools and resources support youth employees with a relatable and simple approach to saving for short-term and long-term goals with strategies like splitting your direct deposit and saving automatically.

Sign Up to be a Partner Program

Start helping your employees develop a lifetime savings habit today.

A program that affords maximum impact for your youth employees with minimal output from your staff.

America Saves for Young Workers is a turnkey financial capability solution for youth employers. The program goes beyond the normal "financial literacy" information and gives them real-life actions that promotes positive savings habits. Together we, ASYW and you, guide the young people of America toward a stable future where they can be confident about their finances.

America Saves for Young Workers Partner Benefits:

  • Our program and resources are available at no cost to you.
  • After initial enrollment America Saves will provide continuous support to both you AND your youth employees.
  • We provide a suite of resources for your organization to share annually.
  • Reporting, outreach, and other insights that meet consumer privacy practices are available.
  • Direct support from the America Saves team to guide you to success.
  • The program affords maximum impact for your youth employees with minimal output from your staff.

Youth Employee Benefits

  • Employees receive support grounded in behavioral science with a no-shaming approach and created to encourage them to take action.
  • Down-to-earth, relatable tools, resources, and solutions that are easy to incorporate into their daily lives.
  • Assists in helping to identify and meet those short-term and long-term savings goals using best practices like splitting direct deposit and automatic savings.
  • Those who take the America Saves for Young Workers Pledge will receive ongoing engagement opportunities via email, text messaging, and social media.
  • Participation in a program that goes beyond financial literacy to build financial confidence.

Join the 34 organizations who are America Saves for Young Workers partners and are doing their part to instill positive savings habits now and financial stability always.

Need more information?

Whether you’d like to learn more before making a decision to become an America Saves for Young Workers Partner or you’d just like to casually stay up to date on the latest info enter your email below. We’ll meet you in your inbox!

Impact On Young Workers

  • The program focuses on teaching young workers the building blocks to financial stability, which are are owning an account, utilizing direct deposit, and saving automatically.
  • America Saves for Young Workers who participated in the program in 2021 pledged to save an average of $2100+ over 5 months.
  • The top savings goals for Young Workers who participate in the program are Education (18%), Emergency Funds (17%), and Clothing & Shoes (14%).

What Happens When I Sign Up?

Once employers sign up to become an America Saves for Young Workers partner, you’ll receive a welcome email with guidance on incorporating the program into your organization. You’ll also be invited to speak directly with a member of the America Saves for Young Workers team. 

Of course, our team will reach out to you! However, you may feel free to contact the America Saves for Young Workers Team at [email protected].

Sign Up to be a Partner Program

Start helping your employees develop a lifetime savings habit today.