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Jon Gruden Drops In On UT's Statistics Class ... Sucks At Zoom

Jon Gruden dropped in and surprised an online Univ. of Tennessee stats class this week ... and it was hilarious -- mostly because the guy absolutely sucks at using Zoom!!

The Raiders head coach -- who has an affinity for the Vols (remember #Grumors?) -- surprised a group of students Thursday that included star RB Ty Chandler ... but he didn't exactly pull off the drop-in without a hitch.

As soon as JG busted in the class ... his camera wasn't working and students couldn't see him. Later, the 56-year-old had a hell of a time trying to sign out.

But, hey! In between all of that -- Gruden's visit was cool as hell!!!

Gruden ribbed Chandler (a 2021 NFL Draft prospect), provided messages of encouragement for the young students and even got a "Spider 2 Y Banana" shoutout from the teacher. Good times, right?

As for why this happened ... Chuckie's always had a great relationship with UT -- he once was a grad assistant at the school and his wife was actually a former Vols cheerleader.

Rocky Top and all that ... but better make sure that Zoom is working properly by Thursday's draft, coach!

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